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Help choosing a face customization mod


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Texture-wise, or shape-wise?



There is no way to make it easy in-game. Of course, you can use any custom race that uses custom head meshes(Ren's, idkrrr's, Head 06, ...) to make better looking face easier. However, still you need to tweak those sliders.

Alternately, you can use Facegen Modeller to make your face, then transplant it to your save game with tool like Facegen to Oblivion converter.


**If anyone asks 'how to make Facegen sliders moving independantly', I'd say 'you can't', because it's Facegen SDK issue. That's how Facegen works(standalone or SDK), you can't change it via 'ordinary mod'.

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TK's has some great options for features that stand out.



As well as any mod that contains Ren's heads.

This being an example.



Ren's are my favourite, personally. It's very smooth, and easy to work with.


But the real secret to great looking characters, is a lot of time spent tweaking them manually.

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