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Oblivion crashes on certain positions.

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Hey! I decided to play Oblivion again, so I installed FCOM and a few other mods and started playing. But now I've found myself crashing on 2 certain positions (maybe more?) on the map. I cross the Imperial city bridge and head for Choroll, and as soon as I follow the Black Road, I crash. A woman with armor is hanging around there, but I can't get to her cause I crash. The same goes for the Gold Road, when I want to go to Skingrad. Does anybody know what might be the source of this problem?

My load order: (I exported the list from the OBMM, it looks different in Wrye Bash.)

Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm
Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp
Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp
Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp
Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp
Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Third Person View Camera Distance Lock -Tight-.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creature Skins.esp
The Lost Spires.esp
'Eagle Eye' Realistic Archery v1.0 Fixed.esp
DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
Oblivion XP.esp
Mart's Monster Mod for FCOM.esp

I don't think the load order is the problem, because I used BOSS to sort it out. Also using the colored map mod, DarNified UI 1.3.2 and the Sky Dive Jump-Animation thingy. Also, I'm using the translated versions of OOO, MMM, WarCry, Francescos and FCOM, but I don't think that this is the problem.

Thanks in advance!


EDIT: Some corpses turn green, why?

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There is a Lock Times feature in Wrye that allows you to lock the load order and not allow OBMM to change the time to reorder mods. Is it turned on?


Normally the default list in OBMM is by load order. However, you can change to a different way of listing. Check to be sure that it is displaying load order.


Otherwise, Oblivion.esm MUST be the first entry as that is what everything else is based on.

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EDIT: Some corpses turn green, why?


Read the readme of MMM carefully. It points out that if you use OOO together with MMM, you gotta rename the .bsa file comming with MMM to 'Mart's Monster Mod for OOO'. This will solve the problem with the green corpses.


Also, you want to again refer to the MMM readme carefully, as it points out that you need to use the OOO compatibility plugins for MMM (which I don't see you have installed). Otherwise you might experience bug and crashes. Read me MMM:





What are the different versions?


Mart's Monster Mod: Use with vanilla, Adventurers and pretty much everything else! If you are not using another overhaul like OOO, Frans, FCOM then you should be using this.


Durability & Damage: Increases weapon damage by 50%, weapon skill based damage by 50% and armor and weapon durability by 100% to help fights go faster and armor last longer with the default increase in spawns. (Do not use with OOO (FCOM) as it already contains this tweak/plugin.)


Extra Wounding: This extends MMM combat/wounding/fatigue system to NPCs / creature's that are not modified by MMM (Vanilla NPCs and Creatures, etc including those added by other mods). See Wounding Section Above


Looting NPCs & Creatures: NPCs, Goblins and Ogres will loot the bodies of their fallen prey. The exception is Guards, since you don't want them taking your loot (unless you don't mind killing them for it). Looting is about more than just NPCs taking each other's gear -- it breathes much more life into the world.


Additionial Enemy Npc Variants: This adds over 1300 New Enemy Variants to Game. Maruaders, Bandits, Smugglers, Raiders, Reavers, Foresters, and more. Some people may have problem using this under stressful condition's. Has game engine has to generate faces on the fly after all. See Npc section for details on Npcs Classes.


Mart's Monster Mod - Knights: This Plugin corrects the compabitlies problems between Knight of Nine and MMM. Adds many of MMM Natural Creatures to work with KO9 has well. Fixes difficulties encountered from the faction changes when wearing the armor. For Players who have Knights of The Nine installed. See Knights Section below. Do no use with OOO or FCOM.




Mart's Monster Mod for Frans: A tailored version for Francescos that allows stronger enemies, stronger bosses and more to appear in MMM. MMM NPCs default to the HARDCORE balance model, but customizable loot works everywhere else in the game world; Fran's NPCs, chests, house loot, leveled quests and more. Players using Martigen’s Monster Mod with Francesco’s need to use this instead of Mart’s Monster Mod.esp


Mart's Monster Mod - Frans Leveled Quests: Francesco's leveled quests plugin updated for MMM. Requires Francesco’s. NOTE: See the 'Fran's Leveled Quest Update' section above for how to use this.




