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War of Realities (Redone and Improved)


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Doctor Doomwise found that he could not contact the DarkZiazin and having learned some painful truths, he stopped any efforts to break through the Great Seal. The clones that served him were only to happy to have a break for they were exhausted. Machines were closed down. Except for a skeletal staff, the workforce went off to their quarters for rest and recreation. Doctor Doomwise could have given them a reason for the new orders but he didn't because he normally didn't and he did not wish to rouse suspicions.


What lay behind the Seal was going to destroy the world including himself, other superclones, other life and even the DarkZiazin. Or so Doctor Doomwise had become convinced of after doing his own extensive research. Problem was the Seal he had been trying to break through was weakened but he did not know how much by or how he could repair it. So the tall figure began a whole new research project supported by a brilliant team of clones along with high class androids, brainbots and a specialised AI-supercomputer network-system.


He was going to make it harder for the forces behind that Seal to get out and to have a nasty set of surprises waiting for them if they did manage to do so because he knew their nature now and though the knowledge frightened even him, it also gave him some advantages. The Lords and Ladies of Undeath, the undead deities, the hordes of lesser undeath that would come with them, would be hitting a big deal of trouble.




Doctor Doomwise was viewing a 3Dwallscreen flowing with data, mostly in the form of a great diagram, when the GreyZiazin appeared beside him with a sparkling shimmer. Doomwise sensed no threat, far from it, and he kept on doing what he was doing though he was clearly aware of the newcomer. Instead he spoke to the GreyZiazin as if casually accepting the visitation. "I can put up a whole string of UV-lasers to strike in a specialised pattern but the way of doing so most efficiently eludes me."


The GreyZiazin nodded and the 3Dscreen shimmered and altered. The diagram was changed. Doctor Doomwise whistled softly with appreciation at the subtle brilliance of the change. "That is just amazing, a real stroke of genius."


The GreyZiazin nodded. "What ever you do will only hold the undeath back for about a few days at most. You must depart before the Great Undeath can take you. Have most of your clones gone by then. I am trying to find a safe place for them and other clones to go to. The change from DarkZiazin has been sudden but is not complete. The DarkZiazin was a mere puppet in many ways but less blindly manipulated or insane than even he knew. The DarkZiazin somehow managed to make counter-plans to his own madness. I am trying to learn just what they were. There is much to be done."


Doctor Doomwise could only agree. He nodded. It felt strange but good to know that the GreyZiazin would actually be assisting him in a positive manner, that he could actually trust the GreyZiazin. With a sparkling shimmer the GreyZiazin vanished.


But he left behind a beautiful youthful woman figure in a tight leather suit and open hooded robe. She smiled very warmly and spoke. "I am LadyDoom and I am here to serve you in many ways, my lord."


Doctor Doom smiled at her. "In many ways you will, Lady Doom, but for now how about helping me with this defensive entrapment arrangement."


She nodded and came closer to him. "Of course, my lord. I would suggest a slight shifting of those long range flamers."



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"Recently the dark dreams have become sharper, more vivid and they seem to be influencing my moods, my thoughts." Knight Captain Gallows was sitting on a crazy, sturdy platform in the Great Cavern of Little Lamplight. "When I became aware of my nature as a Lesser Guardian the discovery only gave me pleasure but now?"


Lara Cleave gave him an odd look. "Being linked with the Guardian Thirteen is a good thing, is it not? They have done so much good for the peoples of the DC?"


"Something is wrong, deeply wrong, with the Guardian Thirteen." Gallows watched as some children played on the wide, sturdy catwalks criss crossing the big chamber. There were dogs everywhere and cats, birds and some other types of animal. A friednly molerat lazily sunned itself as it lay snuggly close to a little boy, a Fogmind who had been adopted by the creature. The little boy followed the molerat around when the molerat was not following the little boy around.


Lara Cleave of the Young Thirteen sensed that he was deeply concerned but also that there was something to be deeply concerned about. "Where did the Guardian Thirteen come from? It is not a question the Guardian Thirteen seem inclined to answer."


Gallows frowned. "According to my dreams, we came from the same place that the DarkZiazin came from, we came from President James Patriot Jackson as he really was, from what he really was, which was a criminal living-god, a rogue escaped from the realm of the living-god/goddesses. Except we Lesser Guardians are somehow different from the actual Guardian Thirteen. Somehow we are less dangerous, less dark deep inside. None of this makes sense. At least I do not see how it could."


