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Comprehensive Ingredient List


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This list found here is a great, if not fully complete, list of ingredients that contain not only the form id, but also the full four effects each has as well as where it may be found geographically. Normally, I use this but lately it's becoming a pain to search it for good combinations. Is there a comprehensive, filterable list of ingredients out there that I may use instead that contains all of the information found at uesp.net, and if not, may someone familiar with programming make one, please? It would be a LARGE benefit to the entire alchemical community here. Thank you.
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I use This Page when I need to know anything alchemical. The Alchemy Wizard function is way cool, you can select your mastery level, desired effect, and it'll spit out all the ingredients that you're able to use.There's also an ingredient list with more detailed info on each ingredient but you have to click on the particular ingredient to see where it's found.



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I use This Page when I need to know anything alchemical. The Alchemy Wizard function is way cool, you can select your mastery level, desired effect, and it'll spit out all the ingredients that you're able to use.There's also an ingredient list with more detailed info on each ingredient but you have to click on the particular ingredient to see where it's found.




Hey, this is very usefull. Thanks for info razorpony. :thumbsup:

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