Mart's Monster Mod for OOO: This release integrates the OOO loot for MMM NPCs, removes MMM guards so OOO guards take priority, and cross-pollinates MMM and OOO factions so like creatures correctly behave (i.e. OOO wolves and MMM wolves in the same faction). Players using Martigen’s Monster Mod with Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul need to use this instead of Mart’s Monster Mod.esp


NOTE: MMM adds increased spawns to the game. It is recommended to use a slower leveling mod as your combat skills may get more of a workout. Alternatively, take advantage of the new factions and lead one enemy to another and let them fight it out!


Mart’s Monster Mod for OOO – Knights: A tailored version of the MMM Knights plugin for OOO Users.


Mart’s Monster Mod for OOO – Less Reavers In Gates: A tailored version for OOO users who like seeing fewer Reavers inside Oblivion Gates.


Mart’s Monster Mod for OOO – No Reavers In Gates: A tailored version for OOO users removing all instances of Reavers from inside Oblivion Gates.


Diverse Runeskulls Loot for OOO: Adds Runeskulls to NPCs and vendors via leveled lists. Use this option if you want to find more Runeskulls and you are using MMMforOOO, but not MMM – Gems and GemDust.


Friendlier Factions for OOO: Like it says on the box. Inter-faction fights are less likely to occur for all creatures, except Bandits and Marauders who are mortal enemies. Use this for MMM and OOO.




Resized Races: Diversity in race sizes is expanded, as well as females generally being shorter, and bulkier Nords and Orcs.


Zombie for Body Meshes: Use this if you have problem with Zombies not showing up correctly with body mods installed.




Friendlier Factions for MMM+Fran: Like it says on the box. Inter-faction fights are less likely to occur for all creatures, except Bandits and Marauders who are mortal enemies. Use this for standalone MMM or MMM and Francesco.



Shivering Isles: Nearly all features that you are accustomed to experience with MMM in Cyrodiil you will now find in the Shivering Isles. Faction wars are a key element to the Shivering Isles stemming from the animosity between the Zealots and the Heretics. The creatures of the Isles have adopted the same love to hate mannerisms within their own ranks. Mania creatures will not tolerate Dementia creatures and vis-à-vis. For more in-depth information on MMM for Shivering Isles please see the Section entitled MMM Goes to Shivering Isles.




Gems & Gem Dust – An excellent plugin first built by Martigen, then expanded upon by Bendiwolf, Dewshine and ShadowBorn, combines Gem Dust, Tamriel's Glittering Geology, and Bone Grind into MMM's crafting system. The Gem Dust scripts have been scaled and applied against the gems in Tamriel's Glittering Geology, which you will also now find appearing on some creatures and in gem-based loot level lists. Includes new gem dusts for the new gems, updated by Bendiwolf. Gems included, but not limited to; Rose Garnets, Watermelon Tourmalines, Paraiba Tourmalines, Opals and Black Pearls. This version includes Platinum coins, for those who experience problems with the Platinum Coins the Ayleid Coin Version is available here. Read more about Gems & Gem Dust here.


Hunting & Crafting: Enables a huge crafting system within MMM to create ammo and armor from the natural resources in the MMM world, in all there are 87 armors and 8 types of ammo. There are in-game books providing some information on the Hunting & Crafting System and you can read much more here. This plugin adds a small fox hut (The Pelt Farm) located just outside Bruma City Walls where Oxfoid a merchant can be found. He is a Light Armor trainer, repairs equipment and offers some Hunting & Crafting products for sale.




Diverse Imperial Armors: This Give all the Imperial Guard much-improved City Guard armors by yakueb. And Increase their stats has well (Do not use with OOO as it already contains this tweak.)


Diverse Waterlife: MMM’s answer to the age old question, all these monsters and no fish? The plugin adds a variety of new fish and ingredients into the game with very low impact on performance. The diversity in fish includes over 50 new fish and dangerous types of fish to streams, rivers, lakes and open water all over Cyrodiil.


Diverse Runeskulls Loot: Adds Runeskulls to NPCs and vendors via leveled lists. Use this option if you want to find more Runeskulls and you’re not using the MMM – Gems & GemDust or MMM for OOO options.


Diverse Runeskulls Loot G&GD: Adds Runeskulls to NPCs and vendors via leveled lists. Use this option if you want to find more Runeskulls and you are also using MMM – Gems and GemDust.




Safer Roads: Reduces spawn encounters along the major roads for safer traveling.