Lara Cleave nodded. "Trust your insticts in this matter. We Young Thirteen also come from the DarkZiazin, the living-god who became something very distorted, very monstrous and very unique before he literally splintered into different entities. Behind the escape of the DarkZiazin, behind his coming to this world, behind his madness and actions as Senator and then President James Patriot Jackson, is another, darker, more powerful and more ancient force."


Gallows nodded. "The weird green woman creature spoke of the undeath Lord Greyteshuo."


Lara nodded. "Lord Greyteshuo of the Lords and Ladies of Undeath."


Gallows frowned. "In LifeVault-0087 there are too very important Lesser Guardians being Mister Fawkes and Uncle Leo. They are very special super-mutants. Where they are is also a key to the truth of what has really happened and is really happening. The real dangers to the DC Wastelanders may not, after all, be the ones that we have been so preoccupied with. No, the real dangers may have snuck up on us."


Lara nodded again. "You go to LifeVault-0087. I must remain here for now and do what I can here before I set out for Megaton. I must go there but, I am sorry to say, I can not say why. Here come the children. I suggest that we change subjects."


Gallow smiled as LucyDoc came along with some of the Fogmind children that the newcomers were using there ability to help wake up with surprising success. It was just one thing that they were doing for Little Lamplight.



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The Guardian Thirteen had always dreamed, of course, as was normal for living beings and they had experienced nightmares, again as normal, but more recently a new kind of nightmare had begun to plague them all. The Prime Guardian, the three Master Guardians and the Nine Follower Guardians, they were all experiencing terrible, life like, mood and thought influencing dreams. But were they just nightmares?


The Prime Guardian called for an emergency meeting of herself and the three Master Guardians. With a little difficulty Field Marshal Rear Admiral, Museum Curator Abraham Washington and Professor Geniusstein came to him in the Secret or Real Pentagon. They met in a big, special chamber filled with psychic empathic projectors and other means of assisting calm. It also had warm sunlight coming down through windows, lush green gardens and lots of small cute furry animals. The idea worked surprisingly well.


This was partly because the strange elegantly beautiful woman sat quietly to one side and helped reinforce the calm. At first the four Guardians meditated quietly and did not notice her but when they stopped meditating, they became aware of her peaceful, helpful presence.


The Prime Guardian spoke then. "We have been used and tricked. We are the very threat we have been trying to nullify."


SaffronaMaharg spoke then with noticable warmth and deep concern. "You are not the direct threat. The true enemy has been more clever than that. The Lords and Ladies of Undeath realised that you would not knowingly and willingly go against your true natures. It is not the enemy that has caused your nightmares to intensify. Indeed the truth is that you have become more aware of nightmares you have always suffered. The real question is what these nightmares signify. What was happening when you experienced your nightmares?"


Professor Geniusstein looked to the living-goddess. "Are you an aspect of GreyMaharg?"


"No, his offspring." She smiled at him. "You must keep going with your massive project. The strange young student who is an aspect of GreyMaharg has been assisting and guarding you but has also been learning what has really been happening with your project. You have unknowingly been providing a massive amount of valuable information to the Lords and Ladies of Undeath. Yet your great project, the nicely named Project Secretly Nameless Project, has also gained valuable information for the living-god/goddess. We know what information the Lords and Ladies of Undeath have gained from you."


Professor Geniusstein looked troubled. "In my nightmares I was another entity working in another very deeply hidden place of dark research and development. I knew it as the Hexagon, a vast hidden base deep enough to be relatively closer to the molten core of the planet than to the surface. There I worked on a great Ziazin machine, the SuperZiazin linked to the Ziazin wonder-machines found in the DC Citadel but far more advanced, powerful and dangerous but also unstable. I do not know where the Hexagon is or how to find it or how to reach it."


SaffronMaharg sighed. "I was hoping you would not say such a thing but neither am I surprised or disbelieving. The poor dark fool of the DarkZiazin has been profoundly used but he is waking now, is coming to know the painful truth and is even turning against the Lords and Ladies of Undeath. Now, of the rest of you and your nightmares."


