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Face Lift in Reverse


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The other day I was being a dumb bunny playing around with various custom bodies some of which didn't work out well for me. I managed to get everyone put back together fine except for my girl body. She looks like someone grabbed her butt and pulled up sharply displacing everything on her front down a bit. Her aureoles are a bit down and to the inside of the nipples. Plus there is a gap at the top of her legs. I've tried to restore her with the backups that I made prior to starting this project with no change. I've tried switching skeletons with no luck. If I change her into a man with the showracemenu it comes out fine, but switching back to a female creates the problem again. I know that this has been discussed before, but I can't remember what the solution was. Can someone please help this old hare-brain out?






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Should just be a matter of deleting the female textures (data\textures\characters\female), then reinstalling from your favorite mod.


You may also want to kill the meshes too just to head off any other glitches you may not have noticed.

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It worked, Neko. I've been putting it back together a penny at a time and you told me to throw the whole dime's worth in at once. I now have an undisgusting girl body again. Thank you so much.




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