Less Bone Loot: Another request in the official thread; reduced generic bone loot on creatures for those who don't use bones for crafting.


Less Rats: Reduces rat spawns


Less Reavers: Reduces the Reaver spawn amounts.


No <Insert creature name>: Removes the monster in the file name from MMM's lists, for those who don't like fighting them. (Adventurers, Balrogs, Beholdens, Fiends, Giants, Reavers, Skeep, Slimes, Spiders, Uberhulks, Werewolves and Wyvern are the Creatures/NPCs available for removal).


No Blood: Prevents corpses from being extra-bloody.


No Bone Loot: Removes all bone loot, for people who don't use the crafting plugin.


No Carrion Rats: Removes Carrion Rats from spawning at corpses after a few hours. Alternatively, you can load this plugin and alter the percentage chance. Just look for the global variable 'AMMRatPercent'.


No Lanterns: Removes lanterns from the game.


No Undead Rise: Prevents undead from rising after they are killed.




More Wilderness Life: Another community plugin developed by Dae, More Wilderness Life adds hundreds of new spawn points across Tamriel to help fill the bare, empty areas Bethesda left in the game. This isn't about simply meeting more creatures -- the advanced behavioural AI and inter-faction relationships introduced by MMM results in a thriving, living world around you as you travel (and where you're not always the center of attention), completely changing your experience of Tamriel. Highly recommended!


More Wilderness Life No Gates: Removes all the spawn points that were added to Oblivion gates, for people who were having problems with a more reduced version of More Wilderness Life.


Dungeons of MMM: Contains the Bat Cave showing off a swarm of bats. Once you get passed them there is special surprise, a multi-level dungeon designed by Team MMM


Safer Quest Location : Disable Vanilla spawn points from these location, to return this quest location back to the original game intention. Vindasel,


City Defences: All cities except the IC now have legion archers patrolling the battlements of each city. Based on the Wall Archers concept by gumballthechewy, this has been built from the ground up with MMM using less guards so as not to impact performance, added external cell as well internal cell guards, added pathing points for patrols along the battlements, and gave them special torches and equipment to enhance their effect.


Farm Animals: By Default Farm Animals will show up Wilderness, This Plugin Adds farm animals via custom spawn points to most town stables, Whitmond Farm, Brina Cross Inn, Brindle Home, Gottshaw Inn, Gwenden Farm, Harlun Watch, Lord Drad’s Estate, Pell’s Gate, Roxey Inn, ShardRock, Shetcombe Farm, Skingrad High Pasture, Weye and Weynon Priory. UL , FCOM, Compatible


Slof Horse Complete: Do not use with Slof Horses.esp or Extra.esp has these plugins features have been intergrated into MMM version which bring compatiblity between to and adds fixes many compatiblity problem that existed between the two. Faction, inventory items, and much more. See Creature Section for more details on Slof Horse in MMM.




Recommended Plugins

It's highly recommended to play with the following plugins for the full MMM experience:


- Damage & Durability

- Waterlife

- Looting NPCs & Creatures

- More Wilderness Life


Don't forget if you're finding the going tough, especially if you're loading More Wilderness Life, try also:

- Friendlier Factions

- Reduced Spawn Rates



Read me OOO:



Customizability Options

Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul 1.33 has several options to customize its changes. The Full version plugin contains the core changes (NPCs, creatures, spawn lists, loot lists, new content, and merged third‐party plugins) and other changes to PC statistics, PC skills, the combat system, and the magic system. The Full version is how the author, Oscuro, envision the mod to be played and experienced. Below is a list of every plugin included in the full OOO download.

All of the plugins will be listed by their file names. They will get a short description, along with in which folder they are found and whether or not they are recommended, according to how OOO is meant to be experienced. (Recommendation does not apply to the plugins listed under Options Only for Lite – as the recommended option is the Full version, all of them are naturally recommended when using the Lite version).

Description of the groupings:

• Base Plugins: These are the plugins required for OOO to work.

• Options for both Full and Lite: These are plugins that may be used with both Full and Lite.

• Options Only for Full: These are plugins that may only be used with the Full version.

• Options Only for Lite: These are plugins that may only be used with the Lite version. They enhance the Lite version, making it more similar to the Full version.

• Bundled Mods: These mods are bundled in their entirety, and may be used with both Full and Lite.

