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Help with trouble shooting a ctd.

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I could use some help troubleshooting which of my mods is causing my game to CTD when I try to start a new game.


I've uploaded a picture of my obmm(I deactivated them after the crash and tested the game, it worked so I know it's one of the mods.

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does it crash when you start a new game?


or does it crash when you load any save? (usually a missing mod master)


or both? (expected reply)


Given that none of your omods are active and your active mod list is very short the only other culprit would be OBGE


or your installment of OBSE.


So best advice -


triple check your OBSE and OBGE to make certain you have everything needed and in the correct places.

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If that doesn't work, just activate one or two mods at a time until the problem comes back, then you'll know which it is. Make sure you are starting your game with obse_launcher instead of the Oblivion Loader.
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