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Can someone please analize my Papyrus Log?


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I know that black textures use to happen for me when my card was running out of VRAM.


Also, you should try the memory patch. It will most likely stop your CTD from leaving/entering places. That is if you don't have it already. I think too many people assume everyone uses it at this point, and I've found loads of people who haven't been. Also ENB boost may help with your black texture problems, assuming they aren't black from the missing texture files. Which I don't think the case, if I recall right, they turn purple in that event.)


I would still start a new game though if you have installed/uninstalled gameplay type mods. Textures and meshes generally are fine though to remove. It should be noted though that some Texture/mesh mods have an esp included with and therefore may NOT be safe to uninstall mid game. You really would just have to check on things like that.

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Have you considered using Mod Organizer? It is a very handy tool for mod users. Allows you to have different profiles with different mod setups for each. It would help to reduce problems that might arise when you've removed a mod or two for one character and forget to include them for another.


Well, I indeed mentioned that I use Mod Organizer. And yeah, I also though of using that feature of creating the files for the characters and their respective mods.


EDIT: I'm doing it right now.

Edited by Joedpa
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