Base Plugins

These are the required plugins no matter what other options you might (or might not) choose. There are two .esp files in this category with the same name – one for the Full version and one for the Lite version. Use only one of them!

Full Version

The Full version is how Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul is meant to be. It consists of two plugins.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-FULL\ and in the base folder

This is the main plugin file for the Full version. The other plugin with the same name, residing in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO‐LITE\, is the main plugin file for the Lite version.


Resides in the base folder.

This is the main master file. It is the same for both Full and Lite, and is required for both versions of the mod to work.

Lite Version

The Lite version contains only the core changes of Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul. It can be further customized by adding one or more plugins listed under Options Only for Lite below. Using the Lite version with all of the plugins mentioned there activated is the same as using only the Full version. The Lite version consists of two plugins.

Customizability Options 13


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-LITE\

This is the main plugin file for the Lite version. The other plugin with the same name, residing in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO‐FULL\, is the main plugin file for the Full version.


Resides in the base folder.

This is the main master file. It is the same for both Full and Lite, and is required for both versions of the mod to work.

Options for both Full and Lite

These are options that can be used to add to (or remove from) both Full and Lite.

Level Rate Options

Here are a list of plugins that changes the rate at which your skills level. All of them slow the rate, making for a longer game. This is necessary because of the higher incidence of combat and skill usage while playing Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul. Keep in mind that you can only use one of these plugins at a time, though you can change between them as you like without messing up your savegame. Use the one that you feel is best. If you are using the Full version, then the recommended option is going with the rates already included (i.e., do not use any of these plugins).


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Lite only Recommended (if using Lite)

This plugin is meant for the Lite version, and sets the leveling rates to that of the Full version (as used in version 1.31 and later). They are faster than those used in 1.3, on average about x3 slower than default Oblivion.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite

This plugin turns the rate of skills’ progression to the values used in OOO 1.3. All skills progress at much slower rates than in default Oblivion, falling somewhere between x4 and x6 times slower, depending on skill.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite Not recommended (unless you want to make your own skill rates or do not have much time to play the game)

This plugin uses the stock (fast) leveling rates of vanilla Oblivion. You can use this option with the Full version to regain the standard Oblivion level rates without losing the new OOO skill perk descriptions. In addition, you can use it with the Lite version to add the OOO skill perk descriptions while keeping the standard leveling rate. Since this plugin contains the proper skill perk descriptions, this is the plugin that should be used should you want to make your own leveling rates using the Construction Set.

Customizability Options 14


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Level_Rates_Modified\ Use with: Full and Lite

This is part of Bofra’s Level Rates Modified. This bundled mod has several different plugin files for setting the level rates to different values. This exact plugin file sets the level rates to an average of about two times slower than default Oblivion. The exact changes can be found the file LRM_Charts_1.3.txt residing in the same folder as the plugin file.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Level_Rates_Modified\ Use with: Full and Lite

This is part of Bofra’s Level Rates Modified. This bundled mod has several different plugin files for setting the level rates to different values. This exact file plugin sets the level rates to an average of about three times slower than default Oblivion. The exact changes can be found the file LRM_Charts_1.3.txt residing in the same folder as the plugin file.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Level_Rates_Modified\ Use with: Full and Lite

This is part of Bofra’s Level Rates Modified. This bundled mod has several different plugin files for setting the level rates to different values. This exact plugin file sets the level rates to an average of about four times slower than default Oblivion. The exact changes can be found the file LRM_Charts_1.3.txt residing in the same folder as the plugin file.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Level_Rates_Modified\ Use with: Full and Lite

This is part of Bofra’s Level Rates Modified. This bundled mod has several different plugin files for setting the level rates to different values. This exact plugin file sets the level rates to an average of about five times slower than default Oblivion. The exact changes can be found the file LRM_Charts_1.3.txt residing in the same folder as the plugin file.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Level_Rates_Modified\ Use with: Full and Lite Not recommended (use OOO-Level_Stock.esp instead)

This is part of Bofra’s Level Rates Modified. This bundled mod has several different plugin files for setting the level rates to different values. This exact plugin file is meant for using as a basis for creating your own level rates using the Construction Set, but since OOO changes the skill perk descriptions, these would get overwritten when using this plugin file. You should therefore use the file OOO-Level_Stock.esp described above when creating your own level rates.

