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Need a Little Modding Help


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Okay, I've tried playing Morrowind (with both Tribunal and Bloodmoon installed) with the mods in the .txt file attached to this post, but I seem to be missing files, which mean either something needs to be installed and/or something was overwritten.


Of the mods I have, which of them can I have on at the same time, which need additional mods in order to work, what order do the mods need to be in, and what other mods could I add to further improve my game experience?




Edited by MoonDew1
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I'd suggest running your modlist through mlox


That will probably highlight a few issues and also set your mods' load order up correctly.


If you're still having problems then post your modlist and the copies of your warnings.txt. In mlox right click in the bottom left list, choose Select All then Ctrl+C to copy it and you can paste it into a post here. That'll show your mods in load order which always helps.


If you can't get that then open up morrowind.ini (in the same location as morrowind.exe) and scroll to the bottom. The Game Files section there lists your mods in alphabetical rather than load order. Just post the mod list not the whole thing!


Second things is to post the contents of your warnings.txt (that'll include messages about missing meshes and other errors when loading or playing the game) which is in the same directory as morrowind.exe and morrowind.ini.

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