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Why wont my mods work??


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I just just installed oblivion and now im installing the mods, and none will work, I do it all right, extract into data then move the .ESP file into the data folder, and then when i enable the mod and go in game, nothing works, please help!
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Well, depending on the mod you won't see it working until later. There are a lot of mods now that require the official and unofficial updates for Oblivion, and also OBSE. I would also recommend getting OBMM, BOSS, and Wyre Bash if you don't already. Other then those programs to help with your mods, you need to be a little more specific on what you mean by wont work. If you are seeing yellow stars with big exclamation marks then you installed meshes wrong. If you are seeing invisible clothing and creatures(well, more like not seeing the clothes and creatures) then you installed the textures wrong. Also make sure you activate the mods before you run Oblivion. You can do this one of 3 ways. You can use either Wyre Bash or OBMM to pull up the list, or run the Oblivion launcher and go into Data Files and check them.
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Well, depending on the mod you won't see it working until later. There are a lot of mods now that require the official and unofficial updates for Oblivion, and also OBSE. I would also recommend getting OBMM, BOSS, and Wyre Bash if you don't already. Other then those programs to help with your mods, you need to be a little more specific on what you mean by wont work. If you are seeing yellow stars with big exclamation marks then you installed meshes wrong. If you are seeing invisible clothing and creatures(well, more like not seeing the clothes and creatures) then you installed the textures wrong. Also make sure you activate the mods before you run Oblivion. You can do this one of 3 ways. You can use either Wyre Bash or OBMM to pull up the list, or run the Oblivion launcher and go into Data Files and check them.



Okay well I mean that they just wont work, I go to where it says to go on the Read Me, but nothings there, and I have no idea what OBSE OBMM BOSS and Wyre bash are if you could provide links that would be greats, thanks.

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OBMM - Helps manage mods, and if used right can make installing mods a lot easier too.

BOSS - Manages your load order so your mods don't conflict as much(make sure to download the latest masterfile for it as well)

Wyre Bash - Shows which mods conflict with other mods, and can fix the conflictions to make them work together.


For some reason OBSE's main site isn't loading. It might be downright now, but just search around for Oblivion Script Extender and you'll find it. It'll let you use more advanced mods.


Ok, first did you activate the mod under Data Files after running the Oblivion Launcher? If not then no you wont find them in the game. You must activate them first. If you did activate them, or they don't show up in the Data Files then you installed then incorrectly.

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If you have either Win7 or Vista, the UAC will prevent the mods from showing up even when they are selected in data or OBMM. Not an Oblivion problem but a Microsoft 'feature' to protect you from doing what you want to do.


For Vista and Win7 related problems such as UAC, Check here:


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If you have either Win7 or Vista, the UAC will prevent the mods from showing up even when they are selected in data or OBMM. Not an Oblivion problem but a Microsoft 'feature' to protect you from doing what you want to do.


For Vista and Win7 related problems such as UAC, Check here:


It says file not found, im having the same problem as him with win7

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