Respawn Rate Options

These optional mods increase the time that must pass before creatures and containers will respawn in the game world. They work with both the Full version and Lite version. The default for vanilla Oblivion is three days. Be warned that choosing longer respawn times (a month or longer) may drastically increase the size of your savegame file since the game must keep track of more data about what you've done in the world. Such

Customizability Options 15

large savegames may lead to bugs, CTDs2, and corrupted savegames, especially if you use the default Oblivion AutoSave function (it is always a good idea to disable AutoSave anyway when using mods).


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite Not recommended

This plugin file changes the respawn interval of respawnable entities to one month. Such a long respawn rate may cause your game to increase extensively in size over time, and may lead to buggy behavior.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite

This plugin file changes the respawn interval of respawnable entities to two weeks.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite

This plugin file changes the respawn interval of respawnable entities to one week.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite Not recommended

This plugin file changes the respawn interval of respawnable entities to one year. Such a long respawn rate may cause your game to increase extensively in size over time, and may lead to buggy behavior.

Compatibility Options

These are plugins that can be used with both the Full and Lite version, and that exists to fix problems one may encounter, that being conflicts with other modifications or just annoying functions in general.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite Fixes: CTDs when traps go off while using certain UI mods3

This plugin turns chest traps into instant‐effects to avoid CTDs with UI mods that change spell timers to be displayed in text. This is only needed if you are using the official 1.2 patch along with a UI mod that has not yet been updated for compatibility with the official 1.2 patch from Bethesda.

2 Crashes to Desktop – what happens when the game unexpectedly quits without any immediately apparent reason.

3 User Interface mods, e.g. BTMod, DarkUI, DarNified BTMod, Phinix Immersive DarkUI, etc. (These are only examples of UI mods, not necessarily the UI mods the problems occur with.)

Customizability Options 16


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite

This optional add‐on is meant for people who use another third‐party mod that changes the script‐effect spell entry. With this option enabled, script‐effect spells will not produce any sound or visual effects. This is included already with the Full and Lite versions, but it may still be necessary also to install this plugin file in cases where another mod changes the script‐effect MGEF entry and is loaded after Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul. That is because this can cause some OOO custom features that rely on Area of Effect scripted spells to produce a bothersome sound and light. If that is necessary, just load this plugin after said mod.4 Use this only if you are using another mod that changes the script‐effect MGEF entry.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Use with: Full and Lite Fixes: Item stacking problems in inventory Not recommended

The functionality concerning guild item ownership in vanilla Oblivion is that you can instantly help yourself to basically anything the guild has to offer once you have joined it. OOO makes changes to this system, as described on page 52 – items will become available to you only when you have the proper rank, i.e. taking equipment much too powerful for your current rank in the guild is reported as a crime. The downside to this functionality as it is currently implemented is that some items won’t stack properly in your inventory (for example, you might see two identical‐looking Alembics in your inventory instead of a single entry with a “2” on the icon telling you that you have two of them). This plugin reverts these changes to the way it was in default Oblivion, removing a significant exploit‐preventing feature of OOO, but fixing the stacking bug.

Other Options

These are options for both Full and Lite not fitting elsewhere.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Recommended

This plugin adds underwater weeds (only grass, nothing harvestable) to the rivers and lakes in Tamriel. This greatly enhances underwater realism, but also comes with a performance hit, especially for slower computers. This is why it is optional, though highly recommended.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Not recommended

By default, Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul reduces the number of free start‐game fast‐travel markers to just those in the Imperial City (you can still fast‐travel to the cities once you have visited them on foot). This optional plugin restores default city map markers to vanilla Oblivion behavior so you can fast‐travel to all cities immediately after starting the game. This is of course not recommended, as it disables a function that exists to increase immersion and believability.

4 For details on how to set the load order, please see The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki at http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Load_Order_and_Conflicts.2FOverlaps

Customizability Options 17

Options Only for Full

The plugins listed in this section are options that are only to be used with the Full version.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\ Not recommended

This removes the functionality of being able to drop lit torches, as described on page 52. Use this only if you really do not like that behavior. Using this plugin together with the Full version is the same as if you were using the Lite version with all plugins listed under Options Only for Lite except OOO-DLT_Immersion.esp.

