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Wasteland Nudist Camp Village


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I was running around the Wasteland nude and it occured to me that what was missing was having people react to it, thats what led me to think of the nudist colony mod. People with clothes wouldnt be allowed into the nudist compound, theyd have to shoot their way in. But if youre buck naked theyre friendly and accept you, maybe offering you a shack if you do some sort of quest (like maybe stop the holier than thou crusaders who want to force them to wear clothes ;) ).


LOL. I'd definitely have to visit that. :laugh:


I've mucked about in GECK before, even created a (very) basic NPC using my previous character's face (she pretty much just stood there, I only needed her to pose for screenshots, after all). I could easily strip people naked, but building a town is another matter as I never went through Bethesda's tutorials. Hey, speaking of Beth's tutorials, what if the nudist colony were.. a vault? It'd be wackier for sure if the colony was out in the open (or fenced in ala Big Town or Megaton), but a vault would make a bit more sense.


Another thought: a second "Oasis." Most nudist camps are located in areas of natural beauty after all, and trying to tack on the whole nudist camp thing (complete with the friendly-if-nekkid bit :laugh: ) to the existing Oasis could be pretty awkward if you wanted things to make sense.


But maybe we shouldn't go too crazy lest we scare anyone who might potentially do this. :teehee:

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Evil, you got alot farther with the Geck than I did. I took one look at the first tutorial page and I was already sweating and making faces like McCoy when he operated on Spocks brain.


A vault would work, but I especially like the Oasis idea. Not so much using the existing Oasis and stripping everybody, but making a new settlement thats similar to the Oasis, with a back to nature New Agey type belief system, except these people are REALLY back to nature. Thats why an outside location would be better than a vault I think. I dont see them as being non-violent though. I like the idea of angry naked people with guns ;D

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Even though nudity in the game is not my style, since I really like to use futuristic armour, I think this idea would be a good addition to the game. A real ingame, in character "WTF!" moment for the wasteland. "Hmm, green grass, green trees, and a bunch of fruits and nuts hanging around!"


As for the flamers and complainers... I never really thought about it. I understand the banning and cleaning up of topics. The part I do not understand is, if you do not like it, skip it!! So I say to all the complainers, flamers, and grumpy people: Go find something you do like and enjoy it. Leave the rest of us alone.. and stay away from my Mirelurk cakes.. there will be blood if any are missing.


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I dont get it either. If a TV show offends you, dont watch it, if a mod bothers you, dont download it. Couldnt get any simpler than that.


Today I had a eureka moment. It occurred to me that maybe I could make a half-assed version of what Im thinking of using the RTS mod (allows you to build a village, quite cool actually), but unfortunately, it doesnt seem possible to strip the villagers that turn up.

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Mr. Ezon built a mansion and peopled it with some 80 individuals. They are all dressed in nightwear, but all you need to do is take the clothing away from them through discussion to have them running around as nature intended. You might ask him how he set this up.




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The GECK is a lot easier than you think. I avoided the GECK for about the first month it was out, but then I sat down with if for about 3 hours and found out that it really isn't that hard.


Making a town is a simple as finding a spot in the Wasteland, putting down the houses and items you want around the town, and then building the interior spaces in the same fashion.


Making a character naked is a simple as having a normal NPC and removing everything from their inventory.

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I'm thinkin, maybe the nudists should have footwear at least. IIRC Tailor Maid has some. Perhaps if you're going to take a crack at this yourself, you should ask Verbal Earthworm (sin's go-between) if sin minds if you use some elements from Tailor Maid.


I think the real hard part will be the dialog. That's what Tony's always saying anyway, and after looking at his dialog thread it's not hard to see why. Heck, I'm not even sure what my own character would say on meeting the nudists, much less what the nudists would say back at her. :sweat:

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