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Melee Blocking able to Deflect Bullets


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Nothing gets be down more than Roleplaying a Jedi Knight with a Lightsaber mod and getting shot into hamburgers.


I can imagine it's the same for those playing as your typical anime character or final fantasy style hero.


Is there any way for blocking with a Melee weapon to block/reduce damage from bullets? I play with Real Gun Damage enabled, and even without it it's annoying to kill a group of enemies with nasty guns.


It would be cool if it could stop damage entirely; but that may also be a little gamebreaking. Perhaps when blocking the player gains a DR bonus?


Anyway; it would sure make my Jedi character feel a lot more like a Jedi if I could block and withstand a hail of bullets rather than carrying a backpack full of Stims to every fight.

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It would be dumb to deflect regular shots. I mean the lightsaber is an energy weapon, even if it's meele. So why don't just block the plasma and laser damage ? Am, Idk if it's gonna work or not, but it's reasonable I think.


Thats a good point; but that was only a segment of the request^^


I agree, just blocking the projectiles would be better. That way the mod would work with other fantasy style weapons also.


A lightsaber simply melts bullets/slugs. So yeah, it blocks rather than deflects. It was my bad wording since; since I'm not sure it's even possible to make things deflect in this game. I'll see if I can edit the thread title.


Edit: Sadly I can't edit the title, and the term Deflect might turn away someone who could make the bullets at least do no damage. If a Mod see's this please could they be kind enough to change Deflect to Block in the title?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe give a high DR bonus while blocking. So high that it almost blocks out all of the damage.


That would be one way to do it.


Shame no one else is inerested enough in melee to lend a hand with this. =(

I like the idea. But unfortunately I don't have the skill for it :( I can't do scripting or animations. I hope this mod makes it though, I would really like to go all ninja style blocking bullets with wakizashis and such XD

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I have thought about this idea myself. I, myself, wanted a mod where my character would hold my pistol of choice in the left hand while using my melee weapon. The pistol would not be used, just be there, as if I switched hands. So in essence I think it would be a type of clothing, a glove that has a pistol attached. BUT, to get to the point here, perhaps having a "glove" mod that adds an extra weapon, doable like a piece of clothing from the wonderful Tailor Maid mod (all respects to the creators). The glove adds to the DR, and thus adds to the effect. Might work out, with the thoughts that a melee user would be able to predict movement in order to dodge, use the free hand to cover parts of the body, and of course increase blocking ability. SO what if this added DR was only applied while blocking? Then perhaps it would give the effect that was fore mentioned by bfg10k17, at least I think that was his intended idea.


Thank you for reading my thoughts on this matter,



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Mininuke being blocked would fit perfectly with most anime style characters. How many times have you need a character hit by an "ultimate atack!one!!" only to be stood grinning and unharmed after the smoke has cleared?


As for Sniper's and Headshots from behind, well, without getting very complex the mod could never work for every situation. And personally I'd prefer not to die from a Sniper than the current situation of using like 5 Stimpacks per fight.

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