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Mods that others have not thought up of.....


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Here are my ideas that i hope you all like enough- and are easy enough to do.....





1. Make a paintball mod


2. Make an arena place/ building mod where you can play small team games or 1 vs 1 like in call of duty or halo or other fps games without permanently making others hostile.......or if you do, that they would be expendable and/ or generic NPC's


3. A radio station dealing with current news that is happening today.


4. A Trailer which you can drive and with the option of transporting your companions around which will enter and exit when you do.


5. Make a tv which shows short videos like that in The Darkness.......where you could watch 1 or two shows and has like 3 channels which you could change and watch freely


6. Make a sports mod, soccer, football, or maybe even basketball. (Just an idea, but don't know if it's even possible.)


7. A racing mod (might have to make a new area with transportation system and quests to get there in which you can race for fun.....and if you wanted to, as quests)


8. A child retexturing mod because sometimes when i give them other clothes their skin is all messed up and doesn't match at all.


9. A fighting mod like street fighter being 2-D if possible. if not possible then forget it.


10. A freaking zombie mod lol. Something like left for dead where it's nothing but a small mini-game or a room where we can try and last as long as possible before dying and having to respawning or reloading to a previous save.


11. Ventribirds that we can actually fly


12. an option to buy out any enemies we come across so that we don't have to fight them every single time.


13. a mod that allows you to start fallout 3 as an animal or other creature with a different beginning (you will have to remove any missions that include your "father" however and maybe might have to change some of the dialogue in the main quest of the game.


14. Possibly a mod that randomizes NPC's weapon selection so that rarely will any 2 NPC's have the exact same weapons and clothes and items like that in the Stalker games.


15. A family or marriage mod just for fun. That may or may not be 2 mods put together if you're talking about adding kids to the family.


16. A mod that adds mechs to the game. (might be impossible)


17. A gang-wars type of mod with about several gangs that are in several different towns that have annual fights.


18. Perks I would like seen made

-a perk that slows down time if possible.

-a perk that allows you to become invisible after standing still for several seconds

-the mysterious stranger perk to be changed so that he shoots up to 3 people and to get exp from his kills.

-a perk that shows you were other animals and NPC's are through walls and stuff like the life detection spells in oblivion





MAKE A MULTIPLAYER OPTION OR COOP-CAMPAIGN OPTION so we can play with our friends online........at least on the PC version. (Currently i would suggest making a building which others can go into........to meet up with and an item that transports us to our current mission.

THIS is my biggest idea since i am a huge FPS fan. Also if possible add in perks like what call of duty 4, 5, 6 had, and a weapon configuration like that which Crysis had and possibly duel wielding like in halo 2 and 3.

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(8) CUTE Girl Body Replacement

looks like it's only for females, but hey it's better than nothing.


(18) DK_BulletTime

Not exactly a perk, but you can always just not use it until a certain level and pretend it's a perk.



k just found out the CUTE Girl Body Replacement but i haven't checked it out yet.


and as for the motorcycle mods, there are at least 2 at there.


this is for the one i'm going to use (as i just downloaded it yesterday)


hey thanks everyone. I'll check them all out.

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A marriage mod would probably take a lot of stuff depending on what level of immersion your looking for. If you want something like courtship and a wedding, a lot of development time and scripting is required. Most modders would shrug this level of responsability for such a small payout off
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I seem to recall a WIP marriage mod, dunno where it is tho...

The mech stuff could probably be done. I'm actually working on something like that.

Same goes for the NPC randomization, though not exactly as you described.

And gang wars would probably be easy.

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I seem to recall a WIP marriage mod, dunno where it is tho...

The mech stuff could probably be done. I'm actually working on something like that.

Same goes for the NPC randomization, though not exactly as you described.

And gang wars would probably be easy.



I've been trying to get a relationship mod made for some time now, but I have had a lot of bad luck finding people who can write dialogue.


I think the new guy who offered to help out is going to turn out good though

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