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Tree texture annoying me....


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It will be later on this evening, I need to finish My reports and some work here , then I can come out and play some more.

How this was done:

  1. Look at the picture, in it is the loaded mods that are part of the GECK operation, the Floral.esp being set active.
  2. In the geck with normal settings, NO bells or whistles at all. Click in the cell window drop down and select wasteLand world space
  3. scroll down to vault 101 exterior and double click it, This will show up in the window.
  4. At the top of the Lit, there are menus, select (Nav-mesh) and then select Force Finalize All spaces.
  5. Go to lunch as this will take a long time to complete.
  6. When it is done, hit the save button , touch nothing else. when that is done, close the GECK. Due to this being the very first time this data has had this done TO it, it will ask you to save the changes to the mod, you say YES
  7. Now, this file will be very Big as it contains all world spaces so it's now complete match to the game and all assets in use.You can load it but it will take a long time to compile the data. there is no difference between this finished package than there is one that has been cleaned.
  8. you will need to clean the mod so the game will load very fast, the instructions for setting up the tools are listed in links in my signature here for xedit "Fo3Edit. " it's in picture format cuz not every one speaks the same language, the pictures speak for them selves.
  9. set the tools up close and verify all settings are Enable and held. Right click Fo3edited loaded Floral esp in the editor and select apply filter for cleaning. wait.....right click it and remove ITM's "identical to master files" DO NOT Undelete things, please just do one edit at a time.
  10. when it has finished, save it CRTL +S. exit xedit now, run the game with just those listed in the shot. This is a step in a long process to testing data only, it is not a finished product, it is only step 1.

Once you have establish a match of my rendered shot, then we can set up the lushness for you , that is a a Lod thing, separate from the process we just did.

It may require you obtain Game source materials to use and some of this data with these 23 mods also are required to be in the source folder too.

There are Gifted mod authors here that can take over from this point and help you establish a game modding Environment as well as supply most of the required programing data you will need.


Then .....you are your own Boss and can do anything you want on your PC you want to do.





again my hero!


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Good luck ! is step 1 only, more yet to come.


Test it, Evaluate it, be sure changes are correct and done preciously as laid out. you L e a r n as you go.


Edited by Purr4me
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Good luck ! is step 1 only, more yet to come.


Test it, Evaluate it, be sure changes are correct and done preciously as laid out. you L e a r n as you go.



Heya Kitty! I was getting ready to load the files in geck and set floral to active when I notied in the pic you gave me you have Fellout-full.esm and FOWE.esm did you convert them to esm or did you mean esp's?

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Those ere repaired As I typed out in a prior post "Requires repairs", the merged them using a merging Utility. you must fix broken data before ever using it to compile a mod, if you compile broken data, you compile a broken mod.


Look back in the other posts for the spoiler, read it. The pictures for fixing it is well laid out too, if there is a question about what to do? in that process, know that every edit you do, you must save the file and recheck for errors and only load the plugin you intend to edit, no Others. 1 file at a time. when they are fixed, and process, then you save them in the Johnz Java application to put back the header data the xedit program rips out. you need to have that readable for the geck. if version control data is not there? then the geck will not load it.


Quirks of the trade. esp to esm conversion, there are different ways to do it and there are reasons for each choice of doing it so.


when the files have been merged, they are tested in edit, then are loaded in the geck, and we read the GECK's output text in the games root folder where the executable is located, see what remains that may require attention. some things you need to know and not forget.


the Geck is the master file maker, not xedit. it only reacts esp outputs. Fomm has in it Tsnip, it has a drop down application to esmify the plugins.


So. Fix your copies of FOWE first. once done ,set them asides.


merge all of fellout using your choice of programs ,Either will produce a valid file for it;'s use, this how ever is not applicable to every mod out there, but here is Ok .


the arraignment is part if the fixes for FOWE's compatibility with other mods. That's where the LOD information came from during the processes done.


If there are a set of mods, that refuse to work with each other , it's because they use the same source files. So, you need to determine which mods assets you want to use to take precedence over your game Environments. you can't have both. this comes down to load order issues. this process removes load order issues from this arrangement process.


