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Level-Up Freezes


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The Problem: After leveling up to 22 and choosing a perk and pressing "a" to "continue", the game freezes and I have to restart.


This is the first problem I've had in a year and not sure what to do. It's most likely to the mods I've gotten recently. Anybody have any ideas on what to do?


Mods that are currently active:


- Fallout 3 Ram Boost

- EVE: Energy Visuals Enhanced

- Fellout

- Mart's Mutant Mod

- Fallout 3 Reanimated

- Classic Advance Power Armor

- Sunglasses Collection

- Classic Fallout Weapons BETA

- Powered Night Vision Goggles


I also have the latest patch and all DLC but Zeta (If anyone asks).


Load Order:


- Fallout3.esm

- PointLookout.esm

- Anchorage.esm

- ThePitt.esm

- BrokenSteel.esm

- Streetlights.esm

- sunglassescollection.esp

- BlackWolf BackPack - Blank's Container Patch

- Mart's Mustant Mod.esm

- Fellout-Full.esp

- NightvisionGoggles(Powered).esp

- Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp

- Fellout-PointLookout.esp

- Fellout-pipboylight.esp

- BlackWolf BackPack.esp

- BlackWolf BackPack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

- EVE.esp

- EVE OperationAnchorage.esp

- Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp

- Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

- Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

- Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

- Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

- Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders

- StreetLights - Wasteland.esp

- megalight.esp


- ClassicEnclaveAPA-english.esp

- Classic EnclaveAPA-Replacement-english.esp

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But also, I uninstalled EVERY mod I had. This could be a problem from the game alone. Would reinstalling work?

It's also possible that your problem is savegame related, meaning that reinstalling and using the same save will probably not fix it as the mods data is written into the savegame. Have you tried leveling up on a different savegame?

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But also, I uninstalled EVERY mod I had. This could be a problem from the game alone. Would reinstalling work?

It's also possible that your problem is savegame related, meaning that reinstalling and using the same save will probably not fix it as the mods data is written into the savegame. Have you tried leveling up on a different savegame?


Yes you're right. The problem is save game related. I used a different file to check.


After getting that new FO3 RAM Boost mod, it disabled LIVE, which I used to get achievements and separate accounts. Meaning I couldn't log into my account. So I copied my quicksave data into the main save file directory. Anything wrong I did like using quicksave data instead of a real save file?

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