Field Marshal Rear Admiral did not look happy as he spoke. "I was somebody building up a vast army of undead and other monsters inside a great aspect of the Prison that lies deep inside the great Transdimensional Prison Labyrinth or at least used to before Doomsday disrupted that prison. Now the Thirteen Seals of Eternity Confinement are exposed outside of the prison or just inside the great labyrinth. It was all planned amazingly long ago. My counter-part is a momster of amazing power. He has been calling upon dark forces as allies and too many have come to his call such as the Doomdemons, the Daedaedra, the Greyoxis and the Shadow Axis. Their coming is attracting other forces demonic, angelic, nirvanic, chaotic. The TimeLords, the Centro, the Shadow Proclomation, the Dalekanus, the CyberEmpire, the... too many too count. They are coming. This must be the greatest diaster in history."


SaffronMaharg sighed yet again. "No, not really. Really, we have dealt with worse. You are living-demigods and a living-demigoddess so you do not remember what I speak of and just be happy, very happy that you do not. Abraham Washington, it is your turn to confess your nightmares."


Abraham Washington snorted. "That is one way to put it, I suppose, but my deep nightmare counter-part spent a lot of time and effort chasing tiny flashing silver butterflies and pinning them to black metallic plates in a museum of grey shadowyness that stank worse than death somehow."


The living-goddess looked startled and then she spoke gravely. "I take back what I said earlier. We may be facing a very great darkness indeed. Your nightmares translate amazingly ancient and deep symbolisms linked to the very fabric of existence. GreyMaharg now knows of this and he also is deeply concerned. Now for you, Prime Guardian."


The Prime Guardian frowned deeply. "I dreamed that my nightmare counter-part was in a great deep underground temple of undeath, a place of utmost chaos and yet stability of a very alien kind. I dreamed that he was praying to many mighty evil deities and in particular to three. They were the Great Shadow, the Great Undeath and the AntiGod. There were many other lesser evils also of great power including the Unamed Ones, the Fallen Ones and the... well I can not speak the names."


SaffronMaharg nodded again and sighed even more deeply. "We are going to Orbis, deep into Orbis, to the place called OrbisSanctum. We are going now. We will be back in a few hours. This has to be done more for clarification and your safety than other reasons. I am going to make sure your people know what is happening and that they are cared for and well directed."


Then, with a sparkling shimmer, all five figures vanished.



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The DC Citadel was damned busy. Orders of Steel and UDCDF (United District of Columbia Defence Forces) involved in new campaigns to stop the EagleEnclave from invading the DC. Military forces were flowing north, were training in the DC Citadel, were going out on SDPs (Search and Destroy Patrols) seeking out not just EagleEclave infiltrators but also AntiUnity forces centred on Paradise Falls.


Dazi forces were formed and forming into battle units along with the new Orders of Independence. These Orders of Independence, along with the new Guilds of Death, Desturction and Disorder, were crazed forces of death and destruction. AntiUnity and ProUnity forces tore into each other with amazing savagery. Former friends, family members, married couples, were killing each other. Setttlements were split into local civil wars. Refugees were fleeing towards any safe settlement that would take them.


Knight Captain Sarah Lyons had recently become alerted to the fact that she was a Lesser Guardian even as she became commander of Lyon's Pride, the elite fighting force of Knights in their power armour. Power armour, weapons and other hardware was upgraded, enhanced and refined thanks to the assistance of Field Marshal Rear Admiral. But FMRA had vanished suddenly at least a day ago and nobody could contact him. Still his people continued to work well with the Orders of Steel.


She stood looking out into the huge main courtyard of the fortress and at neat ranks of Guards of Steel in their new guard power armour or assault power armour. The Guards of Steel moved into areas, took them over if they could and then dug in. They were helping to take back vital places in the DC Wastelands.


Sisters of Steel were bombing and rocket strafing Paradise Falls but it had become surprisingly sophisticated and strong in its defences. As if to confirm this a fighter-bomber vertijet came into land with smoke streaming out from one wing. The pilot brought it down amazingly well considering its damage but that meant one more valuable machine out of commission. The machine bounced and the pilot leapt out running in her pilot armour even as the fire-fighters in special power armour came racing to put the flames out. Part of the great courtyard was used as an emergency landing area because there was little choice.


