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Oblivion: the Land of the Missing Meshes


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I have been experiencing some strange things...

All guards are missing theree feets. that is their WHOLE feet+boots, also their hands.. The civilians are the same! IF i try to equip Dwarven armor i disapear and if i throw and imp boot on the ground it goes WTF I AM MESSSING A MESH... like hell you are..

I will upload my mod list asap...

otherwise if you have ANY idea... then please... be obliged

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This is probably the most common problem in mods. It is caused when the game cannot find the mesh called for by a mod. It uses the yellow block with an exclamation point or the WTF star as a placeholder to keep from crashing.


All except the simplest mods have new textures and usually Meshes. If you look at the zipped files (expand them to see what is there before installing) you will usually see several types of files. The filename.esp is the actual mod, it goes into the Oblivion\Data folder.


A filname.txt or Readme.txt file - this is the read me file that you should read to see if there are any special instructions for this file, such as it may need another mod to work or need OBSE, or need the Shivering Isles expansion, or Need the latest patch.


Textures folder. this contains the texture files (.dds) for the mod. this should be copied to the Oblivion\data\textures folder

Meshes folder. This contains the meshes for the mod, it should be copied to the Oblivion\data\meshes folder

Sounds folder. This contains any new sounds needed by the mod. it should be copied into the Oblivion\data\sounds folder


.bsa files these are compressed files that may contain all of the different files. Any .bsa file should be copied without change into the Oblivion\data folder


There may be other files or folders included, but those are the most common.


If you look in the Oblivion/data folder and see a bunch of .dds files, .nif files, .mp3 files they are in the wrong place. You need to MOVE them to the proper folders.

.dds to the textures folder

.nif to the meshes folder

.mp3 to the sounds folder

.wav to the sounds folder


In a mod with meshes and textures, they are usually in their own folder - look in the zipped file, extract the meshes folder to the Oblivion\data\meshes folder and the textures folder to the Oblivion\data\textures folder. Do the same with any other folder in the zipped file. Usually only the esp file and if present .bsa files go into the \Data folder


One of the most common things I have seen is a folder inside of the data folder with the name of the mod. It may have the texture and mesh files you need. Example Oblivion\Data\mod_xyz.

Then inside the \mod_xyz You may find \Mod_xyz\textures and mod_xyz\meshes folder


These folders Meshes and textures inside of the \data\mod_xyz folder need to be moved into the \data\textures and \data\meshes folders.

The easiest way to do this is to right click and hold the folder you want to move, then drag it into the \data folder.

You will probably get a message that you will overwrite files. Actually it will not overwrite, but append to the original folder.


Refscope is a good resource for finding what mod those yellow missing mesh blocks came from. It adds a spell that when cast on the missing mesh identifies it and what mod put it in the game. :thumbsup:



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I am not that thick!!! :rolleyes: I know how to install mods ect!

Anyhows.. il check up that thing... all folder ARE where they have to be.. whats bugging me is its Vanilla Clothes.. not clothes from mods.. and the BSA aint missing you get my point?

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Vanilla clothes? Imp Boots? Methinks not. Imps don't wear boots. ;)

Right, now thats the silly one out of the way;


Sounds to me like maybe you have a replacer installed... or at least did have. Perhaps one of the stock clothing replacers. If you've still got it installed, run Archive Invalidation. If you haven't, run archive invalidation. And pray. Frankly, unless you've installed it via OMOD or BAIN, replacers are a royal pain in the backside to get rid of.


That load order list will porobably help, but remember to add any replacer mods you have installed as these often won't be listed as many of them don't use ESMs/ESPs.


Another good one for this is FCOM. See, that has a whole BUNCH of armour and clothing changes and replacements in there... way, way, way, WAY beyond what you would normally notice in a regular playthrough unless you're an eternal twink like moi. If you have FCOM installed make sure you have all the needed BSA's installed and active. Remember if you've recently rebuilt your .ini you'll have to re-register or rename any of the BSA's that come with FCOM, as the plugins that would normally activate them don't exist or have been renamed by FCOM.


Lastly, Ben wasn't saying you're thick. He was saying "Make sure you've covered all your obvious bases before we start on the complicated trouble zapping" ... because the chances are you haven't. No offence, but the quality of mods these days for Oblivion is nothing short of excellent; the number of times I've wasted hours checking 'broken' mods only to find I'd done something really, really stupid and the mod worked just dandy if I haven't is, like I suspect for almost everyone else on here, probably more total time than I've actually spent playing the bloomin game.



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The rule is simple, all missing meshes/textures fall in two categories: 1 - they are missing; 2 - they are in the wrong place.


Notice meshes files do have an internal path to the associated texture file. So if the mesh points to \data\textures\modxyz\texturexyz.dds it must be there. The common mistakes includes copying textures folder inside textures folder instead merging them (the same for any other folder) or not following the folder structure and placing the files directly under the root directory where they are expected to be in a subdirectory or being in a subdirectory when should be in the root...


Each case is particular and the README instructions should always be followed.


In time: it's not unknown issues related with renaming folders and files by people that does not knows about that path dependence on meshes with foreseeable results. Once I saw a case where the issue was not noticed by the author because he copied and renamed the meshes and folders, but since he kept the originals he didn't notice the mesh file was using successfully the former texture file... the issue showed up in all it's glory as soon it was tested in a clean environment (that hadn't the originals).

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i cant seem to remember about having ANY replacers... but *shivers in dread* i may very well have to install... *shivers again* FCOM..

Ill get the mod lost right away..

And as for ben: i didnt mean that way, to be honest, i didnt express myself correctly, i am an experience mod user.. but hey


and jenrai: i meant to say Imperial Watch Guards Boots , or whatever they are called... ill get a pic with the mod list!

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Whilst you're at it get Wrye Bash (if you don't already.) Don't need pics for load lists and if this is from two mods altering the same things, a bashed patch will very probably fix it.



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