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Any Mod Groups out there?


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I think the more interesting question here... is... what can you do? Can you script? Can you model, can you texture... can you provide voice acting, sound engineering, animation? Or are you just a simple world builder?


I find it easier just to ask people to make something specifically rather than join a "team". If your mod is cool and people like it, they will help you sometimes or at least point you in the right direction.


If you are interested in a mid-scale project.... I might could use some help but that depends on what YOU can do.


As I said ive only just done the Tutorial vids.

Since there are too many categories to really get into all of them at once, I thought Id focus on one at first, but better still to do it working towards something.

And might as well work on something thats not mine while I work on a good workflow.


So id like to try my hand at Scripting and making Quests.

Thats what I want to work with anyway, so ill be taking a look at that.

Also I consider myself a writer, and I can do voice acting (did it last year on a short 3D-film), as well as actually compress the voice files to make them sound proper.




As for becoming a game developer, I have some of advice: Its not what you know so much as its who you know. Having a contact already in the business would most likely help more than a superlative resume - for those trying to break into the business anyway.



Yes we should all make forum posts asking for contacts in the biz to send us PMs with their personal info... :-)

Im kidding, I hear what u are saying of course, still its not the ONLY way, even in this economy :-P




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I think the more interesting question here... is... what can you do? Can you script? Can you model, can you texture... can you provide voice acting, sound engineering, animation? Or are you just a simple world builder?


I find it easier just to ask people to make something specifically rather than join a "team". If your mod is cool and people like it, they will help you sometimes or at least point you in the right direction.


If you are interested in a mid-scale project.... I might could use some help but that depends on what YOU can do.


i know NOTHING of npc dialogging and quest scripting.

why do my skills make any difference? im 5 months into a project that has ended up being massive..

and this seems to be the line for me.. i need 1 npc.. that ALREADY EXISTS to be scripted with dialog..

i can even provide the script and voice acting.. just need someone to put the back end to it..


i know scripting, texturing, world construction etc. but i dont really know what difference that makes because if i did know what i was asking about.. i wouldn't be asking.



this seems like it would take a while ... my biggest fear is i supply the file and end up making changes to it before whoever is helping me finishes their work..

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How much dialog are we talking about? A few lines, or Planescape: Torment?


she needs to explain a few things.. doesn't even really have to be a back and forth.. just need it to e where you can say tell me about " insert topic here"

and she tells you about it.


a guy i work with is fully set up to make recordings and has a 9 year old daughter.. (the exact age, gender, race, accent as my character) he will supply the voice recordings..


i can script.. take a look at my mod for proof.. but this is just one thing i have no use or desire in learning.. i looked through the G.E.C.K. for an idea of how to figure this out but all i got out of it and the numerous videos i watched was confusion.. i make mods for fun.. this is not my idea of fun.. if this is your idea of fun please by all means take this task off my hands and save me the time of attempting to learn something ill never use again..


ill love you.. well maybe not, but if thats what it takes for you to knock this out for me you can tell yourself that.

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PM the details and I'll whip up an esp for you, phony love or not.


i sent you details and a link..


and i must say.. Ive been avoiding posting anything about this here b/c i expected little support.. you have me pleasantly surprised, thank you so very much!

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