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GECK not responding...


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Following the tutorial on the GECK homepage, I double click Fallout3.esp and it starts to load, the stops at 20% and then the GECK stops responding.

Occasionally, it does get past this point. When it does, I click save and create vault 74.es, like the tutorial says, I exit, load up fallout and my .esp isnt there. So I load up the geck again to find that it loaded up the default geck umm... thing, and not my vault 74.esp.

I have the game pached to 1.7 and the Geck patched to 1.5.

I dont have a clue whats going on, so any help would be appreciated.


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Okay, so I think I may have a fix for this... It would appear my .esp is'nt in the data folder... this may be due to the fact that vista is, well, crap. Im going to try moving my fallout 3 directory from program files to the games folder and see if that works.


Edit - Okay, so that didnt work, now the launcher cant even find the fallout3.esp

Im gonna reinstall it in its new directory and see if that works.


Edit 2 - Success :biggrin:

I guess i just had it in the wrong directory where vista was concerned. still havnt fixed it crashing when I load up the fallout 3.esp

One step at a time I guess ;)


Edit 3 - Although the Geck stops resopnding, it normally pulls through, although no 'active file' is set, and I have to load up the fallout 3.esp and the vault74.esp again.

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If you have Vista or Windows7, AND you installed your game in the default directory, then you will never see the mod in the data folder.


The GECK is NOT part of the game so the OS sees it as a virus or trojan program trying to change FO3 game files. This is not allowed by the OS.



Solution? Pick one of these:


1. Install your game to your Root C: drive. Like C:\Games\Fallout3\

2. Remove the security from your OS so it can join the XP computer ranks and become a Zombie computer.

3. In your \Fallout3\Data\ folder, look at the top right. There should be a button called 'Compatibility Files'. Click that to find your mod. You can then copy it from there to your Data folder.

4. Run the GECK in Administrator mode. Right-click on the icon and select, Run as Administrator.





Now, if you want to install the Fallout3 game somewhere else per #1 above without loosing your current mods you have installed, you can do this:


1. Move your existing \Program Files\Fallout3\ to your C root drive in a new folder that you need to create called C:\Games\ It should look like this after the move: C:\Games\Fallout3\

2. Rename the folder you just moved in step 1 to C:\Games\Fallout003\

3. Uninstall the game. Check the option to keep your save game files. This will clear the registry and not remove any game folders because you moved them somewhere else.

3. Re-install the game to C:\Games\Fallout3\

4. After the reinstall is done, DELETE the just installed folder at C:\Games\Fallout3\

5. Rename the folder from step 2 above to C:\Games\Fallout3\


If done right, this will change the Registry to the new game folders location, plus keep everything you currently have in the protected folder location.


WARNING: If you are not computer saavy, then find someone who is to do the above for you. Or ask more questions.

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I figured the 'program files' directory wouldnt show my mdded files on another game a while ago. mustve slipped my mind when I installed fallout.

Heh, i just copied and pasted the Fo3 folder to games last time, thattl be why the startup couldnt find the fallout3.esp.

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