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Whats your happy place?


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Hello there, again, I'm just asking to those who are reading what your happy place is. You know the place you imagine or actually go to for that matter, that calms you down when your T.V. refuses to work, a golf ball flies through your window, or when that annoying dog poops on your lawn at exactly 10:30 A.M in the morning, just to name a few of the many things that can or will set us off. To get things going I'll reveal mine. My happy place is a place where I can imagine the horrific beating and total failure of those who oppose me. Other times its a place where I'm the center of my own universe, where nothing can harm me, and everything traverses through me and out at my every whim, because I'm the king. And other times its a place where I daydream about living in New York in a very Fancy apartment, with my future loyal Yorkie professionly licking his pawn while he curls up for a nap next to the fire place, just below a grand window with an incredible view of downtown New York, with the kitchen of a womens dream just across the room where a guy like me can eat a many diverse type of food.
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To the east, to Morrowind... well, not exactly. I have a friend that has a small restaurant with a nice plasma. I mostly go there on weekends, drink a couple of beers with my friends, watch footbal, then drink some more beers. We can stay there as long as we want, we just lock the door after 1:00 AM so that other customers won't come in, unless it's someone we know. The good thing is, I can go and have a drink there any time, without having to pay for it right then and my friend who owns the place is a cook, he worked in Italy for 7 years so we cooks some nice meals, that go along just fine with the beer. Also, we sometimes play pocker and ocasionaly invite some girls to, but only when we don't drink to much. :smile:
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Cats... Lots of Cats. Siamese in Particular. All whining in the most chaotic discontentful manner possible.


And sleep, lots of sleep. Hmm.. Good Idea, I think I will...

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Mountains. Mountains with forest growth. DK is small, flat and noisy, no matter where you are, you can hear a car in the distance, so I just love the Central or Southern Europe with its huge areas with mountains. (I envi you @MHM, should you read this)
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the only place where i can disconnect my mind of problems in the corner of the house where my PC is and all my guitars are. That's it. Sadly.

I do have a favourite bar to hang out but it's too near the school and every one seem to want to talk about it anyway...

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