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Area 51


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Something's fishy about that air base near Vegas. You know the one that fires strange things into the air and claims that alledged UFO sitings nearby are all just a bunch of people who probley didn't get enough sleep. That is to say when thousands of people see it, its harder to believe. So 51, what is your secret? Why do you fly your workers in the base via airplanes with no logo, no windows, each the exact same. Tell us if you will, why is it that when workers work, they do so in confined areas, forbidden to wander outside their "office" without being shot. What's with the lights that no one has ever seen or can explain. Why is it that we can't zoom in on your base through satellite imaging? Can you really explain to us why it is that your being so careful about not to let anyone in, that even the President is banned from entering? Are you hiding something in there? Why can't you tell us, is it really that dangerous to reveal? And so I must ask the good gamers of Nexus, why is it that area 51 is acting like it commited a crime, or did something it really shouldn't have done?
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You are right, it is fishy. IMO, Area 51 is the worlds biggest red herring. Sure some secret work is being done there. But the real bleeding edge secret stuff is being done somewhere else while everyone, news media, foreign spies, conspiracy theorists and even you has their attention focused on Area 51. The real conspiracy at Area 51 is there is no conspiricy there (any more). What they are hiding is really an empty shell, and even the people responsible for security there don't know it.


For years Lockheed ran their Skunk Works in Burbank California, just down the road from Universal Studios. They developed the U2, SR-71, F-117 stealth fighter and other stuff that we may never hear of there. The testing was moved to Groom Lake, now known as Area 51, because at the time it was an little used nearly unknown location with a big dry lake bed that could be used as a huge runway.


Where is today's equivalent of the Skunk Works? I seriously doubt if it is anywhere near Groom Lake. Where are the testing the real secret stuff? There are hundreds of smaller little known airfields scattered in the vast wilderness of the US west. Many on unmarked US Government owned land. Others on land owned, but no longer used by the corporations that own the land. A quiet deal between some oil co that has an unused airstrip in New Mexico or West Texas and either Lockheed Martin or Boeing/McDonald Douglass and the government would make for a new secret temporary test facility. As soon as the public learns of it, it quietly moves to another secret facility that has been kept as a spare. And some innocuous semi secret project moves in.

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I was on watch one night back in '99 and my sponsor came bursting through the door, she was furious. She slammed a newspaper on my desk and demanded to know "what the **** is this" and me being the clown I am and quite terrified at the moment responded "a 3-week old newspaper?" The noise brought our watch-chief around and examining the paper (which was from her hometown) showed that her transfer orders had been published in the local news.


Hometown Navy News was nothing new, but the questions here were, 1. why is someone with our particular skill set being sent to "Area 51" and 2. why the heck was it in Hometown news? Our chief starts laughing and says that sometimes they do stuff like that just for publicity and he assured her she was not going to Area 51 because "it'd be like sending her on a year-long paid vacation."

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Of course there's a lot of secrets there, just like all other US military base. Probably they making a weapon that looks like alien technology, so they could fool people.

into believing there is an big alien invasion like in independance day. :biggrin:


anyway i pretty much see it the same as ben.



the light phenomena generally speaking are simply

a sort of plasma. high energy contained within a field sometimes moving about at insane speeds.


how they do it we dont know. who we dont know.

inteliigent for sure.


there are just an overhelming amount of reports by pilots both civic and military all over the world. pretty hillarious. once someone actually fired a cannon after one of those things.


.... :laugh:



but as far as i know the topic was also about area 51 right? kk.

carry on. :thumbsup:

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Okay then, forgot about "so they could fool people" that I said earlier. But I still think that EVERY US military base have many secrets, no doubt.


But the military isn't that stupid to keep one of the most top secrets they have on a place so popular.

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Okay then, forgot about "so they could fool people" that I said earlier. But I still think that EVERY US military base have many secrets, no doubt.


But the military isn't that stupid to keep one of the most top secrets they have on a place so popular.



Would the tech be released ,besides the fact that we dont even know how far they are in development (never as good as our visitors thats for sure since for that you need to be in the right spirit too and that just dont come over night :wink:) , still this would most probably shift the whole society we are in right now.


As a result things would become quite transparent and old power structures break up.


Like Nikola Tesla said over a hundred years back already: The oil businesss has to be stopped in interest of coming generations. It is barbarous.


This does not need to stay in the shadows and for quite a few poeple it is very transparent what issue inside create the landscape on the outside humanity

is in right now.


Almost cute and funny. I dont know.

Really there is nothing to hide in the universe.


Sooner or later this gonna come out by itself and the bubble burst.


Human kind will move on with more of an integrity.

Respect. Love.

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And so I must ask the good gamers of Nexus, why is it that area 51 is acting like it commited a crime, or did something it really shouldn't have done?
It is called Magicians Class 101. Wave your left hand wildly at the audience and direct their attention to something that will catch their full attention while you really work your magic with the right hand.


...and it might also be the headquarters for the MiB.





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