Options Only for Lite

The following plugins are optional modules you can use to upgrade the Lite version. If you want to use all of them, then you should instead consider using the Full version (since it includes all of these options already). These plugins may not be used with the Full version (again, all of them are already included there). These plugins do not have “recommended” or “not recommended”, as they of course are all recommended for you to get the Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul experience as it is meant to be.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin governs the changes to armor skill perks. With it, Heavy Armor will be more cumbersome at Master level, and Light Armors will offer 25% bonus protection at Master level instead of 50%. It also reduces the wear rate of weapons and armor to 30% of the original Oblivion’s values due to the increased and deadlier incidence of combat. Lastly, it increases the costs of armor repairing at stores.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin changes the Birthsigns. The changes are described in detail on page 36.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin upgrades combat skills perks and related game settings, namely higher sneak attacks, more successful special attacks, less Fatigue cost for special attacks, faster attacks, Hand to Hand skill upgrades, slightly higher jump, Marksmanship greater Fatigue cost and greater range, faster arrows, and changes to arrow physics.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin takes away the level restrictions for Daedric Lord Quests and resets them to a minimum level of 2 in order to gain access to the quests. They are also updated to accept the new pelts of OOO's new animals.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin makes traps more damaging than in Oblivion’s default settings.

Customizability Options 18


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin makes weapon and creature damage higher across the board. It also reduces the initial Health of players when they first create their characters. Creatures’ Health is slightly higher and their “low” level status reduced.


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin is made to work in conjunction with the files that OOO will install in your Data\Sounds\FX\ folder. It is a version of Drop Lit Torches that is designed for utmost immersion. This will, when used with the reduced swapping sound fixes, barely disturb your immersion when dropping torches on the ground while adventuring (read more on page 52).


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin changes all tweaked magic effects and enchantments (which affect clothing, armor, and weapons). It also includes the changes that make enchantments with Grand Soul Gems more powerful in order to compensate for the more magic‐consuming and more expensive costs of enchantments as a whole (read more on page 36).


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin changes all tweaked magic effects and adds the pertinent changes to spells (default and OOO’s new spell lines) which make magic spells more viable and less prone to exploitation (on those “bugged” spell effects, like Drain Health) (read more on page 35).


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin changes the gamesettings related to magic. Magicka regeneration base is slower than default, but the bonus earned by Wisdom to regeneration is much higher. Magicka pool per Intelligence point is greater. Magicka’s target and area effects are less costly. Magic spell speed is much greater. Magicka’s range is also greater. Finally, magic efficiency is reduced depending on the weight of armor that the user is wearing. (Read more on page 35.)


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin adds new regeneration based potions for Fatigue, Health, and Magicka. These potions will be found in the usual suspects for your potion‐supplying needs. (Read more on page 36.)


Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\

This plugin changes the difficulty of the Thieves Guild’s quest that asks you to sell a certain amount of goods to the local fence. The value requirements are much higher, and much more suitable to OOO’s new wares and values.

Customizability Options 19

Bundled Mods

Here are mods that are bundled with Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul. These are plugins that are not merged into the Full or Lite version, and that are included in their entirety.

Harvest [Flora]

These are modules that belong to the bundled mod Harvest [Flora].

Harvest [Flora].esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Harvest_Flora Use with: Full and Lite Recommended

This is the main Harvest [Flora] plugin file. Generally, Harvest [Flora] makes parts of the plant (e.g. flowers) disappear when you harvest it. This greatly adds to the immersion, and it is highly recommended. Please refer to the Harvest [Flora] readme file (Harvest [Flora] Readme.html in the same folder as the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Harvest_Flora Use with: Full and Lite

This plugin is part of the Harvest [Flora] mod and adds harvest support for the new flora added by the official mod Wizard's Tower. Please refer to the Harvest [Flora] readme file (Harvest [Flora] Readme.html in the same folder as the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Harvest_Flora Use with: Full and Lite

This plugin is part of the Harvest [Flora] mod and adds harvest support for the new flora added by the official mod The Vile Lair. Please refer to the Harvest [Flora] readme file (Harvest [Flora] Readme.html in the same folder as the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Harvest_Flora Use with: Full and Lite

This plugin is part of the Harvest [Flora] mod and adds harvest support for the new flora added by the official expansion pack Shivering Isles. Please refer to the Harvest [Flora] readme file (Harvest [Flora] Readme.html in the same folder as the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Living Economy

The following are plugins that belong to the bundled mod Living Economy.

