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What's the FormID?

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So I've been reading a bit about FormID's, and the CS wiki article on it is really vague, so could someone help me by giving the following ID for the item and also an explination:


FormID: 030053BE

Load order MOD: 67



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the first 03 says to CS that beyond oblivion.esm there is other two mods loaded before that that holds the object. FormID is object identifier, and objects never actually appear in the game albeit it may have many 'instances' of it there. Each of those instances receives an unique identifier that is known as ReferenceID.


That ReferenceID may be given explicitly by placing a name inside the property's respective field for one instance of the object in the render window or be given by the engine itself when none is supplied.


The ReferenceID is used to manipulate that unique instance of the object in game and changes in one does not affects any other instances (clones) of the same object. As example the command enable and disable actuates only that only specific instance, disabling certain steel sword disables only that and none the others steel swords in game.


Other functions acts over the base object, the FormID, like the Additem. It says a 'copy', a 'clone' of that object shall be put in game, that is the reason an amount must be supplied. Each of those copies receives it's own referenceID from the engine.


Now, to correctly reference the desired item, one must know the mod's position at the load order, that position is the counting of all mods excluding oblivion.esm and only the actually active mods (ESMs and ESPs), being the count converted to hexadecimal before using.


In your case, assuming you counted 67 active mods and including Oblivion.exe, the actual index is 66 (decimal) that converted to hex gives 42 and is the prefix to be used, and the console command becomes:


player.additem 420053BE 1


Any other doubt please let us know.

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