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Big downloads are too slow


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Hi everyone ;D


I'm having a little issue with the Nexus files...


When I download a mod with... Let say.. 10MB, it speed is 100kbps (My internet is 1MB)...


But when I try to download a 20mb bigger mod (Like 20th Century Weapons which i'm trying to download), the speed starts on 70kbps, and then it drops to 10kbps... Or there are times that the download already start on 10kbps, and stay like this...


Is there any solution for this?

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Hi ;D


Well... Tried all of them... With all i'm having the same problem...


2 weeks ago the Dallas server hasn't this problem... But now... All of them have...


Oh and i've already cleaned my Cookies and Historic... Nothing changed...


Oh! I use Firefox... The latest version ;D

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request the author put up a mirror file on a file hosting server, then try from there. Sometimes this will happen for specific files with either a high download rate, big download size, location of the server versus you, personal internet problems, communication or Ping, latency, there are so many variables that can affect it. Sometimes it's only for the individual, sometimes it will be 10% of those who try, other times it's just 100% of the time for some weird reason. Nothing too much that can be done about it aside from maybe coming online to download at a time where very few people are on compared to most of the time so bandwidth will be better spread.
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Also, since we're at the end of a billing month for many ISPs, your provider might be throttling your download speed if you've been downloading alot lately, or have an anti-virus program which is set to constantly update (Kaspersky was downloading over 4gb a week before I changed it to something other than automatic update). If other sites are slow, particularly ones with video content, it's nothing related to this site, but rather your ISP and bandwidth quotas. What can be said, companies are getting cheap.
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The problem is on my internet...


Torrent downloads are normal...


But any browser downloads are slow T-T


I'll try to fix it ;D


But thanks everyone for the help... The Nexus have good and efficient moderators ;D

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