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War of Realities (Redone and Improved)


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The strange young man smoothly took over Project Secretly Nameless Project with out anybody really questioning the process. He changed some priorities, shifted around some subprojects and did some other small changes but mostly he did nothing. A few had come to question the validity of the project and its objectives of learning more about Doomsday and what lay behind it but many people were still loyal. Surprisingly the most loyal were a whole lot of brainbots who hummed along on their electric driven tracks.


It helped that the now Orbisorb protected Smithsonian University had been given many new resources, had been giving much cleaning up and repair work along with new equipment and supplies. The strange energy wave had doubled its size, population and other capacities. The PSNP itself was suddenly much bigger with its great AI-supercomputer network-system. Perhaps it was the energy wave that gave the great running program its final boost. Anyway the first great conclusion was reached.


GreyMaharg, the strange young student, went himself to study the first great conclusion. He carefully read the data on the 3Dscreen and then reread it. Then he sighed very heavily and with a sparkling shimmer he made a curious metallic red key appear, inserted it into what looked like a hole with a screw in it and twisted. The secret deletion program was followed by a special sweep of energy that wiped out the whole project database as no mere computer program could ever hope to do.


Then, with a sparkling shimmer, he vanished. Seconds later so did all the companions that come to the university with him.


Project Secretly Nameless Project was no more. People were upset, especially some brainbots, but then another truth was revealed. From the start of Project Secretly Nameless Project, regular print-outs had spouted from three different sections of the amazingly complicated set-up. They were briefings, compilations in micro-symbols, even smaller compactions of data on special paper and various reports. There had been some discussion on halting this activity but nothing had come of it. The strange young man of a student had never learned of these. So at once the work began of gathering up all of this data and analysing it. It would take time but nowhere as long as starting the project again would.



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Beautiful green grass that somehow reflected the light in a disturbingly sharp, hard manner. Rabbits hopping in the distance that looked horribly diseased and bloody. Trees that were almost majestic and also beautiful but which managed somehow, subtly, to be horribly menacing. Calamity Jane kept to the jerky winding road that seemed designed to greatly frustrate and agrivate anybody using it, perhaps to tempt them to walk across the grass to take a short cut. She was not that tempted, not in the slightest.


Serenity City had changed in appearance to become like jagged, broken towers like blood stained ivory teeth. Black things flew around it and in the distance at the base of the towers were zombies, the citizens, shambling endlessly in pointless patterns going nowhere in particular. She wondered at herself as she got even closer and as she did Calamity Jane first began to realise just what the city was and how it had come to be.


She came to understand far more than she wanted to.


When the Orbistransorbis was first created it was done so in a great artificial world with one great artificial city. The names of the world and the city reflected one of the illusionary desires behind the Orbistransorbis Project; they were Serenity World and Serenity City. For reasons unknown to most of the false living-god/goddesses, that were lost in history, both the world and the city were abandoned very soon after the Orbistransorbis was completed with one final explosive-implosive transformation of energies. Now she knew why; the whole world and all of its life had been turned by that process into a world of the undeath.


Then OrbisMind spoke to her. "Yes, this was one of the worlds that Orbis destroyed when Orbis got away from GreyMaharg except that in truth, subconsciously, GreyMaharg freed Orbis and asked Orbis to destroy Serenity World and fifteen other worlds that had been transformed to undeathliness by the creation of the Orbistransorbis. Orbis made a mistake with this world and destroyed it too quickly. Only later did Orbis, OrbisMind, OrbisHub, realise that important secrets had been lost with the destruction of Serenity City. Now it seems we have been given a chance to change that. OrbisMind talks to you now because the Young Thirteen are fully linked as one in the special chamber in Megaton Subway Station and are now linked with me, OrbisMind."


So, how would she get past all those zombies?


Which was when the trees began uprooting themselves and began to lurch towards her. As they did one plucked up a sickly rabbit with a tentacle like branch and popped it into a bloody knothole like mouth. The rabbit made a strange screaming noise that was abruptly cut off. The other rabbits tried in terror to flee but could only do feebly.


Calamity Jane drew out her sixguns with amazing speed, aimed and fired at the trees. The first two of them, including the one that had devoured the rabbit, exploded into flames and burned almost instantly away into smouldering ash, unleashing great clouds of black sooty smoke as they did so. The other trees withdrew back to their old positions and became still once more. They might have been undead but they weren't stupid.


She came upon a rabbit dying endlessly on the road and touched it. There was a goldenwhite glow and she picked up the now healthy living rabbit and made it vanish to a special storage space. Which was when the other rabbits began to hop feebly towards her and she began to both transform them and send them to safety. Information flowed to her that informed her that there were other living entities on this world kept alive to feed the undeath there and a few were human but some were of strange nature. More surprising was the knowledge that some of the living were fighting back from their own life protecting sanctuary.



