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Flaming Katana


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I'm wanting to make the katana model have a flaming effect like the shiskabab. I assume there is a node in the shiskabab mesh that controls this effect. Would it be possible to transfer this node to the katana and to shape it to fit the katana?
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yeah you could do that.


you could use a particle system also. I used one as a sword blade- from the flamer. i was using the geck viewer to see my results as I tweaked it, but it doesn't look like that in game for whatever reason. works though

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you don't need to do anything to use the particle system, just make sure the animation sequence is set to cycle and it'll play.


you have to be carefull with them. Basically use the nif that has your donor particle system as the base for the nif, and paste in all your bits. You will run into problems getting the system into a different nif.


the parameters are a tad complex. so it might take you awhile to figure out what everything does. if you know about particle systems/made any before, the parameters kinda make sense.


unfortunately there is no way to export custom particle systems into fallout. So you have to kinda know what you are doing, or be prepared to fight the damn thing to the death.


nifskope won't preview them. and the geck renders them differently to the game- they'll not look the same. So you are kinda having to give it a best guess, look at the thing in the geck model previewer. andthen check what is happening in game.

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