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Wrye Bash Not Letting me change Load Order


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So I ran BOSS today in an attempt to clean up my load order and it really changed things around that shouldn't have. I definitely should've backed up my load order (lesson learned) but now on Wrye Bash it will not let me move some things that have red highlighted background text. I really need to be able to move the WAC-OOO compatibility patch to the bottom and all the Better Cities files to the bottom or else there are floating items.


Anyone know what is up with this?



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If its red that means that the modification time is the same as another. To change the time, right click on one and go to file, then redate. After the new window comes up click ok you change it to the current date and time, and keep doing that until no mods have the red bar on them.
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If its red that means that the modification time is the same as another. To change the time, right click on one and go to file, then redate. After the new window comes up click ok you change it to the current date and time, and keep doing that until no mods have the red bar on them.


Thank you very much! That solved it perfectly, now I can get this load order sorted out.

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