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Much confused and under attack from dark forces, Marshal Ironsides had fled from his people but had made sure they would follow instructions, preplans, and return to being Marines. Once they were surviving US Marines, before he met them, and now they would become USD Marines. Even as the Ironsides Mercenaries they had followed many US Marine ways of doing things. Now he was in his hoverchair whisking over the broken lands in the far south of the Patriot DC. He zigzagged because of the strange creatures after him, winged monstrocities with angular metallic boned bodies. These were a type of undeathly servants of the Lords and Ladies of Undeath and were called deathviles.


In the Weirding Zone they were passing through the Fog and the Mist were moving in erract ground hugging clouds that sometimes clashed in strange fashion with much flashing of energies, strange screaming and chanting sounds. Broken glass like buildings jutted high into the sky and through them one saw not the landscape behind them but other weird places of many varied natures. Giant house flies hummed through the sky and yet they veered sharply away from the deathviles. The Marshal had left his people to make sure they would not have to deal with the Lords and Ladies of Undeath or their evil creatures but right now, having lost his vertibird to deathvile claws, he was having doubts about his hasty choices.


The deathviles were closing in, were stretching out their wings, were screaming out in triumph.


They both exploded even as a newly painted pair of UDS Marine Corps vertijets came screaming through the sky. One waggled its wings in greeting and then they began to slow, to curve around and to come down for a vertical landing. Armed with a device given to them by GreyMaharg, they had tracked their beloved Marshal but not jet them, a fairly large taskforce supported by SEARF, JAGAF and other forces. But his own people had the honour of catching up to him.


Soon after they were taking a semiconscious Marshal Ironsides and his hoverchair back to where GreyMaharg was waiting for them. From there Marshal Ironsides would go to the OrbisSanctum deep inside of Orbis.



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The DarkZiazin swept forward with his laser-sword, the beam scorching through the air, but the GreyZiazin easily avoided it by dropping below the lance of energy. The laser-sword burned a small chunk out of the big, crazy rock cavern they were fighting in.


Around them clones were watching intently and taking bets. Or at least a few were. Others were intently taking naps, intently watching 3DTV, intently gossiping or intently playing card games like Snap.


The GreyZiazin thrust his own laser-sword straight at the DarkZiazin but the DarkZiazin swirled back, to one side, and swung around to strike the GreyZiazin in the side. Again the blow was dodged.


Then the two were facing each other, exhausted, realizing that no matter what one did the other would anticipate it.


The GreyZiazin grinned. "How about a brutal game of SNAP?"


The DarkZiazin nodded. "Well we have tried sixguns, chess, poker, swords, charades and a dancing competition so why not?"


The clones, or at least a few of them, cheered wildly in eagerness to see what was going to happen next. One clone let out a brief snoring noise, scratched his belly and rolled over in his sleep. Another clone told yet another clone a bit of rude, juicy gossip about himself.



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Away Captain Ryker was painfully aware that he and the rest of the Solsystem Federation people on the island were now isolated from the rest of the federation by war. The Skynet had fallen out of orbit or was destroyed up there but there were zetans and other threats still up there. The Venus Confederation was having its own troubles and was no longer a practical part of the war, having withdrawn back to defend its hostile homeworld and artificial moons. SEARF was up there with three battlestars helping to defend Luna. The Earth Low Orbit was empty now except for a few left-over working satellites, orbital-platforms and small, abandoned spacestations along with lots of junk.


Yet he kept going, along with his people, fighting the undeath until it was gone. UDC Guardsmen came to assist him and also various specialists from the Orders of the Way and the Orders of Steel. When the last of the undeath was gone, they went into the huge chamber that the zombies had first come out of and found an array of incredible alien-human hybrid technologies. The machines were bizarre with big metallic blocks, great softly glowing biocrystals, sphaghetti tangles of glistening organic cables and much else. In the very centre of the chamber was a smooth, silvery orb that floated in air and which was mildly disturbing to look upon.


They were at a big raised platform and console overlooking the main chamber level and the orb.


Ryker and Dana Troya were the ones to find the data that indicated this had been an attempt to create a very small copy of something called the Orbis. They and some specialists read brief notes about the Orbistransorbis, the Orbis, the Orbistrans and even the first attempts to make Orbisorbs. There were loose references to the history of the false living-god/goddesses, to the dragons that had first done their bidding in helping to conquer many worlds and in the exile of the false living-god/goddesses to their own Orbiscape and greater home dimensions.


Dana shook her head. "Not enough meat to these reports, just rough outlines to a vast period of history but both the original Orbistransorbis and Orbis are here on this world."