Customizability Options 20

Cutthroat Merchants.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Living Economy Use with: Full and Lite Recommended

This plugin is part of the Living Economy mod and, described quickly, makes merchants a bit more “tight” when haggling: Initial sell values are lower, but can also be increased higher than they could in default Oblivion when your skill increases. This makes it worthwhile to increase your Mercantile skill. Please refer to the Living Economy readme file (Living Economy README.htm residing in the same folder as the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Living Economy.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Living Economy Use with: Full and Lite Recommended

This is the main Living Economy plugin file. However, it is not required for the mod to function (you can use just the other plugins if you like). Please refer to the Living Economy readme file (Living Economy README.htm residing in the same folder as the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Living Economy.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Living Economy\Living Economy - No Barter Chatter ESP\ Use with: Full and Lite Recommended

This plugin is part of the Living Economy mod. It is a replacement for the main Living Economy .esp file (described above) and removes barter chatter. This means that you will not hear things as "You've bought that for a sum" or "I let that go too cheap" while bartering. Please refer to the Living Economy readme file (Living Economy README.htm residing in the parent folder of the plugin file) for more information and installation instructions.

Living Economy - Items.esp

Resides in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul\OOO-ADD-ONS\Living Economy Use with: Full and Lite Recommended

This plugin is part of the Living Economy mod. It grants dynamic prices to all the items in game, simulating a supply‐and‐demand system. This gives the player incentives for visiting different shops and cities to get the best deals when selling loot or buying new supplies. Also, items will sell for more in their respective shops (e.g. Repair Hammers at a smith’s place), prices will be quantity based (meaning an item will cost more if the merchant only has a single one in stock), and different cities will offer different prices for various items.

Bofra’s Level Rates Modified

Bofra’s Level Rates Modified is a bundled modification in being included in its entirety, and not merged into Oscuro’s Oblivion Overhaul. However, since it replaces functionality in OOO instead of adding to it, and since it works in the same way as the other level rate mods, it is described in detail above in the section Level Rate Options instead of here on its own.



I don't know anything about Warcry, Francesco's and convergence project though. But using so much overhauls together is bound to create conflicts and bugs if you don't install them correct. I use OOO&MMM in convergence with T.I.E and it took me about two hours only to install them correctly. You maybe want to create a personal OMOD file once you've gone through that process for next time easy installation.


Finally, you might want to get the unofficial Oblivion, Shivering Island and DLC patches in order to minimize bugs.

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EDIT: Some corpses turn green, why?


Read the readme of MMM carefully. It points out that if you use OOO together with MMM, you gotta rename the .bsa file comming with MMM to 'Mart's Monster Mod for OOO'. This will solve the problem with the green corpses.


Also, you want to again refer to the MMM readme carefully, as it points out that you need to use the OOO compatibility plugins for MMM (which I don't see you have installed). Otherwise you might experience bug and crashes. Read me MMM:




Finally, you might want to get the unofficial Oblivion, Shivering Island and DLC patches in order to minimize bugs.


So I should rename the "MMM.bsa" to "Mart's Monster Mod for OOO", use the MMM PlugIns for OOO and Francesco's and using the unofficial patches. Just wondering, because they don't appear in the load order suggested by dev_akm. http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcomloadorderexpanded.html



I still haven't figured out how the MultiQuote feature works. Anyway...


@Fonger: Why? :s


@bben46: I deactivated it, I don't know why. Anyway, the loadorder is correct, else Oblivion would give me a errormessage at startup.





I just started Oblivion to get you guys a screenshot of the person which causes me to crash (at least that's what I think), and I could get past her without crashing. I'll go on playing for a while and check out the other position. If I still crash on other positions, I'll inform you, and if everything works fine, I'll inform you too.







EDIT: A few steps later the game crashed, but I could talk to her. I also noticed that most of the items in my inventory changed their names to english. I can't remember that I changed something, but maybe I've just forgotten about it :s

And here I have another piece of information:




Better Oblivion Sorting Software       Load Order Utility 

  (c) Random007 & the BOSS development team, 2009-2010    
  Some rights reserved.                                   
  CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0    
  v1.5 (23 March 2010)                                    

Master .ESM date: Fri Sep 29 10:32:52 2006
FCOM detected.
OOO detected.

