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Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


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Even in the Hebrew-Christian tradition, many things can arguably be interpreted in this light. Religion aside, all of these concepts HAD to have come from somewhere, and they HAD to be common enough for the same sort of consistency to exist across cultures, space, and time.

That might be just Kundalini Phenomena desribed in theses scriptures.

If poeple dont have it they wont be able to refer.


Rocking or light. All this things described like fire in the house is kundalini most certainly.

Angel beings and so forth. This stuff can pass by but must not.



Even today poeple dont know that it is all by mind.

Mind can be very diverse in the illusion it produces.


So when it goes what kundalini in essence is then all this stuff passes by.


Spring cleaning. :thumbsup:



One can also find it in aboriginies culture as rainbow snake and dreamtime or in the maya and egyptian traditions and of course in asia.

Simply self there is no alien.

I don't quite follow. The point I'm making is that there are far too many similarities between how cultures regarded heavenly beings, angels or otherwise, for it to have just been dreamed up by someone out of the blue. People who are having a hard time surviving in their environment don't just randomly decide to carve a vivid depiction of some random dream on a stone tablet or go to great personal effort to share their vision. A person who speaks of some sort of vision MUST have a vision that makes enough sense to those around them to avoid being seen as a lunatic. The concept of aliens didn't just happen, something must have actually existed to provide a basis for this belief.


It didn't just suddenly happen without some sort of precedent. The idea of people from the sky had to have come from somewhere since you normally would not have people who live in the sky. And as the archeological and historical record on the subject has encounters (arguably) dating back beyond 500 B.C. most of which were unknown until modern time, the idea has not only existed far back in time, but also experienced periods of time where the idea was no longer being propagated. Pilots in WWII who encountered UFOs didn't know what they were seeing, didn't make any connections with Extraterrestrials, and there was no precedence for what they described, and yet most of what they were reporting has similarities with accounts which were made centuries prior.

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The inference I believe you are trying to make, Vagrant, is that all mythology may have to do with alien beings or their actions. Mythology being the Ark of the Covenant, Ten Commandments, Mohammud's dream of the one true religion, the Egyptian and Celtic use of monuments to track the heavens, Jesus' ascension to heaven, and Greek/Roman belief of the god's residing on Mount Olympus. These all could have been acts of alien intrusion, but then again... that too is just a belief.


Sadly, if I were not afraid of divine retribution, I would agree with the former statement. I can't imagine god as anything else than divine. A hard thing to swallow, but it does make sense vaguely. Perhaps the Aliens favored the Jewish people, and lead them out of Egypt. Advanced technology could easily make a fire tornado, or part a sea. A talking burning bush? hmph....

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Some ufologist says there's more evidence of aliens for example some paints in Wandjina Cavern in Australia that shows an alien in a spacesuit and other cavern paints around the world that shows abductions.

And dangerous approaching from the religious topic there is the famous case of the Chariot of Fire thats takes the Prophet Elijah to heavens. That was (according some ufologist) UFOS

Of course it's only speculations as none of the "proofs' is solid enough.

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The inference I believe you are trying to make, Vagrant, is that all mythology may have to do with alien beings or their actions. Mythology being the Ark of the Covenant, Ten Commandments, Mohammud's dream of the one true religion, the Egyptian and Celtic use of monuments to track the heavens, Jesus' ascension to heaven, and Greek/Roman belief of the god's residing on Mount Olympus. These all could have been acts of alien intrusion, but then again... that too is just a belief.


Sadly, if I were not afraid of divine retribution, I would agree with the former statement. I can't imagine god as anything else than divine. A hard thing to swallow, but it does make sense vaguely. Perhaps the Aliens favored the Jewish people, and lead them out of Egypt. Advanced technology could easily make a fire tornado, or part a sea. A talking burning bush? hmph....

On the contrary, I am not suggesting anything so rash nor assuming. I am merely stating that there has to have been some precedence somewhere which gives form to the way these things are interpreted. Even in madness, what is seen must be interpreted by means of the concepts that are already present.


Unfortunately, one cannot argue for the existence of life from outside the earth without intruding on beliefs which insist that such life absolutely cannot exist. If the universe is empty of intelligent life, it sure as heck seems like a rather large waste of space just for the benefit of providing a nice image to look at. And it sure as heck seems like a rather big waste of effort to continue fighting over territory on this one tiny speck of a world when there are billions of other ones out there just sitting empty. Meaning that this discussion should probably not be approached by those with any serious theological hangups as we all know how that will end. When you really get down to it, none of us really have any answers on either subject, which is probably why the very notion has existed for as long as it has.


Don't get me wrong, most of those "I've been abducted, repeatedly" crowd are probably total wackjobs, and most of the "science" on the subject has degraded to about the consistency of tabloid trash and 1950's sci-fi cheese, but that doesn't mean that there isn't some substance to it once you move beyond the crazies and conventions. The same, arguably, can be said of most religions.

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The point I'm making is that there are far too many similarities between how cultures regarded heavenly beings, angels or otherwise, for it to have just been dreamed up by someone out of the blue.
You know, there are a LOT of references all over the world in ancient times to dragons in one form or another. Maybe those are the aliens...which can also transform into human form which would explain a lot of the flying angels with wings and such. Wow, that could be made into a book or movie huh. :biggrin:



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The inference I believe you are trying to make, Vagrant, is that all mythology may have to do with alien beings or their actions. Mythology being the Ark of the Covenant, Ten Commandments, Mohammud's dream of the one true religion, the Egyptian and Celtic use of monuments to track the heavens, Jesus' ascension to heaven, and Greek/Roman belief of the god's residing on Mount Olympus. These all could have been acts of alien intrusion, but then again... that too is just a belief.


