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What name did you chose for your character?


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First of all sorry for my bad English. :teehee: Anyway I was just wondering what names people chose for their characters. Did you named your character after yourselves or favorite celebrity, movie/game/book character, tried to create original name or just looked for cool sounding name in various websites?

Also I've found this cool site where you can create an Elven name. So if someone wants to check it out here's the link.


Also sorry if topic like this already exists. There's 261 (If I remember correctly) pages of topics and I'm too lazy at the moment to look for it. :sweat:

I to be honest used only four names for my female characters: Lilith, Hecate, Nightshade and Silence and two for male characters Shadow and Lucifer. :happy: now when I found this site the name of my character is Lanae (La means Night, Nae and also ae means Whisper.) :biggrin:

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Yeah, I have a few names I use over and over again as well, though none of them have any particular meaning. For the rare female characters I make, I usually either go with Emma or Emmy. For male characters I usually go with Eshenaleros (or sometimes just Eshen), Alvrick, Rast, or Cade. This is a convention I have for every character I make in essentially everything, but about 70% of the characters that I make have one of these names. All of them are ones I came up with on my own, as I don't like using names from other sources
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I create all of my names.

I have always since the dawn of dark elves, named my males "Rhel".

My dark seducer character's name comes form studying various names and words I've seen from them, and tried to make it in the same pattern. "Vylke"

"Grekke" is name I love for Orc females. I always use it as well.

Often I will name characters some variation of my own name, which is "Yamille". So I have a "Yamyll", "Yamik", etc.

Surnames tend to vary for everyone.

I name my alchemically-inclined-Druid-bosmer "Autumnthorn". I rarely deviate from name-names, though.

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I've never spent alot of time worrying about names in Oblivion, because I never see my name spoken or anything. However, for companions I usually pick simple human sounding names like Sofia, or River.
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I'm very anal about my names. I have a list of names I may have encountered in readings or that popped into my head. Surprisingly, I've found many names I like in the Bible. I then alter them in some way to reflect my taste or vision of the character. I try to choose a name that fits her.


My current Oblivion character's name is Gemalia. In Morrowind my character's name was Mattenai, one of my favorites. Both were Redguards with archer and mage skills, along with the warrior skills. I like a character that can do everything well, lol


In the past I've had Keturah, Jezzirah, Tamar, Zipporah- all Diablo & Diablo LOD characters.

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I'm using male characters always and I name it after myself. I realy like my name. :tongue: My name Stefan Djordjevic, and I just change few letters for my char like: Steffan Dordevitj, as it suit to Imperials, at least I hope so... :thumbsup:
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