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Adventure at Ft. Moonmoth


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Sierrah takes her own path to Red Mountain, prefering to stay solitary since there were no other argonians in the expedition. She pulled out her daedric crescent in case anything tries to kill her along the way. "i still don't know what we're supposed to do there," she said to herself
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"What the hell are they talking about?" I thought.


The Champion announced smugly that we were now part of an expedition to Red Mountain. I had heard of the Dagoth Ur, and the Blight creatures, and i was ready to purge the evil. I quickly followed my new "companions" who seemed to be esctatic, where they stopped at Ghostgate, a symbol of the Tribunal's power...

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Kain watched the adventurers come and go. Still the Champion said nothing. Anger brewing inside him, Kain finally could wait no longer. A violet aura surrounds him and glows as he chants. The levitation spell carries him swiftly over the hills, in the direction Thomas had left. Perhaps he could get a straight answer at ghostgate.
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Thomas waited on the other side of the gate. Around him was a circle of dead creatures. He was slitting a kagouti throat when he saw Kain. He waved at Kain. Hello Kain lets hurry up and finish this I hate the weather here. And I dont feel like watching over those other rookies.
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Kain was hovering high about Ghostgate. He could distinguish a few forms down below. Suddenly, unexpectedly, his levitation spell wears out. "Ohhhh SHIIII----" shouts the Wizard as he plumets towards the earth. The forms grow larger, and he recognizes Thomas. Falling midflight, about 15 metres from the ground, he casts a slowfall spell, and gently floats to the earth.
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