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MGE and 64bit Windows 7


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My MGE working fine on this system, what your says?


Unable to read screen resolution from registery

Unable to read window mode from registry


then it loads and if you try to change the resolution it brings an Unhandled exception error.

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Unable to read screen resolution from registery

Unable to read window mode from registry


then it loads and if you try to change the resolution it brings an Unhandled exception error.


Maybe try to uncheck the windowed mode, set the international version if you run non-original Morr.exe or reset setting to default.

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Unable to read screen resolution from registery

Unable to read window mode from registry

Start Morrowind Launcher without MGE running then choose a resolution, this will create the required

registry entries for MGE to read. Then, launch MGE and you should be able to choose a resolution.


© Sleawer, ES Forums

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Have you tried to run launcher as an admin? Some times windows blocking programs from editing registr

And by the way, check if "Full Access" is Allowed for Admin (Morrowind Launcher > Properties > Security). By default it's must be allowed for admin but if no you can do small trick: click edit button, then chose "Users ("Your PC name"\Users)" (its must be bottom one) and in bottom window check Full Access - Allowed button.


P.S. not sure about names of tabs and etc. because i have russian version of windows http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/sweat.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings people !


I'm also using MGE on a 64bit Windows 7, and I've the same problem of unability to read regitries when MGE launches.

I've done what K4567 was suggesting but nothing more. I've set security settings to full access (well what I believed to be the full access box in french, because I would translate the actual title of the tick-box by "full control", however it's the first in the list and they are all ticked except the last one "special autorizations" which is disactivited) for admin and all users in the security options of the Morrowind launcher, and since I had a doubt I did the same for MGEgui, the Morrowind.exe and Morrowind.ini :sweat:, executable files are launched in admin mod.

And still, MGE tells be it's unable to read the screen resolution and the window registries.


By the way I usualy use FPS Optimizer which could change the resolution but if I use MGE as well, is prevents FPS Opt to change it.



So here's the problem, Thank you very much for reading !

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  • 1 year later...

Have you tried to run launcher as an admin? Some times windows blocking programs from editing registr

And by the way, check if "Full Access" is Allowed for Admin (Morrowind Launcher > Properties > Security). By default it's must be allowed for admin but if no you can do small trick: click edit button, then chose "Users ("Your PC name"\Users)" (its must be bottom one) and in bottom window check Full Access - Allowed button.


P.S. not sure about names of tabs and etc. because i have russian version of windows http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/sweat.gif




now it works for my win 7 64bit!

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