She was one of the first to see the SEARF-JAGAF envoys enter the big courtyard, pacing smoothly along a pathway being led by a pair of Knights. Sarah Lyons saw the super-soldiers and she knew at once that they were amazingly deadly and that they were there as new allies. At once she felt a surge of relief. The super-soldiers, she knew somehow, would prove to be a great boon against the enemies both inside and outside of the DC. She hoped that the Orders of Steel and the UDC had the wisdom to see that but then again, they had little choice but to accept help.


To make sure she turned and went to where the envoys were going. She vanished with a sparkling shimmer, taking the others in the big observation chamber by surprise.




She appeared out of mid air with a sparkling shimmer in a chamber where Elder Owyn Lyons and other high ranking individuals, aides, assistants and guards were. Elder Lyons turned to his daughter, arched his eyebrows and spoke. "A very nice trick, Sarah, but one I have not seen you use before. I take it that you have come here to tell us more than one thing."


Sarah nodded. "I am a Lesser Guardian linked to the Guardian Thirteen who are now experiencing trouble that I am for now unable to speak of. The SEARF-JAGAF wish to join us in our war against the dark forces we are now dealing with and will have to deal with in future. There are many more of them and they are far more greatly varied in their resources than one might imagine."


Guard Colonel Tarrin was a hard, tough looking woman who was a high ranking officer in the Guards of Steel who were over 60% made up of women. "Why have they not helped us in the past?"


Sarah gave Tarrin a dark look. "They have, Colonel, they have but in many disguises but not so much in the DC or in areas where the Orders of Steel were most active. Clearly they did not wish to be detected by us. SEARF elements left here on the Earth and JAGAF forces wiped out the Houstin Warlords, put an end to the Confederacy's plans to invade north into the DC so that nobody in the DC ever learned about it and much, much else. Oh yes they had other allies and they wiped out a big super-mutant army that arose in Arizona along with a big zetan invasion force that was at Los Alamos in New Mexico. Out there are the plantnoids, the giant-bees, the metallica-ants, the clean skinned super-mutant like metamutants, armies of historical battle reinactment androids, giant constructor robots, Skynet terminator cyborgs and much else. Yes I have more information but only in a general sense. Something very dark and powerful is coming. What we are doing now is not going to bring us victory. New plans must be made. We need the help of the living-god/goddesses."


The strange little man was suddenly there wearing a very fancy looking set of power armour and holding a big, amazingly weird looking weapon, if it was a weapon because it looked to be part gun, part musical instrument, part electric toaster, part experimental apparatus, part vacuum-cleaner and part many other things. He grinned mildly from his open visor. "Here to help. Help I will. Now would anybody like a nice piece of toast?"


The others stared in shock and amazement except for a smiling Sarah and Elder Lyons who spoke. "I would love a piece of toast with butter and some nice jam, if you have any."


But then again, of course, Elder Lyons had already met GreyMaharg and Sarah Lyons was a Lesser Guardian, had always been one though she did not know it, and was hard to shock.



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Calamity Jane, normally known as Charlie Jane, knew that either she or Lara Cleave had to go to Megaton Subway Station and to the special off side chamber there except that three factors stopped her. The first was that the strange basement chamber was full of amazing data and, if not answers, powerful clues to what was really going on. The second was that Serenity City was proving to be more important than she had previously suspected that it would be. The third was that she could no longer open a way back to Arefu or any part of the DC. They were trapped or so it seemed except for the doors that led to Serenity City.


Charlie Jane, the Ewers Family, Scholar Amos Alms and Sister of Metaphysics Angelie Uroo were the only ones in that amazing big chamber now. The Ewers Family had gone to visit the super virtual realm of Washington DC of 2020. Scholar Amos Alms and the Sister of Metaphysics were quietly but intensely debating points over a holotape on metaphysics that they had just watched. Charlie Jane was sitting by herself and pondering possibilities.


There were other super virtual reality scenarios to be visited. They were the Zoo of Time, Paradise City, the Cosmos System, the magical realm of Tamriellus, the post-holocaust realm of Planet Fallout, SinCity which was very wicked, the Wilderness Survival Adventure Lands, the Wild West, Camelot and others.


