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How to survive a disease apochalapse


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This post has been edited by CommanderCrazy: Today, 02:36 PM

You might want to edit that again to be a bit less insensitive, racially and otherwise...


I would hope that you don't mean that you intend to suggest such a thing hitting one of the most populous countries in the world is a good thing... Especially since a major disease that had managed to claim that many lives in that one country would almost certainly result in millions more deaths in all other countries simply due to the lack of an effective quarantine strategy and that particular governments tendency to brush things like this under the carpet. And, rest assured, if there was a serious pandemic, the best place for survival would probably be in one of those remote mountain villages. The US on the otherhand would be screwed the moment there was any sort of breach or failure to respond. Blame it on all our fancy roads.


Although the world might need some better population controls, disease is not a good means of accomplishing this since it can really quickly get out of hand.

Edited by Vagrant0
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actually a different topic but the "normal" flu kills about 400k people a year... i know a bunch who had swine flu and all agreed its like a mild form of the usual flu, nasty but nothing as terrible as the politicans and the media made us believe

all recorded death incidents actually were people who died of aspiration problems and the media just made them swine flu victims, swine flu however cant be proven after the patient is dead.


The fear was not that the swine flu would spread in its basic form but that it would mutate as did the flu that killed so many millions of people after World War One. Before the pandemic started, the original flu was much less deadly.


The bunch of people you know got the basic form but if the flu had mutated, thankfully it did not, then it would have been a whole other story.


As for 'aspiration' problems killing people, pandemics often kill through secondary means as the immune system, the whole body, can no longer resist other health problems. Think of all the people, especially old people, who have died from pneumonia though it wasn't the main reason they got sick in the first place.


As for media and politicians, they will always further their own causes, but in this case they were right.

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  • 2 weeks later...


bs the poloticians were right it wasnt a global academic killing hundreds of thousands like they made it out to be true it couldve mutated but if it had all our vaccines wouldve been useless anyway. They also didnt warn the populace thatcthe possibility for mutation was the reason for all the precautions instead they along wuth the media made it out to be a "the end is nigh" but we may be able to stop it loads of bs. I had swine flu and they couldnt do anything for me but tell me to drink lots of fluids and take symptom suppressors i only had it for a little while and it wasnt bad (hell only reason i went to a doctor was cause itd been a week) it was blown tremendously out of preportion if it had mutated we were fudged we wouldntve been able to make a new vaccine to stop it if it became deadly in time. Poloticians just used it to look like philanthropists and the media for a ratings bump


OOT: maybe we sjoild continue the swine subject in a new topic...


Ill take the knife and a rifle then ill use my brain to make the rest hahaa boy scouts inherit the earth

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