Science Officer Spok, with his gentically engineered pointed ears and green tinted skin designed to make life on Mars easier, was brilliant and had the computer mentality of one of his rare kind, the Vulcors named after Professor Hanna Vulcor who designed their gen-engineering template. "When this local Orbis was created, a terrible thing happened and all the people trapped in this and other chambers became zombies. This copy of Orbis is unstable, is not completed."


"Quite correct!" GreyMaharg stepped out of the Highwayman, the car being now impossibly parked behind the three and just fitting on the platform. The young man, as he appeared to be, pushed back the brim of his cowboy hat and studied the orb with a light frown. "Everything piece of the puzzle is falling into place but the picture that is forming is not a pretty one, far from it. Professor Jack Patriot Jackson created this false minature Orbis as part of the plan to break the Thirteen Seals of Eternity Confinement that imprisons the Lords and Ladies of Undeath along with the Fog of Undeath. Itself was placed in a great transdimensional prison labyrinth but this had become fractured. The labyrinth held lesser but still dangerous lifeforms and other entities. Now I will transform this false minature Orb into something useful, stable and safe."


He lifted his hand up and stretched it outwards. Energies sprang out and struck the silvery globe. The orb sparkled and shimmered, flickered and seemed almost to dance. Then it was no longer disturbing to look upon.


GreyMaharg smiled at the three still surprised humans. "Now it is a Orbship and you can crew it, learn to use it to some extent and use it to help the Solsystem Federation against its enemies. There are other secrets inside this island but they are too dangerous for you. I will deal with them."


Dana gave GreyMaharg a look of concern. "Can I assist you?"


GreyMaharg looked surprised and then pleased. "You just have but other than that, no, my sweet Dana. Go into the Orbship and speak there with OrbisMind. She will assist you and will, in truth, operate the Orbship. Do you like the Highwayman? She is a beauty, isn't she? She is an extension of Orbis herself."


Dana smiled. "She is very beautiful and she loves you."


GreyMaharg nodded proudly. "And I her."


Ryker smiled. "Love that car!"


Spok simply nodded. "Fascinating!"


Soon GreyMaharg was gone, along with the Highwayman, and the others were gone in the Orbship but only as far as the surface of the island.



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About a war of Alternate Realities and the different laws of nature that exist in them. Thus there is the life and death cycles of one set of realities versus the undeath and unlife of another set of realities. The two realities should never directly meet and by meeting they clash, hence the 'war'.


I hope that this answers your question, Keanumoreira. If it does not, then please say so and I will try again.

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About a war of Alternate Realities and the different laws of nature that exist in them. Thus there is the life and death cycles of one set of realities versus the undeath and unlife of another set of realities. The two realities should never directly meet and by meeting they clash, hence the 'war'.


I hope that this answers your question, Keanumoreira. If it does not, then please say so and I will try again.


Somewhat, yes. I think I'm getting a picture of it...

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Knight Captain Gallows came to be grateful that wombles had come to be with the group for they cleared away some obstacles, avoided natural dangers and even one not so natural booby-trap which they detriggered. They passed into a part of the Murder Pass and walked amongst dead supermutants. One side seemed to be rougher in appearance than the other and to have less variations of types. These were apparently based in LifeVault-0087 proper. They were massemoths, far fewer behemoths and some zentaurs. On the other side were these along with mutantors, biggemoths and other creatures, the mutantors wearing power armour. The fighting seemed to have been savage but inconclusive, with out either side gaining any real victory of any kind.


It was there that the massemoth showed up with a flag of truce from Field Marshal RageDo stating that the commander had made a truce with the various other peoples in the LifeVault and that this included Fawkes and Uncle Leo. Gallows took a risk. Anyway the wombles seemed relaxed enough to beg snacks from the mildly annoyed supermutant. They headed quickly as possible now to a hidden door and through a well guarded way that ended in a heavy armoured vault door protected by two weapon turrets.


There were strange supermutants there in the vault beyond but also humans, androids and animanoids. Supermutant with secondary sexual features? The sight of them was a shock to Gallows as was the apparent higher intelligence of them and their generally agreeable nature. Chimpnoids and gorillanoids were in fairly high numbers and were considered equals by the others. One could quite easily sense that the Unity was now strong in the great vault. Then they were down in the great big strange chamber along with the baby like duper-mutants and sensible-mutants.


Uncle Leo, the wise and friendly behemoth, looked at Knight Captain Gallows and nodded his great head. "You have experienced many strange and often terrible wonders. You are a Lesser Guardian linked to the Guardian Thirteen who are now vanishing from the DC as they must but they are destined to return stronger than ever. The undeath is outside of this vault and the Mutantlord has departed along with his army. There are also strange others out there that are horrors who wish to ally with us against the Lords and Ladies of Undeath. What truth lies in the link between them and the false living-god/goddesses such as GreyMaharg who tries so hard to help the living and others of his kind who do not care?"