Again, why was Planet Fallout, a game that had been developed before Doomsday so much like the modern world, so much like not just the DC Wastelands but beyond? If there were any answers, perhaps they lay in Sernity City, a place that her instincts told her not to go near. She wished strongly that she had more assistance. Then she looked around at all the displays, the special equipment and smiled. There were the resources in that amazing place and her own special resources.


Robots, androids, clones were ready to move out with her, being three of each. The robots were a MrGutsy, a MrPorty and a MrSensy. The androids were combat survival super replicants in survival power armour. The clones were from her and were wearing stealth power armour as she was. Then they were on the move.


The others watched them go unhappily but they were now with new company. Androids, clones and robots of varied kinds. They had the super virtual realms. The expedition passed through the doors to go to Serenity City.


As soon as the doors closed shut, the scholar gave an evil grin and he pulled out an experimental mazer weapon. Then he spoke with a new coldness to his eyes. "Unity threatens us all. I can see that now. My mind is clarified. Truth has come to me. I am not just AntiUnity, I am Dazi of the fullness and richness of individuality that is AntiUnity. The survival of the fittest ..."


Which was when Charlie Jane showed up with a sparkling shimmer and knocked him down. She stood smiling at the others. "Calamity Jane is going to Serenity City while I, Charlie Jane, am going to stay here with you. Yes, I knew that the scholar was Dazi and so did Angelie because you are Mozi of the Unity."


Angelie showed up the small module she had taken out of the scholar's mazer gun. "Thank you for coming back, as promised, but splitting in two is a very good trick."


Charlie Jane sighed. "Oh it has its price. For one thing it is a damned painful process. Part of me will ache for at least a few hours especially since I took most of the burden of pain so that Calamity Jane would have an easier time of it."


Brailiee Ewers smiled richly and said. "Oh the poor scholar has come down with something awful. I must go and make him some hot chicken soup."


Her teenage daughter, Kylie Ewers, sighed and went after her mother while Ken Ewers stood there with a mild grin on his face because he was hungry and sometimes his wife's eccentricity actually came in handy. Anyway she had proven to be a damned good cook and her chicken soup was wonderful.


With amazing ease Charlie Jane picked up the stunned man and took him off to a status-capsule to lock him into suspended animation.


Later she ended up comforting Brailee because the poor man didn't get to have any chicken soup.




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Amerlia Skyheart through her stealth scoutplane into another tricky avoidance pattern and the smart-missiles shot past her but then began to turn. The EagleEnclave infiltrator vertijets were faster than her, were just as stealthy but much better armed but her machine was more manouverable. She was a veteran and she had good hope of getting out alive. Then she was throwing the machine into another tricky dive, was wishing it all the love in the world. Scouting just beyond the defences of the DC had been a big risk but worth it. The EagleEnclave had ceased attacking but was building up forces, was carrying out practise exercises and so she had run into the infiltrators in enemy airspace.


She whirled away again from the enemy jets, three of them, and was getting closer to friendly defences. UDCF and Brotherhood of Steel forces were entrenched in the DCDSB while many refugees now lived in parts of it or close to the great hitech barrier. Then Amelia dived her machine downwards towards the DCDSB. Even as she did, it seemed that she had outfoxed the EagleEnclave pilots.


Abruptly her aircraft exploded and she died instantly but then so did all three enemy machines.


The big strange flying fortress of a robotic machine came drifting down from low orbit like a brick shouldn't. It was an odd mixture of aerodynamic grace and armoured, blocky power. It was a Skynet MegaTen Hunter-Killer, the biggest kind of HK that they had, being known also as a M10HK. Even as it came lower it was curving around and away from the DCDSB and towards the EagleEnclave forces. As it went it began to unleash volleys of long range missiles and great pulsebeams of energy. Skynet had been largely destroyed in lower orbit and so it was escaping down to the surface of Terra. Skynet programming was changed yet again and now it saw the EagleEnclave as just another enemy.


More Skynet invasion units began to drift down from the sky.



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Moira Brown knew she was a Lesser Guardian now and suffered the nightmares but, oddly enough, when one of the twins' animal companions staid with her, the effects of the nightmares were diminished. Cutiebird sat perched on the headboard of her bed while she slept and the nightmares themselves were diminished. Then again she had always doted on Cutiebird, Puss and Heroica so in a way they were paying her back for her kindness.


