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Stupid Savegames


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OMFG My stupid savegames turn themselves into quicksaves for some reason - I mean when you go into the esc menu, and try to save "normally" I get a quicksave o_O HELP T.T - this isn't a mod, I have this problem with vanilla oblivion too
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I'm a little confused matey... how do you mean they "turn themselves into quicksaves"?


Its not actually possible. If you mean they are just numbered, not named, yeah, they are supposed to be like that.

The only way you can save a named game in Oblivion is to use the console and type save_<name> where _ is a space and <name> is your choice of name for the game.


If you mean your ordinary saves are NAMED Quicksave ### where ### is the save number, then that's probably because you or a mod have changed the name or something to do with your save settings in the .ini . Remember, just deactivating your mods doesn't revert your game to vanilla. Any changes at all to your Oblivion directory, even inactive esp/esm's can and will affect your game.


Good Luck getting it sorted.


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no, it's not the name - i know how everything looks and stuff, my normal savegames turn into quicksaves somehow, and overwrite my previous quicksave while no "normal" save has been made - I checked my saves folder, no other saves there than autosave and quicksave

*i know they're supposed to be numbered - I've played oblivion for 2 years*

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no, it's not the name - i know how everything looks and stuff, my normal savegames turn into quicksaves somehow, and overwrite my previous quicksave while no "normal" save has been made - I checked my saves folder, no other saves there than autosave and quicksave

*i know they're supposed to be numbered - I've played oblivion for 2 years*

Please post your mod list and load order


A few mods makes slotted quick/auto saves and so they may be many. Other than that, there is not much that can be done with such (lack of) information.


The only thing I can imagine to be happening is your ini file with the line:




pointing to some other location. Again, the default saves folder is located at the (my) documents\My Games\Oblivion


PS: just i fear changing that line may not solve the issue (if it is the issue) without knowing what is changing it.

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