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[REQUEST] No "not private" beds


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Hello there,


I've been playing Skyrim for a while now and i play with many immersion mods. The problem is: everytime i want to sleep in a bed wich is not mine, i have to enter the code and thats destroying the hole immersion. So my request: please make a mod that lets you sleep in every bed !

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Well, this would go through and require changing every bed's ownership; tedious to say the least. Not at all impossible, just tedious.

Though, in an attempt to understand, it breaks your immersion to not be able to safely sleep in a bed that is not yours? Call me crazy but if I break into a guys house and sleep in his bed, I am pretty sure he'll be pissed when he finds me there.

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Well, this would go through and require changing every bed's ownership; tedious to say the least. Not at all impossible, just tedious.


Though, in an attempt to understand, it breaks your immersion to not be able to safely sleep in a bed that is not yours? Call me crazy but if I break into a guys house and sleep in his bed, I am pretty sure he'll be pissed when he finds me there.

sure its a bit weird, but lets say you kill a person and go inside his house. and then you shouldn't be able to sleep there? :/ and a second example: im captured by falmers and i need to sleep (because of some mods) and there are only beds wich are private. maybe its possible to delete that whole "private" beds thing

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Well, the way permissions work I dont think it would be possible so much as it would be to work around it. Hmm. It might be possible to set a script that checks the ownership of the bed whenever you try to sleep and change the ownership. Otherwise your best bet might be the console or a spell. As I said, otherwise its a matter of going through and changing each instance of beds because the permissions aren't set by the object but by the instance it is used (if that makes sense) and then if you're using mods then that complicates thing since as a request it would require someone making a patch to a mod to change the permissions of any beds it might add.

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You could conceivably make a script that changes the ownership of a bed when you try to sleep in it, even one that checks to see if the bed's owner is dead. However, there are already mods on the Nexus the clear the ownership of all of an NPC's items if the owner dies. Those might be a better fit for this user.
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so I noticed you guys are missing a crucial part here which is path finding. if you just removed all of the owned beds, that will cause the NPCs scripted to sleep in those beds to glitch the hell out which could lead to a game crash. though if a mod was added that checked if the NPCs scripted to a bed are alive or not and removed the owner ship of said beds if the owner is dead, that could be possible in theory.

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