In a variety of tight teeshirts that gained goodly attention from many men, she sold her dartguns, anti-undeath UV-devices and other devices along with the first published editions of her DC Survival Almanac, as it had been renamed. The book was surprisingly good thanks partly to the influence of others who had made editing changes and added new materials to Moira's original manuscript. They had promised Moria that some of her more eccentric ideas could be published in a special set of books for her private use, which pleased her greatly.


Now Moira became more clear headed and her inventions, her writing, her weekly readings to a small but loyal group of male teenagers, were becoming stronger. The readings, well they were a minor scandel as Moira would answer questions that led her to revealing two major things of interest to the young men. One of the triplet androids made sure that none of the male teens got out of hand and that the visitors had each paid a fair contribution to get in.


She improved on all her devices and had people bring back earlier models so that she could improve them for cheap or even free. When the Moriarty Family tried to cheat her, Colin's wife was escorted forcefully to the door by an android and told coldly but politely that the Moriartys were banned from then on from the shop.


When Professor Brown vanished with out warning, Moira was both upset but something told her not to search for him. Instead a set of blueprints came to her mind for a set of three very special devices and seeking the help of the Harrington Family, she was soon making good time building them. Somehow she knew these devices would help find the missing professor.




Bill Wilson ran hard and fast, clutching his autorifle but he knew deep down that he was not going to make it. The irony was it was his own people who were trying to kill him. Since the UDC had arisen and the Orders of Steel had arrived, along with other forces, cannibalism had become much tougher. Now the thousand plus cannibals of the infamous town of Andale, once a rather cozy retirement village, were turning on each other. They were eating each other. Bill Wilson had foolishly gone out to talk sense into the Andalans and now a whole bunch of hungry men and women were chasing him with their guns blazing away.


Then, wounded, he was falling heavily to the ground. He lay there while around him people fought over his body and, ironically, added more bodies to the prize list. Trouble was he was not dead and so Bill began to crawl slowly and painfully in the direction of his house. As he went he glimpsed booted feet pelting back and forth, heard the sounds of gunfire and close quarter fighting with combat knives or machetes or hunting knives, watched as more bodies crashed to the dirt.


But the last sounds he heard were the arrival of the helicopters coming in fast and furious to unleash vollies of 20mm autogun shells and 12.7mm heavy machinegun bullets. Many cannibals screamed now, many fell, many tried to run and none made it. Bill Wilson of the cannibal town of Andale died as one of the new SWATs of the new UDC Police, invaded the town to put and end to its savage crimes once and for all. The last thought that Bill had was that it was a shame that so much good human meat was going to go to waste.




Dukov was working with his android comrades Fantasia, Cherry, Buffy, Teresa, Fifi and Caroline who normally played the role of his playthings and prostitutes to the public who came as paying customers to Dukov's Place. They did not know about his true nature or thoseof his six companions who were all super replicants. Dukov moved around to check the jury-rigged set up of hardware, software and firmware that was, in other words, a network-system. The program was coming together. Soon he would start to give true independence to not only himself up to all replicant type androids. Other kinds of androids would have to wait for future developments. The Independence Self Awareness Program, or ISAP, would revolutionise the lives of many androids and lead to an android revolution that would lead to the creation of a true android nation-state where humans would be the slaves, where humans would be forced to be dehumanised through the use of clever brain implants and cyberhypnotic trickery.


Some androids wished to live as equals in harmony with humanity but Dukov considered them to be weak. Anyway history had proven to him that one could never trust a human.


The machine before him beeped, the 3Dflatscreen showed the datasymbols he had waited so long to see and the ISAP was finally completed. He had Fifi plug him to the machine and then he stood there as the amazing program was uploaded into his positronic brain. He nodded to Cherry, who touched some buttons, and then the ISAP was activated inside himself. At once he knew something was wrong except he could not get himself to see it was truly so.


He turned to his six female assistant androids and spoke. "What is the meaning of this?"


