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How to survive a disease apochalapse


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How are we going to do it? Keep these in mind.


1. How to stay safe from the disease.

2. How to get water when the system shuts down.

3. How to get food once the Super market is clean.

4. How to protect yourself from raiders.

5. Where to go.

6. How to survive in a desert and a snow year round community.

7. How to properly mend a wound when the pharmacy is no longer an option.

8. How to properly sanitize things.

9. How to cope without electricity and common luxuries.

10.How to aquire transportation if walking is impossible.

11.Where to migrate to better areas of resources.

12.How to protect ones self.

13.How to find/build shelter.

14.How to rebuild the community.

15.What people to trust.

16.How to reconize the "laws" of an apochtaliptic community.


Did I leave anything out?

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Foolptoof method to atleast have a fighting chance in almost any apacolypse.


1)Take a Martial Arts Class

2)Learn basic first aid

3)go camping (this teaches self reliance and answers lots of the afforementioned questions)

4)Acquire and learn to use a firearm efficiently



rather simple formula Ive yet to have it fail me. Not to say one may not fail to follow it.

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Easy, I have a full face mask & filter to start (Working)

I have camped for 3 months on end.

I have common sense.

I know that to sanitize things, you should boil them in EXTREMELY hot water but for things that cannot be submerged, use the steam from the water. (If you want the explanation, PM me)

I have a firearms license. (Category H if you wanna know)

I know basic first aid.

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I have a firearms license. (Category H if you wanna know)


Australian Firearm Classification


Category A: air rifles, rimfire rifles (.22 calibre), and shotguns (not pump action).

Category B: centrefire rifles, shotgun/centrefire combinations.

Category H: pistols


I think you are going to need something with longer reach than a sidearm, unless close quarters is something you prefer.

Category B looks much more promising.

Reminded once again of the value of the 2ND Amendment.

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I'd think that when the apocalypse comes, and government is dissolved due to disease, nobody will give a flying F*@# whether you have a class A, B, or C lisence. Just pull up to your local gun-store, grab an gun, and have some fun.


A little card that says you can own a pistol will do jack against anything when you are in a gunfight with someone with an M80 who just robbed an empty military base.

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A little card that says you can own a pistol will do jack against anything when you are in a gunfight with someone with an M80 who just robbed an empty military base.

*shoots person throwing large firecrackers me*


Trandoshan does have a point though.

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I can answer this in one rule...


1). You DON'T Survive.


No... Really, who wants to try and life through that disease infested hell on Earth? If a disease is bad enough to cripple the government and most of society, chances are that you won't be part of that unlucky 30% that lives anyway. The lucky ones are the ones who die first, or those who survive the infection long enough to take out a few looters/psychopaths in the resulting chaos. It's this survival mentally of lawlessness which would do far more harm than any disease that might have triggered it.


And for the record, more people have died due to drunk driving in the last month than anyone has died due to the swine flu, world wide, since it started. When panic and fear-mongering win out, we all pay the price.

Edited by Vagrant0
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It is much harder to use a pistol than a rifle.
I would say it is much harder to "effectively" use a pistol over a rifle. I learned to shoot a rifle accurately very quick and in a repeatable manner...however a pistol requires much more trained muscle control. It doesn't get much easier to use than a simple revolver pistol...the original "point-n-click" device. However, making the bullet reach its target is a whole other discussion...and a whole other discussion beyond that is making a bullet hit its intended target while in a gunfight / adrenaline-inducing situation. But really, just about any weapon will do...but you have to be TRAINED to use it. It has been said by a wise person that "you will not rise to the occasion when called for, you will only rise to the level of training you have MASTERED." Going to a single class and learning how to shoot is not a level of mastery. Learning how to shoot a target standing still, 20 feet in front of you is not a level of mastery that will be required. You have to train in and master the situation that causes an adrenaline-induced situation....and no, that lazer dot ain't gonna make up for it. ;)


As for the debate, I won't bother re-stating what Vagrant0 has already said...I would however like to live long enough to put down some lawless idiots. ;)



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