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Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


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Human histroy, a marvel is it not? We started out as primitive bacteria, slowly evolving and rising up the food chain. Before we knew it we were apes, then men dominating the landscape. We cleared the land, united our people, and went on to fantastic things. We all did it by ourselfs. Or did we? For over 10,000 years of human civilization, our species began to solve problems at a rate unseen before on the Earth since the millions of years it has witnessed life. We learned to mimic mother nature by growing our own food, copied mountains as we rose monuments into the sky, followed the ways of avalanches and rock slides to create mushroom clouds of cataclysmic destruction, and did what the grass hopper did and took a jump so high that it landed us on the moon. We all said it was a miricale, perhaps thats exactly what happened. What many people ask is if wether or not aliens played a role in Civilization. Did they not perhaps see our potential and decided to raise us up into one of them? Did they not teach us all the basics of civilized living that continues to this day? What really happened, did a visit occur that would change the Earth forever?
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That's just substituting the word "God" with the word "aliens."


It's not all that surprising. If you read a college text on the theory of relativity (as many of us had to do for class), you find that you, an average Joe, understands it perfectly well. Humans are very smart creatures.


And humans of ancient history are *just as smart* as you are. Hence they can build pyramids, hence they can sail the oceans, make steel, etc. There is no miracle. Simply human ingenuity.

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Well, most likely, somewhere in the Universe, there is some sort of sentient life other than us. The universe is 156 billion light years wide, which is 186,000 (speed of light in miles per second) times 31,556,926 (seconds in a year) times 156 billion. That's how many miles wide it is. BIG BIG BIG number.
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How many is based on pure fact? What do you really know besides: I am?


Every smart human being knows TIME is NOW.


As such it should not surprise you how the human beings like for instance the egyptians who had a very deep connection build such marvelous things.


Or how the mayan know very well of time and deep cycles as such that have to do with 2012.


You dont need computers.


Time is not a dead thing.


Traveling into the deepest depth is the oldest science of man and most effective.


It is the scale of how well a society functions.


It is the scale wether your science be skewed or not.


With just a small sense of I AM much will become clear of itself.


You gotta get to know the life force.


The container having the knowledge is a runing joke.


Dont be afraid of it.


Go look up the aboriginals and the rainbow snake for instance or Maha Kal.


Research the mystery. Dont stop at book knowledge.


(Of course it has its role and function given as has all here even the sheep but it should not dominate what is wanting to bloom and that.....is about feeling........ it will inform cells in your body to align and open up to new currents......currents not known yet by any body.... surely you know of the talk like 10% brain only active.......... what if i tell you there is intelligence over the whole body not just brain......all over the place there is intelligence....that even has been mapped out since over... i dunno... latest record we know of 4000 years :laugh: multiple cultures on and off yes but never the whole earth at once which is now :smile: )

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But then who play a part on the aliens that play a part on us ? (does it make sense)


And also then who play a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that played a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that play a part on human civilization.

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But then who play a part on the aliens that play a part on us ? (does it make sense)


And also then who play a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that played a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that play a part on the aliens that play a part on human civilization.

It is all life force.


After that words kinda tend to fail hard to explain.


So people came with mantra. Although for that again one has to ventrue very deep to understand the mechanics behind it.


You dont just make up a word and play robot. That would be an inadvisable life style and bring you nowhere.


It has to be given a subtle current and unless one has not been that level you are unable to grasp nor begin to understand.


So you go somewhere who already got a pathway laid out that can carry you via the current and awaken that



It comes in many diffrent styles.

Not all people are the same.


Other beings may visit but is unlikely anyone there is gonna chase them lol. Much work to be done and life is short.

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I believe 100% . . .


If Sci-fi isn't this popular, rarely anyone will think about aliens playing a role in human history.



There you got it: Belief...!

Unfortunately, the role of aliens is nothing but the deus ex machina, the beloved ersatz-deity of modern man, the heavily wanted father figur from afar, negating the sad fact that we're living at the back of beyond of our galaxy...



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@Retribution: Google the Fermi Paradox to see your theory fully developed.


By Enrico Fermi, a very well known and highly respected Nobel prize winning physicist who built the first nuclear reactor. This guy was not a tin foil hat theorist, he was a real top notch scientist who actually did the math - and asked "Why do we see no signs of intelligent life?"


The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.


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