Gallows sighed. "Your knowledge is obviously greater than mine."


The behemoth shook his head. "There is nothing obvious in such matters. There are matters that you know far more about than I do, I sense it to be so. We have found something of importance. Please follow us. Then we can arrange for some coffee, some food and for other of your needs to be met."


They went through a series of hallways and used an armoured elevator to go deeper. Than they came out into a great chamber in which there were many great machines of incredible alien-human hybrid technologies. The machines were great bizarre metallic blocks, great softly glowing biocrystals, sphaghetti tangles of glistening organic cables and much else. In the very centre of the chamber was a smooth, silvery orb that floated in air. It was almost identical to what Ryker, Spok and Troya had found deep in Palmsio Island except that this was not so disturbing to look upon as if it was somehow more stable.


An android copy of President James Patriot Jackson came to meet them. Gallows looked at this amazing figure with astonishment. The android then spoke. "I am PJPa444. I am a highly advanced android who was created by the rebelluous subconscious of President James Patriot Jackson to fight the evil that was controlling him and its plans. I came here some hundred years ago only to find out that I was too late to stop the creation of this sphere. From this sphere come the special cloned children who are drawn from the moment of death during Doomsday itself: that is they are actually lost souls brought forward from the past. Look over there and you will see where they are placed in capsules and then put into that tube there. They then go through the tube until they slide down one of the chutes in the special chamber in Little Lamplight. As you know they grow up until they reach early adulthood and then they make their way to Bigtown where they are harvested to become supermutants or so ran the plan. Most are Fogminds and some are Clearminds, the expsure of failure in the program for they were all meant to be somewhere in between. You can see there two other androids, not as sophisticated as myself, that I have mastered. They carry the babies to the proper area but now I take samples from the little ones before they are sent through."


Gallows nodded. "Most interesting and it explains a good deal but what about the other two chutes in the chute chamber in Little Lamplight?"


PSPa444 looked surprised. "What other chutes? I only assumed that there was one."


Gallows nodded again. "What of the kittens and puppies that come down the same chute as the babies?"


The android was obviously bemused. "No kittens and pups come from here, I assure you. This needs investigating but this chamber itself needs more study. There is much to do."


Fawkes frowned softly as he held a duper-baby to his chest who was looking around while trying to stuff his small fist into his mouth. "I suggest that Gallows, his comrades, and myself go searching for more answers while you, Uncle Leo, and you, PSPa444, continue seeking answers here."


It seemed like a good plan at the time.



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The air swimming turtle landed and the three climbed off to see themselves facing a terrible battle. GreyMaharg and his daughters, ShenaMaharg and SaffronMaharg, were leading the strange and yet very powerful army of before. Other forces had appeared. An eccentric living-god was leading an army of amazingly fantastic robots created from machinery, from robots, he had found in the DC Wastelands. His name was ShabMando, a misfit amongst the false living-gods. All of the warriors there and many of their steeds were misfits.


Down from the skies high overhead came great blasts of dragon energies in elemental forms of laser, lightening, flames, disintegration and phase disruption.


The vastly sized and powerful undead tentacles lashed out again and again, hurling great horrific energies of antilife and undeath. The warriors were often hurled back only to climb back up and come back fighting. Or at least most of the time they did. Now and then one became too weakened and vanished with a shimmer. The great big turtles seemed to be staying back from the battle, were not fighting in any obvious manner but somehow Tabatha, Sandra and Sajocombo sensed this was far from the case; the turtles were far from what they seemed and with out them the battle would have long ago been lost.


Then a second GreyMaharg was standing there with them, a paunchy young university student type. He burped and patted his belly. Then he grinned at the three. "Got the satchel with its nasty little nuke, then. The fools in the Union Citiadel are not just Anitunity, some are Dazi and some are followers of the Great Undeath. We knew that they would out clever themselves and put the very special kind of nuke in the satchel. Stanz actually served us; that is why she told you about the nuke or at least she hinted at it strongly. UDC forces are attacking the Union Citadel now and the fighting is quite savage. Stanz died when the Dazi realised that she had betrayed them."


Sajocombo spoke. "What will you use the very special nuke for?"


GreyMaharg snorted. "For now, nothing. Maybe we never will. Please give me the satchel."


But when Sajocombo went to pass it over, the satchel turned out just to have a solid rectangular box in it. The great good turtles had taken it away.


GreyMaharg shrugged. "Well, that is that then. I must leave. Do you like my fabulous vehicle? Isn't she fantastic? I suggest you climb in and take a lift away from here. This place is simply too dangerous for three mortals."


The three turned and admired what looked like a blue wooden police telephone box of early Twentieth Century England. They all went in and with an odd thrumming noise and a shimmering, the TARDIS vanished.



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