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Fallout3 Shortcomings & your ideas


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I only use third person to watch me smoke a cig or maybe watch AP on the rare occasion I bother. In other words I use 3rd person when I'm bored and never in combat. I love the immersion of first person combat and exploration. But that is I am sure one reason Bethesda does so well with their games, we are both happy and playing. :thumbsup:
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I think people take for granted that Fallout gives you the option to change, which I personally like because I switch between the two a lot. But the mechanics do suffer for that.


True. I guess I don't really see the benefit personally since I only use first person.


I guess this sort of sums up everything bethesda was doing. Making it "decent" in a wide variety of categories without going indepth in any one area.

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I do understand that Beth's games tend to be "Jack of all trades, Master of none" titles.


I do use both first & third person views, I like the situational awareness of seeing my character in ration to the environment of third but also being a old school IdSoft & related (Dooms, Quakes & Heretic-Hexen games) shooter player I really use the precision of the FP mode


to me what would help is if the camera tracking could be made more consistent between both modes of viewing

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I think people take for granted that Fallout gives you the option to change, which I personally like because I switch between the two a lot. But the mechanics do suffer for that.


True. I guess I don't really see the benefit personally since I only use first person.


I guess this sort of sums up everything bethesda was doing. Making it "decent" in a wide variety of categories without going indepth in any one area.


That is pretty much the point I was trying to make :smile:


You don't have to like Bethesda's decision to choose to add in a 3rd person camera and the like, that is all a matter of opinion, no one will EVER make everyone happy. I just think it should be taken into acount when yo judge the ability of the game studio.


Enstead of saying that Bethesda is lazy and bad at what they do because certain parts arn't great, it is more appropriate to say that they spent too much time on features that you don't really use to the rest of the game suffered because of it.


I don't think everyone should agree with what Bethesda did in areas, I just wish more people would appreciate that even though you might not agree with some of the design choices and compromises they made, the designers are not bad or lazy. You may not see them as your favorite or one of the top studios, but I don't think it is fair to think that they don't know what they are doing and that they didn't do everything withing their power to make the best game they could.




I don't know anyone from Bethesda personally, but I do know several people that work in the game industry, and I can tell you that pretty much everyone that makes it as a game designer is very passionate about what they do. People don't put in the work to become game designers just because they think it is an easy way to rip people off and make money by selling you carp for 60$ a peice.


All the people that I have met out there are doing the best job they possibly can do within the limitations they are given. No one is ever completly satisfied with the final product, but everyone does the best they can, not to turn out another game and make money, but because they want to make the best game they possibly can.




I am always happy to discuss how a different choice of mechanics could make a game better or whatever, but as someone who is trying to become a game designer I personally find it offensive to see people just ripping on how bad and lazy a company is.




But that is just my opinion, take it for what it is.

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Compromise: Mass Effect-style third person. :biggrin: In Fallout 3 I rely heavily on first-person in interior spaces, but the third-person camera in Mass Effect worked pretty well outdoors and in.
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Compromise: Mass Effect-style third person. :biggrin: In Fallout 3 I rely heavily on first-person in interior spaces, but the third-person camera in Mass Effect worked pretty well outdoors and in.


That is deffinatly the direction I would go...


But you can't expect everyone to be as good as Bioware.

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You know, the problem is, people are expecting too much from Bethesda. They wrote dialogue that is used by the hundreds of characters in Fallout, dozens having totally unique dialogue. Now, when you say that the NPC's should react to mass murders when your are talking to them, that's asking to much. You're essentially asking Bethesda to record and write hundreds of new dialogue for the certain quests, all of the NPC's, a fool's errand I should say. And, when you say Fo3 did not live up to the Fo1 and Fo2 name, I think it surpassed them. Albeit the game is in third person, which deviates from the isometric view and hexagon movement of the first two, it' still more flexible than they are. Also, Fo3 is much more concentrated and has much more content than the other games. Fallout 2 may cover Colorado, Nevada, Cali., Washington, Oregon, and several other states, it's very dispersed and there are only about a dozen points of interest and you have random encounters between travel, which unless you have a high outdoorsman skill and some perks, that you can't avoid. Plus the battle is much more streamlined than the other games where you could be standing one hex away from the enemy with a pistol, and only have a 30% chance of hitting them.


Another thing that Fo3 has is a much more explorer like aspect to it, and more lore to be learned through exploring than just talking to NPC's.

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This little budget game from 2001 called Darkened Skye has better animations than Fallout3



See for yourselves. There is proper body movement in the this game. When you look around in the game, your waist actually turns naturally. Even the hair is animated.


Wanna guess which game has the higher budget?

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You know, the problem is, people are expecting too much from Bethesda. They wrote dialogue that is used by the hundreds of characters in Fallout, dozens having totally unique dialogue. Now, when you say that the NPC's should react to mass murders when your are talking to them, that's asking to much. You're essentially asking Bethesda to record and write hundreds of new dialogue for the certain quests, all of the NPC's, a fool's errand I should say. And, when you say Fo3 did not live up to the Fo1 and Fo2 name, I think it surpassed them. Albeit the game is in third person, which deviates from the isometric view and hexagon movement of the first two, it' still more flexible than they are. Also, Fo3 is much more concentrated and has much more content than the other games. Fallout 2 may cover Colorado, Nevada, Cali., Washington, Oregon, and several other states, it's very dispersed and there are only about a dozen points of interest and you have random encounters between travel, which unless you have a high outdoorsman skill and some perks, that you can't avoid. Plus the battle is much more streamlined than the other games where you could be standing one hex away from the enemy with a pistol, and only have a 30% chance of hitting them.


Another thing that Fo3 has is a much more explorer like aspect to it, and more lore to be learned through exploring than just talking to NPC's.


You are posting your ideas on the wrong topic :) Create a topic related to your ideas (ie: good things about Fallout3), and I'll happily contribute to that topic.

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You know, the problem is, people are expecting too much from Bethesda. They wrote dialogue that is used by the hundreds of characters in Fallout, dozens having totally unique dialogue. Now, when you say that the NPC's should react to mass murders when your are talking to them, that's asking to much. You're essentially asking Bethesda to record and write hundreds of new dialogue for the certain quests, all of the NPC's, a fool's errand I should say.


The thing is, I don't think anyone who is insulting Beth for the dialogue has ever even attempted to write interactive dialogue.


Some people just seem to love throwing out judgement over things they havn't tried to do or even tried to understand, and that doesn't just apply to this topic, but life in general.

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