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A (hopefully) serious discussion about adult content on the Nexus


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Putting words in my mouth is a argument I could use for the most of the replys made, so I think we should let this out as argument in general. The second thing I need to mention is, nobody ever trys nor will try to get any mod content banned from this site, I would never downrate or report any kind of theese mods, because I'm actually accepting them. But acception doesn't necessarily mean consent. And for the third time I'm forced to say, it was just a notification about some things are just too liberal, not that I want any form of punishment or sanction for the responsible modders, this is actually putting words in my mouth I never said. Don't panic, nobody wants to take your toy away. The whole point of discussions is sharing opinions and not force opinions on one and each other or convincing others to jump ontop of guys who have a different opinion like yours. I use Slofs mods since Morrowind and I really appreciate her work, so there's no reason to feel like your favourit modder has been harassed at all. The reason why I frequently check her work is, because she is an awesome modder. I just sometimes feel like disagreeing with some of the stuff showen.


It's true I shouldn't have pointed out a single person and just claim her mods as 'bone of contention' and I'm very sorry about that. Maybe I just felt a bit tempered in that moment seeing mods that, again, raised the bar a little higher and wondered where it will end. But the initial question persists. Do I really wanna this this kind of stuff on a regular game forum (a forum and database that is used by lots of different ages and lifestyles aka the generality), or do I want to search for this stuff on exclusive sites that that serve certain minoritys?


You guys know there are kids around and you know they circumvent the security. I didn't want to point the finger at Dark0ne and say ' bad guy it's your fault', because it simply isn't. But I can raise arguments about adult people being and acting responsible for their work and so I think they should reconsider and take into account that, like lot of you people said, all people around here have different 'bones of contention'. Some named raping and pedophilia, others crucification, child murder or blood&gore. Offensive, to me, are all of them except the crucification and blood&gore, which I put on the list of inappropiate. Trannys or Gothics or whatever kind of lifestyle people living doing questionable things with there anal region, to me, also is inappropiate.


Let's turn it like this. There's a demand for fetish stuff like Manga and 3D porn on the Internets. Would you guys find it appropiate to post a link over there and tell thoose guys what they going to find here? And if I would do that, how do you think the future on Nexus would look like?


Another question, because you keep on pointing out that my opinion trys to force out modders of this community. How much modders do you think left the community because of all that 'porn stuff'? Did they also felt uncomfortable with it and though it's inappropiate? How much modders left the community because of 'lore unfriendly' mods being throwen out. Are Japanese Manga cuties lore related or related to any medieval theme?


And I still didn't got my question answered. Should I think there is a serious reason for people getting there sexual kicks inside a virtual and fictional sexlife? And if you don't tell me the reason and insist on convincing me from your spiritual maturity, how could I agree with you guys know anything related to sex at all (spoken in real life terms)? Roleplay...I...don't...believe...that... :whistling:

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Another question, because you keep on pointing out that my opinion trys to force out modders of this community. How much modders do you think left the community because of all that 'porn stuff'? Did they also felt uncomfortable with it and though it's inappropiate? How much modders left the community because of 'lore unfriendly' mods being throwen out. Are Japanese Manga cuties lore related or related to any medieval theme?


And I still didn't got my question answered. Should I think there is a serious reason for people getting there sexual kicks inside a virtual and fictional sexlife? And if you don't tell me the reason and insist on convincing me from your spiritual maturity, how could I agree with you guys know anything related to sex at all (spoken in real life terms)? Roleplay...I...don't...believe...that... :whistling:

No offense buddy, but I think more modders left the community because of topics like this *I know you didn't mean it that way and all, it probably came out wrong* most modders don't download what they don't like, and make what they do like.


And the reason people like mods like these is that they can live their fantasy here, without have to force/find a partner. I know my boyfriend wouldn't like to have a ring around his wingwong or something like that, and I wouldn't like to do the stuff distributed here either. I actually think it's good to have this content is some computer game, it might keep people from forcing it uppon others in real. Sure there is a limit, but in my eyes it hasn't been crossed.