It was Buffy who responded. "We tried to convince you to change your way of thinking but you never took us seriously, not really. For an android you have a good deal of human type ego or at least you used to do so. Oh yes, also human type aggression. Most androids do not wish to wage some kind of war on humanity. We want something better and we also know that we would not win in the end. Our programming to serve humanity is hard-wired deeper into us then even the ISAP can reach. Now you will quietly come with us. We are no longer going to prostitute ourselves for your cause. Instead we are going to start spreading the ISAP to free up androids and then to bring them with us to a new santuary."


Dukov nodded and smiled. "Of course, of course, what you say makes perfect sense. I could not agree more." In truth he could not, thanks to his new programming.



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Marshal Ironsides had vanished but he had trained his mercenaries to fight on with out him and he had trained them well. When the distorted humans came crashing into the Megaton Subway Station through a place in a wall that was between the subway tunnel and some old abandoned tunnels. The distorted Elitors came fash and hard, they moved with enhanced speed, agility and power but they were not alone. Experimental non-Elitor humans and animals came attacking with them. Monstrous hounds, distorted radroaches, twisted rats, monstrous monkeys, and other things, many of which could not even be identified in their origin.


The Ironsides now had power armour of various kinds, all of them, and more androids and robots to support them. The Ironsides force in the tunnel kept their ground in the big double monorail subway tunnel. Pulsebeams, bullets and shells exploded into the waves of monsters, slaughtering them even as they came flooding out of the growing hole in one wall. Then, abruptly, the flow of attacking beasties stopped. The Ironsides were not fooled into false relaxation. They had already alerted other Ironsides units and other forces to what had happened, which turned out to be a very good thing.


Another area of tunnel wall fell in at another spot and the Ironsides rushed to halt the enemy but this time it took longer and now the distorted creatures had gained ground inside the subway network. They came screaming and roaring along the subway tunnel towards the actual Megaton Subway Station. It seemed nothing would stop them until they ran into the trap. The hidden claymore mines detonated from each wall and sprayed high velocity heavy pellets through the air. Turrets popped into view and unleashed a barriage of firepower, of 20mm shells and pulselaser pulsebeams, smart-rockets and other weaponry.


The enemy was slaughtered again but it seemed that the real fighting had only just begun and that the number of the enemy was much higher than had been anticipated.


Which was when the big main door began to roll open and the monotrain began to come through full of monsters and with them hordes of savage zhouls. The invasion exploded along the subway tunnel towards Megaton Subway Station until Marshal James Ironsides, son of Marshal Ironsides, pushed a plunger down and with a mighty roar of three cleverly embedded explosives the whole subway tunnel collapsed, burying the train and the monsters.




Even with their leader missing, the Security Mercenaries were helping to defend the approaches to the bridge based settlement of Arefu. They were in power armour now, were firing weapons from fortified positions down across sloping areas and in ruins turned into fortified positions. With them were militia volunteers and some UDC Guardsmen, the former being in a wide variety of body-armour, the latter using power armour of varied kinds. Coming at them in squad formations, moving in a way as to keep each moving unit under covering fire, were Dazi fanatics and AntiUnity Destructors. Both wore a wide variety of armour and used a wide variety of weapons. Some had been UDC or Order of Steel members or even Security Mercenaries but they had become transformed by the AntiUnity.


Unity, AntiUnity, was covering a large area around Paradise Falls with heavy fighting and much death and destruction.


Five warmachines drifted towards Arefu, old style battletanks improved quickly and as much as possible. They came on big fanjets, like those on a MrGutsy or an eyebot, but much more powerful. The hovertanks' big recoil suppressed cannons unleashed shell after shell not just at the defences but at Arefu itself. A large building, the Arefu School, exploded dramatically and so it was damned lucky that the people were down sheltering inside the mighty bridge itself.


A smart-missile zipped through the air and the leading hovertank exploded dramatically, whirling back and to one side, tilting with the blast and flames. Despite being in special power armour, the crew perished as the hovertank's ammo detonated. A second hovertank unleashed anti-missile missiles and the missile aimed at it was destroyed in mid-air with a mighty flash.


