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Alternate start: arena


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A few days ago, I saw the movie Gladiator(and of course it was awsome!). I thought about how he was kidnapped into the arena, and that's when I thought "hey. this would be a good mod".


So basically, it would be you create your character in a cell in the arena. Then a guy comes and tells you where you are, what happened, etc. He then tells you to get your rest, and you go to sleep on the bedroll.


When you wake up, theres an arena raiment infront of you, and a note that says "you fight at high noon. put this on".


The battle is you and 3 other dudes in a fist fight with a minitor. when you win, they bring you back to your cell. That is when they give you gold(or some sort of arena currency) and advance you in rank.


The next day, you spend your currency on a weapon and helmet. All the weapons are iron(as you advance in rank, steel and fine steel weapons become available) as well as the helmet(again, more helmets will become available)

Your next fight is against another gladiator. When you win, they pay you again, but this time you go to a more "comfortable" cell(It's really just a bedroom, but the iron bars on the door give it the cell feel).


The next day, you get a visit from a mage, who gives you a book that teaches you a fireball spell, a protection spell, and a summon skeleton spell(for mages). You are also given a pestle and mortar, and told that an ingridiant seller is open. This guy sells mostly ingriedients for health, fatigue, and magika potions(obviously if your alchemy skill is higher, you can make other potions).


More and more fights against various monsters and people, your character get's more ranks, money, and cells, and eventualy your allowed to exit the arena, but only allowed into the market and arena districts(maybe one quest could be doing an errent for one of the officials, like getting a new sword from rossanne or something).


The final battle is against a frost atronach. When you beat him, the emperor comes to your cell(which should feel like the bruma house now), and tells you that after your rising fame, he has recognizes you as the one from his dreams. He says he has given the order to free you, and tells you you are the only one that can save tamriel from oblivion, which is when one of the guards gets a summoned dagger and kills the emperor. Then one of the guards kills the assasin. He then tells you he is an undercover blade, working for the arena. He tells you that you should take the ammulet to Jauffre, and that since the emperor bought your freedom, you are no longer forced to fight.

The main quest resumes.


You can also go back to the arena quest line, doing it from the start. This is because in this case, you are freely choosing to fight.


I got this idea from the movie gladiator, but also the three slaves you fight in one of the arena missions.

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Now, THIS is an alternate start I would choose to use.


One thing: for the new helmets, there are helmets inspired by Gladiator you could use. Actually, it'd be a great way to work in several of the Gladiator/ Roman style items.


Anyway, expect my download if it get's made!

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Now, THIS is an alternate start I would choose to use.


One thing: for the new helmets, there are helmets inspired by Gladiator you could use. Actually, it'd be a great way to work in several of the Gladiator/ Roman style items.


Anyway, expect my download if it get's made!


Sadly, I can't make mods :( I'm hoping a good modder comes and sees this and makes it. But thanks for telling me it was a good idea!

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I agree, this would be a cool mod, though like all alternate start mods, it would probably mess with the main quest a bit much. Another concern is that many mods and DLC activate mid way through the whole escape the prison sequence. That's why i personally don't use alternate start mods.
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I agree, this would be a cool mod, though like all alternate start mods, it would probably mess with the main quest a bit much. Another concern is that many mods and DLC activate mid way through the whole escape the prison sequence. That's why i personally don't use alternate start mods.



I dont see how getting the mod to not conflict with anything is a problem. I use the boat alternate start, because the escape from jail thing is too long and boring. it doesnt conflict with anything. theres a clever work around for the main quest. you have a dream about the emperor's amulet and go find it on a dead rat. i'd love to see this mod come to life

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Well, the main quest bug you're all talking about could be fixed with a simple addition. such as on the final day, a messenger comes to see you. The emporer has died and the imperial council wants YOU to take it to Jaufre. They can't trust it with the people in the legion, because the mythic dawn may have studied their placement along Cyrodiil. If anyone can get the amulet to safety, It's a skilled arena combatant.
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Or maybe, after many fights it the Arena, you start a rebelion which ends badly with you getting into jail from where the MQ could start normally...mhm i guess this isn't a new start but a longer one :P
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