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Challenge an NPC to a Fight


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Raithfyre, if you're gonna make claims back them up. I'm still waiting for you to post what this supposed mod is that you mentioned.


I searched and searched this site and Google. I found nothing. The only thing that I've found that even remotely resembles challenging another character is sparring with one of your companions under the CM companion mod.


Please don't make claims like stated above and fail to back them up. This harms the mod making process, by casting doubt.

Hey, hey, no need to get angry. He was trying to help, to tell yu about something that would suffice in the meantime. There's no way it will stop Slawter from making the mod, so no need to go all Librarian-poo on him.


True that, Raithfyre was helping out -_-

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Gee, don't you guys think this kind of solidifies the need for this Challenge NPC mod to be made. I mean we need one in real life. But since we can't (legally). You guys can all decide what character in oblivion most resembles your closest interpretation of me, since you've made me out to be such a bad guy, and challenge me to a fight and then kick my a--.

I know you will all feel better afteward, SO INSTEAD, why don't you spend less time, talking crap, and more time encouraging Slawter. HE's the STAR here for taking this on. BTW, once this mod get's made, guys, I hope your chosen version of me in your games kicks your A--, instead, just to spite you. :thumbsup:



Hey, hey, no need to get angry. He was trying to help, to tell yu about something that would suffice in the meantime. There's no way it will stop Slawter from making the mod, so no need to go all Librarian-poo on him.



Raithfyre doesn't need anyone to defend him, let him speak for himself. If Raithfyre has/had a problem with what I said. He would have said so, but I think he understood that he should have had the name of the mod he was talking about.


True that, Raithfyre was NOT helping out. :down: :pinch: :huh: :wacko: :yucky: :rolleyes:


I meant no ill will with my statement to Raithfyre. I wasn't angry. Neither was I impolite. I pointed out what he did and I was calling it as I saw it. I simply let him (Raithfyre) know that what he said didn't help, (from the perspective of me being the person who asked for this mod in the first place) UNLESS he had the name of the mod he was talking about.


After looking at my post again, I concede that I could have come accross a little better, but I still stand by what I said about Raithfyre defending himself. People don't need crusaders taking up their battles for them. It just starts and fans the flames.


My only intention was and still is to keep people on topic and rallying for making the mod. The more people that are genuinely interested in the mod being made, the more encouragement those making the mod have. People that come on here and make comments that don't have a thing to do with wanting the mod made are wasting valueable posting space.


BTW, for the record, librarians are honest good hard-working people, worthy of respect.


To anyone else that was offended:

I apologize for your misinterpretation of my remarks and I wll try to word them better in the future so you may interpret them better.

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This mod is by far one of the more cool ideas that have been suggested lately.


I mean I think it's ahead of dog breeds, adding children, and making the NPC's have friendlier greetings.


All the librarian haters here will be able to challenge book store owners to a fight.


I think there is at least one alchemist that needs his butt kicked.


Me, the first NPC's I'm gonna challenge are the Head Mage at the Cheydinhal Mages's guild and Cheydinhal's Ulrich Leland Captain of the Guard.

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@PasserThru and kieranfoy

Please keep your personal disputes to yourself. Don't drag down a thread because of a few misstatements. The issue looks resolved at this time, please don't dig it back up. We are not baby-sitters.


Sounds like a good mod, but the problem I see it having is that it might cause some issues since there aren't many NPCs you can kill that aren't already aggressive who won't screw up the town or city in a certain way (reason why taunting was practically removed). You would also need to have a way to isolate the fight somehow so that other NPCs aren't caught in the skirmish or decide to help. I would suggest using OBSE scripting to temporarily set everyone involved in the fight as being essential (if they aren't already) and adding them to a common faction with special combat enabled.

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Vagrant0, Makes sense, I hear and understand. Sorry. 10-4. Copy. Over and Out.


Sounds like a good mod, but the problem I see it having is that it might cause some issues since there aren't many NPCs you can kill that aren't already aggressive who won't screw up the town or city in a certain way (reason why taunting was practically removed). You would also need to have a way to isolate the fight somehow so that other NPCs aren't caught in the skirmish or decide to help. I would suggest using OBSE scripting to temporarily set everyone involved in the fight as being essential (if they aren't already) and adding them to a common faction with special combat enabled.



In my original idea, I thought it would work pretty much like you just said. If the character was essential to the story/quests, they would turn down a fight to the death and opt for a friendly contest instead where if they lost they would only be knocked unconcious like the game does for all essential characters. As for isolating the fight, I didn't know that until now, but I see what you mean from playing the game. So this mod may interfere with the companions mod :( :ermm:

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