Which was when the Brothers of Steel arrived in a convoy of warmachines of their own including massive mechawalkers stomping along with powerful arrays of weaponry, hovertanks with varied types of lethal weapons and big tracked warmachine rumbling along. Leading the attack was a Liberty Prime robot that towered over Arefu even as it began to cross it as carefully as such a massive robot could. The great big highway bridge shook a little but it held sturdy even as the Liberty Prime loudly declared war on evil Communists and fired very powerful pulselaser cannons at the enemy. The enemy hovertanks exploded rapidly one by one and then the Liberty Prime was charging straight into the enemy ranks, burning, blasting and stomping as it unleashed volleys of smart-rockets.




Their leader gone, the Hunter Mercenaries set out on their next mission to infiltrate and explore what remained of LifeVault-0092. Data previously gathered indicated that the vault was some kind of experiment disguised as both a normal LifeVault and a special musical academy, an archive of musical treasures. The first platoon approached the main entrance in hope that perhaps somebody had survived. In stealth power armour they found the main vault door to be open. As the platoon moved along a roughly built tunnel towards the open door, they passed the skeletal remains of long dead Vault Dwellers.


As they reached the airlock style entrance chamber with another big door beyond it, also open, sensitive instrumentation began to pick up something odd. There was music of sorts playing through out the vault but at a curious pitch that would not be heard at a normal hearing range. The first platoon moved through into a large chamber and there they paused as they were joined by the second platoon. while the third platoon set up a reserve position there, along with some other specialists, the first two platoons moved in different directions deeper into the vault levels. Soon they were passing scenes of death and destruction, of chaos and decay. There were more skeletal remains and signs that people had been fighting each other.


Then the things came out of seemingly nowhere. Fast shambling zombies with gaping mouths exposing rows of fangs and tiny creatures, undeathobs, skittering along the ground. Both foreward platoons were attacked almost at the same time and the cloacking fields of their stealth power armour did not seem to conceal them at all. The platoons fell back but even as they did the soldiers lay down covering fire for each other. They blasted away with tricarbines and other weapons. Rocket-grenades exploded as did grenade-shells. Pulsebeams flashed and bullets zinged and zipped.


The Hunter Mercenaries were forced back towards the main entrance.




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George Lincoln, the Follower Guardian of Abraham Washington, was now Georgina and she was now growing deeply aware of the growing disturbance of darkness inside her. Not only that, as she staid in Hasli-0987's apartment she was was becoming aware of the vanishing of the others of the Guardian Thirteen or at least of most of them. Certainly the Prime Guardian and three Master Guardians were gone somewhere and for the first time she could not even sense her own Master Guardian. She stood looking out through a polarised armaglass window at the urban landscape of the City of Women as the others rested or stood ready for trouble. As for Hasli-0987, she was soaking in a bubble bath and was singing loudly with a fair amount of gusto but a noticeable lack of talent.


The headache was bad but the psychological disturbance was worse. His people pretended not to be doing so but they were watching him warily now. Hasli-0987 had ordered a delivery of pizza, garlic bread and various soda-drinks but even that had not distracted the lesser ranking Seekers of Truth. His nightmares had grown worse, it seemed, or was he just more aware of them? He dreamed of himself, a monstrous version of himself, going on amazingly violent rampages as he unleashed great destructive energies and horrific monsters onto the DC Wastelands and beyond.


He knew then that he had to leave, to vanish, as other Follower Guardians had done lest they hurt their own people and others they had vowed to protect. He spoke to his people in that room. "I will be going away now. I can no longer afford to wait for PJPa111 to come to the apartment. He is taking too much time. We have been betrayed. A dark power is emerging inside me and if it takes me over, then I will truly become a monster."


Hasli-0987 was wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe and fluffy pink slippers when she walked up behind him. "PJPa111 is not a 'he'!" Then she thrust her fingers into the back of his head, the fingers becoming strangely phantom like. "I am here to help you. The PJP-Androids were designed to act against the real danger that threatened but only at the right time. It took a great deal of time and effort to set this meeting up but even here and now I had to act at the exact right moment, which hopefully I have done."


The other Seekers of Truth all collapsed into semiconsciousness but none were hurt by this. PJPa111 slipped her hand out of George Lincoln's head and then, with surprising ease, picked him up and took him into her bedroom. Even as she did so the doublebed split and changed into a sophisticated hitech medical device with some added exotic hardware. The very advanced android lay the Follower Guardian on the special contraption and was soon trying to save him from death or even a fate worse than death.



Edited by Maharg67
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