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Fallout3 crashing on selecting a new game


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4 re-installs, edited the INI files, running no mods, no FOSE, No NMM no FOMM, launching vanilla resulting in constant crashing after selecting new game.


Processor I7

Graphics Intel HD 4000 (512mb)

Ram 8gb

154 GB free HD space

Windows 7 64 bit.

Meets the requirements.


Game location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty

INI location : C:\Users\Hatman\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 There is no REGULAR NO CAPITOL Fallout3.ini at this location. I dont know if this is relavent or not.


BOSS and LOOT show no errors.


I'm using no mods.


I was using NMM.




about 3 days ago I had FO3 running just fine with NMM with Project Beauty. Now nothing.


If more info is needed for a proper disagnosis i will be happy to give it. I feel like I tried everything and I'm getting no where.

Edited by Thephedora
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So then why does it runs FONV Skyrim Oblivion Supreme commander dishonored and other varying games with gusto?


Not to mention that i did get FO3 to run earlier with the same graphics chipset.


It's the same as a 512 videocard. I'm not going to be running crysis on high but I can run games.


And if it's this specific chipset there's a workaround that can trick the game into thinking you're useing a different videocard.

Edited by Thephedora
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  On 7/25/2014 at 3:35 AM, Thephedora said:

So then why does it runs FONV Skyrim Oblivion Supreme commander dishonored and other varying games with gusto?


Not to mention that i did get FO3 to run earlier with the same graphics chipset.


It's the same as a 512 videocard. I'm not going to be running crysis on high but I can run games.


And if it's this specific chipset there's a workaround that can trick the game into thinking you're useing a different videocard.

your issue is with GFWL, the xlive dll was Enabled some how and is now active ,the only difference between all those other games IS Microsoft's achievements / Anti cheat, DRM control functions. it's an old story.


run the GFWL disabler and Fomm to replace the xlive dll with a fake one and the game will now run.


as far as what took place on your system that is different, that's was nmm's install of .NET, that is the only change Noted to date that drastic alters any control over any game data directly on any system, the exception is GFWL is not taken into consideration because Live is dead URL so no need to program for it.


This also has direct control over the desktop display 3D rendering, it will instantly kill the games Engine. That's what it does.

the location you have it installed indicates it is a distribution from steam, this may be so, but the game is still Microsoft DRM game XNA design, GFWL is still in it.


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UPDATE: It runs Vanilla from NMM and from steam. FOSE isn't working but I'm sure it's cause of duplicate entries in the folders which I plan to fix shortly.


I have gotten through the whole of Vault 101 and no crashes while playing with just the DLC on through NMM.


I had went to my recycleing bin and restored all files before the new game CTD started and that seemed to solve it. so I'm not quite 100% sure what exactly did what. Thank you to Purr4me for your help and insight on how to get rid of the GFWL. Good on ya.

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Your welcome, Just so there is no mistakes, this chip set (Graphics Intel HD 4000 (512mb)) is in fact not compatible with fallout's game codes, mainly it was the Drivers the hardware uses, there is a workaround for some applications that was uploaded by yet another person long ago for (Graphics Intel HD 4000 (512mb)) problems.


What made this solution different was you had already been running the game. So I had to research a lot of threads to find what "Might be" the problem.

Mods I support, here ...in my signature...there is a link (Intel HD graphics Bypass package by Bren712), what is does is fix codec mismatch with the display drivers. Direct x issues from 9c verses newer operating systems, hardware, and software. I can say count your self lucky, that was not required.



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Sorry, but your integrated graphics chip (Intel HD 4000) does not have the ability to run this game properly.

Is correct. in every way.......but I am Unrelenting when it comes to bugs. I love graphics, I love to see really cool clean shots of experiences from others as well as post my things I come up with.


Not mod-related, but sharing is caring. "Duplicates?", you mean to say your system has two of things in the folders?

side -by-side?


location and system permissions is every thing.


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