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Body replacer help!


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You drag/Drop the Meshes and Textures folder into your Install Directory/Oblivion/Data folder. Say yes to merge/overwrite, activate the .esp and you're golden. Or download OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) and get the OMOD version of HGEC and install it that way. Nifty.
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Body replacers replace these:

- \Meshes\Characters\

(Male Body)





(Female Body)






- \Textures\Characters\

\(Race Name)\





(Usually most body replacers use foot texture as body texture. EyeCandy Body replaces female hand texture as well)


**For newbies, using OMOD or BAIN install is recommended.

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Get the OMOD version of HGEC for easy installation. You'll need OBMM for this. HGEC has multiple options to choose and it can turn out to be pretty complicated if you have to manually put the wanted files together.
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  • 4 months later...

Greetings! I'm one of those having problems with the Body Replacer. I try tu use both Male and Female Eyecandy Body Replacer, manually, because I don't have OBMM (when I tried to install my first two mods, I learned quickly that I'm not too dumb just to copy and paste, so I didn't need any complicated extra program).

But this time it's harder, right? It's not just copy & paste into the Data folder?


First: the Female one doesn't have an .esp, but somewhere I read it doesn't need one. Right?

Second: It will only work if i just choose ONE of those many files per body part ... like ONE headhumanm40.dds and delete all other headhumanms, right?


Or I guess I'll just try out the mod manager, at least this time :D



but then ... can I install these mods with the mod manager and then start Oblivion without it?



Edit: tried again, manually. Didn't work. Did this (Female EyeCandy - Body Replacer (nude) 1.0 - Manual.zip):

- put the meshes-folder into Oblivion\data; as there was already a meshes-folder (for natural environment), I simply put the character-folder from Female EyeCandy into this meshes-folder

- put the textures-folder into Oblivion\data; see above for existing textures-folder

- now I went into my textures-character-folder, there into imperial, deleted the footfemale.dds and the handfemale.dds (still footfemale_n.dds and handfemale_n.dds left in that folder); when I first tried, I didn't delete anything at all, but now it's still the same


What am I doing wrong?



Edit 2: Gods in Heaven. Give me a donkey hat or something like this. I downloaded the wrong file, so I didn't get the expected result :D


btw: OBMM works fine O:-)

Edited by Nuracus
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