No plugins can have any errors in them.



MODELS: Debris scale value of zero loaded. Please set to non-zero value in editor.
MASTERFILE: Warnings encountered loading part 'Hull' for body part data 'DLC02ChimeraBodyPartData' (010051F8).
EXTRA SPACE: Heavy Winter Coat has at least one space after it.
EXTRA SPACE: Weathered Winter Coat has at least one space after it.
EXTRA SPACE: Bulky Winter Coat has at least one space after it.
EXTRA SPACE: Brown Winter Coat has at least one space after it.
EXTRA SPACE: Bulky Winter Coat has at least one space after it.
EXTRA SPACE: YOU ARE A CHEATER has at least one space after it.
EDITOR: Editor ID 'FWOUrbanDeepRain' (030126B1) is not unique, previous object (020126B1) is type WTHR. Editor ID will be set to 'FWOUrbanDeepRainDUPLICATE000'.
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 000c3288 Cell 'DclawSanc01' (00018463), has a large number of triangles, 2017, please check and optimize
PATHFINDING: Navmesh 00067376 Cell 'MetroCenter01' (0001A28C), has a large number of triangles, 2211, please check and optimize


This is where FoWE and Floral Over haul stop and the default errors start, the bellow are considered normal.


MODELS: No FurnitureMarkers found in 'DLCAnch\Furniture\AnchPodPlayer01.NIF'.
MODELS: You have not selected any FurnitureMarkers for 'AnchPodChair01'.
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF), but Faction 'BrotherhoodOutcastFaction' (0001D3FF) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02OutcastFaction' (01000E21).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02ChineseEndBattleFaction' (01002989).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2), but Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02GeneralEndBattleFaction' (0100299C).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7), but Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatChineseFaction' (010043F1).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02CombatAmericanFaction' (010043F2).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction1Point' (01005000).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction2Points' (01005001).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction3Points' (01005002).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09), but Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction' (01002D09) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02StrikeTeamFaction4Points' (01005003).
DEFAULT: (Faction Reaction Error) Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7) is a Friend or Ally of Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4), but Faction 'PlayerFaction' (0001B2A4) is not a Friend or Ally of Faction 'DLC02AmericanCaptiveFaction' (010091E7).



Now if this is unclear, I am not the only one here that has information, so in my signature there is a Pink link to a vast set of links here that contain all data you need. (Mods I support)

Edited by Purr4me
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So I've continued playing around with and tweaking FOWE and Flora Overhaul this is what I have achieved.




But I have no LOD. Going to work on generating one after I read up on it.






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Blinded By the light !



Ha! Was pretty bright but was a view none the less XD and I am dancing my buttocks off I got it working!




And since FOWE is a resource and open to the public I was thinking of throwing a patch up for it to work with Flora overhaul cause the fix doesn't require tampering with anything from flora overhaul \m/ now I just want it to snow more often @.@




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Buried within the FO3Code is a thing called "frosting", this is not icing on cake, it's sort of what would appear as ICE on the ground. For some strange reason, The developers have this attribute disabled? I'll look into it when I finish setting up and testing some other things. Kinda busy with RL , Kid's and other things.


you just keep at it, Soon, you will be a pro. Looks great !



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Blinded By the light !





Nice I made my Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas really lush, kittyfied so to speak. So I wanted to make FO3 even more cold a place ^^



Buried within the FO3Code is a thing called "frosting", this is not icing on cake, it's sort of what would appear as ICE on the ground. For some strange reason, The developers have this attribute disabled? I'll look into it when I finish setting up and testing some other things. Kinda busy with RL , Kid's and other things.


you just keep at it, Soon, you will be a pro. Looks great !




Ohhhh that sounds promising! The only other bug I've run into with FOWE is a missing mesh dlcanchicelake02.nif which is not in the anchorage BSA or FOWE files. Only encountered it near the barn behind vault 101 were the random encounter is down the road a small pond. a temporary fix I used the dlc icelake and named it the missing mesh but the "frozen" pond has no collision because oddly the nif was used for water which won't have a collision.





PS - was reading through the FOWE posts saw you were going to try reviving it?

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