Sadly, if I were not afraid of divine retribution, I would agree with the former statement. I can't imagine god as anything else than divine. A hard thing to swallow, but it does make sense vaguely. Perhaps the Aliens favored the Jewish people, and lead them out of Egypt. Advanced technology could easily make a fire tornado, or part a sea. A talking burning bush? hmph....

On the contrary, I am not suggesting anything so rash nor assuming. I am merely stating that there has to have been some precedence somewhere which gives form to the way these things are interpreted. Even in madness, what is seen must be interpreted by means of the concepts that are already present.


Unfortunately, one cannot argue for the existence of life from outside the earth without intruding on beliefs which insist that such life absolutely cannot exist. If the universe is empty of intelligent life, it sure as heck seems like a rather large waste of space just for the benefit of providing a nice image to look at. And it sure as heck seems like a rather big waste of effort to continue fighting over territory on this one tiny speck of a world when there are billions of other ones out there just sitting empty. Meaning that this discussion should probably not be approached by those with any serious theological hangups as we all know how that will end. When you really get down to it, none of us really have any answers on either subject, which is probably why the very notion has existed for as long as it has.


Don't get me wrong, most of those "I've been abducted, repeatedly" crowd are probably total wackjobs, and most of the "science" on the subject has degraded to about the consistency of tabloid trash and 1950's sci-fi cheese, but that doesn't mean that there isn't some substance to it once you move beyond the crazies and conventions. The same, arguably, can be said of most religions.


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The point I'm making is that there are far too many similarities between how cultures regarded heavenly beings, angels or otherwise, for it to have just been dreamed up by someone out of the blue.
You know, there are a LOT of references all over the world in ancient times to dragons in one form or another. Maybe those are the aliens...which can also transform into human form which would explain a lot of the flying angels with wings and such. Wow, that could be made into a book or movie huh. :biggrin:



You never know... It's just crazy enough to make perfect sense. Or people just happened to dig up big bones that looked like lizards and other creatures, and created their own mythos around that. Elephant skulls are believed to be the inspiration behind the cyclops of Greek myth.

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The point I'm making is that there are far too many similarities between how cultures regarded heavenly beings, angels or otherwise, for it to have just been dreamed up by someone out of the blue.
You know, there are a LOT of references all over the world in ancient times to dragons in one form or another. Maybe those are the aliens...which can also transform into human form which would explain a lot of the flying angels with wings and such. Wow, that could be made into a book or movie huh. :biggrin:



You never know... It's just crazy enough to make perfect sense. Or people just happened to dig up big bones that looked like lizards and other creatures, and created their own mythos around that. Elephant skulls are believed to be the inspiration behind the cyclops of Greek myth.

Myth. Greeks got the inspiration or illusion of cyclops by finding an "elephant skull", same can go to other ancient carvings that are depicting mythological creatures, but then again, when Greeks first saw a man on horse from the east they thought it is a Man-Horse or "centaur", which is also another mythological creature.


this brings me to the fact that, their eyes were what they trusted blindly, even if the vision was not vivid enough, they would carve what they would see and because of the their superstitious nature, they wanted to believe that such thing exists. therefore, I believe that tricky eyes could have played a role, if you look at it this way: if you see something you have never seen before, you will be excited, your excitement blurs your vision and thus, you turn a Flying OXCART aircraft to a flying Saucer, the two of them are very alike.


we can't rely on ancient carvings by people of superstitious nature to answer our question regarding alien guests. it is quite possible other intelligent species exist, it is stated in Hebrew, Christians and Muslim Religions and Traditions, but their existence in our planet is vision which is dismissed and blurred.

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I still wonder why we find bones, even complete skeletons of the most rare reptiles, but not one little single tiny thing to hold in the hand, wich is not from this earth. Btw comets like Hyakutake ,Hale-Bopp and Halleys, comes by regularly and could explain light phenomenons in the sky.
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The modern man as the first who has ever dug out a dinosaur skeleton...

Don't even think about it! Please.


Moreover, there's a clear connection drawn by the ancient Hebrews in Egypt (or under Egyptian dominon) between the sea serpent, the Leviathan and the constellation of Draconis/Dragon (likewise present in the later Kabbalah) - in those days the polar star (Alpha-Draconis), thus all-important pointer for all sorts of land and sea travel and background of worldwide dragon tales, always in connection with bones found in the ground. No bones, no myth.

On the contrary, angels are more difficult to understand. In Hebrew it just means messenger, messenger between people on the ground and god in the heavens, beyond the sky. Now, to bypass the enormous distance one has to imitate the birds in the sky first, the flight, there is no popular alternative... except a later one - the Merkabah (throne chariot/'living creature') mysticism in the Babylonian colored Book of Ezekiel and elsewhere in the Old Testament, juncture to the four-wing female geniuses and mixed beings in the mythology of Assur and Babylon.

In the end you're perhaps familiar with Hebrew and cuneiform... but that's already all. The rest remains what it was before: Arguments from silence, interesting speculations without any practical value of benefit. Sad, but true!


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