Recognised and re-ordered mod files:

 . Note:  Masterlist Information: $Revision: 755 $, $Date: 2010-03-24 09:30:30 -0700 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010) $, $LastChangedBy: pacificmorrowind $

Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Invent, Delev, Relev, Actors.AIData,Actors.Stats, Stats}}

Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm
 !!! FCOM INSTALLATION ERROR:  Delete. Not FCOM compatible. Already integrated into FCOM.

 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Invent,Scripts,Stats,Relations}}

Mart's Monster Mod.esm
 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}


 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Delev,Factions,Relations,Relev}}



Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp

Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp

Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp

Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp
. Requires:  Shivering Isles expansion.

. Requires:  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.

. Requires:  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.
. Requires:  Francesco's supplementary addon package.

. Requires:  Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.

 . Note:  Original mod is heavily bugged. Make sure you are using Ryu Doppler's fixed version.



Third Person View Camera Distance Lock -Tight-.esp






 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Relev}}

 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:C.Name,C.Light}}

. Requires:  'FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp'.
 . Note:  Not need if use Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls*.esp

. Requires:  'ExnemRuneskulls.esp'.
 . Note:  Not need if use Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls*.esp

Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
. Requires:  'FCOM_BobsArmory.esp'.

. Requires:  'Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp'.

Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Actors.ACBS,Actors.DeathItem,Actors.Stats,Delev,Graphics,Invent,Relev,Stats}}
. Requires:  either 'FCOM_WarCry.esp' or 'FCOM_WarCryNoSpawn.esp'.

 . Note:  Use either 'FCOM_WarCry.esp' or 'FCOM_WarCryNoSpawn.esp', not both.

 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}

Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp
 . Note:  Can increase the chances of a CTD in a heavily modded game.

 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}


Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp
. Requires:  OBSElete - upgrade to 3.7b3+ and use 'Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Quest Locations.esp' instead.

Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp
 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Invent,Scripts,Stats}}

Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creature Skins.esp
 !!! FCOM INSTALLATION ERROR:  Delete. Already integrated into FCOM and no longer used by MMM 3.7 or later.

. Requires:  'FCOM_TamrielTravelers.esp'.

. Requires:  'TamrielTravellers4OOO.esp'



 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:C.Name,C.Owner}}


The Lost Spires.esp

 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Delev,Relev}}
. Requires:  DLC 'Knights.esp'.








 . Note:  Make sure version is 1.6.3 or later.








 . Note:  Only use one UL Rolling Hills esp









 . Note:  Put before Unique Landscape mods to return tree sizes there to normal.


'Eagle Eye' Realistic Archery v1.0 Fixed.esp

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
 . Note:  See http://omploader.org/vMmJlbA/DRtestfix.zip for a hotfix for CTD issues.

Oblivion XP.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp
 . Bashed Patch tag suggestion:  {{BASH:Body-M,Body-F,R.Relations}} make sure to merge into the bashed patch and deactivate.

Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Unrecognised mod files:                                          
Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility. 

Unknown mod file: Mart's Monster Mod for FCOM.esp



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This load order suggest is from March 2009.


So I should rename the "MMM.bsa" to "Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa"



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I'm using a full FCOM install.


I have renamed MMM.bsa to FCOM_Convergence_Mart'sMonsterMod.bsa. What the above poster said is probably true as well, but that's just for OOO and MMM. I'm using FCOM itself and what I just recommended works for me.


The reason this happens is because something in FCOM (maybe MMM, I don't know) makes a cool bloody corpse shader effect for dead bodies. Also, did you register Fransesco's in your .ini file? There's a little trick to avoid having to do it, but I just do it. I haven't had to regenerate my .ini file yet, so I would just register it and be done with it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, you have a lot more research to do.) FCOM is not for the faint of heart. I spent five hours setting it up. I took my time. I've only had one problem so far. The secret to installing FCOM is: don't be in a hurry to play the game. Just remember, the time will eventually come, even if it seems like it won't.




Read both the detailed and first time install instructions and if there's anything conflicting make a judgement call for your personal tastes or machine. Remember, I took five hours installing this puppy. The only problem was, I forgot install the meshes and textures for OOO 1.34 Beta 5. After that, I haven't had a problem yet. (That I think is FCOM related. It's Oblivion so there's always something....)

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