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All sites except the forums are down


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I've had a chest infection since Thursday so I've been sleeping longer hours. Down-time started at 2am, which I wasn't going to be up to notice, ended at midday. The people who help with server maintenance updated the firewalls a couple of days back and forgot to add the internal network between the servers to the whitelist. Too ill to have a go at the stupid tits so...yeah..cool..it's back.
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I can log in...

You have to type the right password I think :P



Anyways, thanks for the heads-up on the problem Dark :)


the password is the good one, i registered a second ID with a different mail, it's still the same problem, "No member exists with that member ID. " , i can login to the forum, but i cant use tesnexus/da/f3. You can login, so the reason is not the down time problem :/ , i will make a new thread.

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  • 4 months later...

Fo3 Nexus seems to go down a lot lately, more than she used to anyway.

It's usually sorted within 5 minutes.

But seems to happen just when I click post =P

So I've learned to copy and paste my messages (Long ones anyway) before clicking post because of how many times it's happened.


What's even more strange Tes Nexus and forums are totally uneffected.


paranoid schizophrenia kicking in... The Fallout3Nexus hates me, it wants to get rid of me =[


Only joking. =P...

...You hate me... You want to kill me...


Haha... I can't take anything seriously can I? =P



Your lucky.

Well then again with your bro there...

I guess with everything being fine with you on here that's the lucky part =P

I hope things have died down now



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