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[WIP] Ulfgard Chronicles


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Why I am bumping? So some exterior designer sees this post and decides to join ;P

WE NEED ONE- I'm only going to do specific locations, unless i can haz more time left *omg wrong english*

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Well, the basic Heihgtmapping is done, but the exterior designer will have full freedom to change the landscape to her/his choice. :) (The heightmapping that is done is mostly flat land, so...)


But basically, it's mostly "decorating".

If you want to join the team, but don't know if you have the "skills" require, I will gladly teach you what you want to learn. :)

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We prefer a detailed and varied landscape, and not a dull landscape like Oblivion has. MY vision is to have a landscape compared to the work of the Unique Landscape team. They have fantastic landscape, with beautiful waterfalls, lush forests and everything! :D

This will of course, extend the time used to make the landscape, but greatly improves the experience of the user.


We're also using the games Gothic 1,2,3 and Risen for ideas to this mod, as both me and Armageddon loves those games, and they have, like the Unique Landscape project, detailed landscape and, well, everything is detailed. And that's how we want it. That's our goal. :)


And by the way, if anyone got any suggestions for quests, names, places, or anything, please share them, as it will quicken our work, as well as giving the user something THEY want.


Anyways, if you want to join, be it an exterior Designer, a questbuilder, or anything, and with any kind of experience, from "newbie" to pro, please say so. We welcome anyone to our team! :D

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