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Request: Various Texture Fixes


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There are a few texture-related oddities and eyesores throughout Dark Souls 2 that I'd like to request to have fixed.

1. The excessively-repeating white brick texture in Drangleic Castle apparent on the walls and ceiling.

2. The skybox texture in The Lost Bastille AND Drangleic Castle has been missing ever since the calibration that added the Majula Mansion chest event. In Lost Bastille the sky appears pure purple, and in Drangleic Castle the sky in an abyss-style pure black. This is the most major problem of all, but I'm not sure if a skybox replacer (or just the dumped original texture put into the override folder) would fix it, but I've yet to try.

3. Some ugly beige hills in the distance in Shaded Woods and Forest of Fallen Giants to a lesser extent (minor).

4. The obviously-repeating texture on the Dragon Shrine, especially around the Ancient Dragon's boss room.

5. The obviously-repeating texture on the bridge structure in Shaded Woods, mostly noticeable on the path leading towards Drangleic Castle.

6. The repeating texture on the bridge blocked by rubble in the Forest of Fallen Giants outside the Cardinal Tower to the left upon leaving the doors (also minor).


I'd honestly really appreciate anyone trying to fix this stuff, as it's something everyone could utilize to give their game that little extra bit of polish and are little things that have bugged me ever since the texture problems/laziness in the game were evident in the early trailers.


Edited by JimPop
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There is already a mod that fixes the shaded woods textures and works quite well. Don't know about the others though.


PS: Why not try to fix them yourself? Not trying to be rude or anything, but I would assume many people would appreciate a texture fix pack (me included). If you'd start creating such a pack, I bet sooner or later people would want to contribute to it so you don't have to fix everything yourself (at least that's my experience with the mods I created).

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Thanks for the reply, KampfKlops.


I was talking about a different texture in the Shaded Woods other than the one that mod fixes, but thanks anyways.


I would immediately fix them if I knew how to use Photoshop. Other than that, I'm pretty sure I know how to use Texture Dumping through GeDoSaTo, but I've never used it before.


I guess it's about time I learnt Photoshop or some other texture editing program.

Just to help me start off, what program would you suggest I use for texture editing, and what videos should I watch for tutorials that teach me what I'd need to make texture edits and add normal maps to the texture?

Edited by JimPop
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Best programs to use are Photoshop and Gimp. Don't worry about normal/specular maps at the beginning. I think the simplest way would be to just download an existing mod and change it, then check out how the result looks ingame. E.g. if you want to fix shaded woods, start with the existing mod for it and start from there.


The hardest part is probably getting GeDoSaTo to dump textures for you lol.


There isn't really that much you need to know, it's mostly learning-by-doing. Alpha channels handle transparency of a texture. Surface maps regulate shininess and amount of reflection, normal maps give this bump/popping out effect. Other than that it's just using a brush or copying google images :)

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