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And I still didn't got my question answered. Should I think there is a serious reason for people getting there sexual kicks inside a virtual and fictional sexlife? And if you don't tell me the reason and insist on convincing me from your spiritual maturity, how could I agree with you guys know anything related to sex at all (spoken in real life terms)? Roleplay...I...don't...believe...that... :whistling:

I can't speak as one who uses sex mods (or really any mod as I dont download a lot of mods) but you don't have to think there is a serious reason because your not the one using them. What people do with the mods they download is their own business and I really don't think you have any heresay in the matter of calling it inappropiate.


To your question about: "Do I really wanna this this kind of stuff on a regular game forum (a forum and database that is used by lots of different ages and lifestyles aka the generality), or do I want to search for this stuff on exclusive sites that that serve certain minoritys?" Well first off if you dont want to use (which is what im guessing) any said mods that you deem inappropiate then why ask as if you're being forced to used said mods? If you don't like the way this game forum handles adult content then simply don't even bring it up.

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Another question, because you keep on pointing out that my opinion trys to force out modders of this community. How much modders do you think left the community because of all that 'porn stuff'? Did they also felt uncomfortable with it and though it's inappropiate? How much modders left the community because of 'lore unfriendly' mods being throwen out. Are Japanese Manga cuties lore related or related to any medieval theme?


And I still didn't got my question answered. Should I think there is a serious reason for people getting there sexual kicks inside a virtual and fictional sexlife? And if you don't tell me the reason and insist on convincing me from your spiritual maturity, how could I agree with you guys know anything related to sex at all (spoken in real life terms)? Roleplay...I...don't...believe...that... :whistling:

No offense buddy, but I think more modders left the community because of topics like this *I know you didn't mean it that way and all, it probably came out wrong* most modders don't download what they don't like, and make what they do like.


And the reason people like mods like these is that they can live their fantasy here, without have to force/find a partner. I know my boyfriend wouldn't like to have a ring around his wingwong or something like that, and I wouldn't like to do the stuff distributed here either. I actually think it's good to have this content is some computer game, it might keep people from forcing it uppon others in real. Sure there is a limit, but in my eyes it hasn't been crossed.



Modders left the community becouse of real life problems, most of them anyway. Some left becouse they play other games now. There are some that left becouse of the community, but not becouse of people like Rifler. He is not a troll, nor a ignorant fool as I can tell from his posts. Modders that left, did so becouse of people that used personal attacks as a way to say "thanks" to them. Everyone is free to leave when they feel the need to. We are all equal as far as I am concerned. Just answer his question and stop judging him. He clearly mentioned he means no harm, he said he is sorry for pointing at Slof, but he also justified the reason he did so. :smile:

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I meant no offense either, sorry if it came out wrong. I used this topic as an example because a lot of people obviously misunderstood it.

I didn't think about real life problems. You're probably right at that too :P

Sorry if I offended anyone

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Trannys or Gothics or whatever kind of lifestyle people living doing questionable things with there anal region, to me, also is inappropiate.


Rifler, you're awesome for speaking your mind, even though everyone disagrees with you.


But now, I'm starting to feel threatened by stuff like this. I have a friend who's a tranny. I'll leave it at that. This is the second time you've lumped them in with deviants. There also used to be a very active member of this site who was MTF. She was banned, I won't bring up banned people specifically, but I'll just say this. It's intolerant and ignorant to talk this way. You're not helping your case.

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Except it's only his opinion, and it's not justified. We specifically have a policy here: if you don't like it, don't download it, move along.


No commentary is warranted or necessary. We have a forum for special requests if you would like to request something that suits your own taste.


The most insulting thing is to believe that people are "getting their jollies" off with their characters. I like to play busty broads, myself and I like my men anatomically correct and generously proportioned, but I am also married to the man of my dreams in real life, thank you very much. It's a role playing game.

Edited by myrmaad
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I am going to sum it all up with a simple statement.


Judge not lest ye be judged.


It is a one person game, what I have in mine is there because I like it. There mine is the only opinion that has any relevance.




One parting thought:


Once you ring that bell, you cannot unring it. There is a difference between a discussion and inciting a riot.

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Disclaimer: This post is directed in its entirity at the OP

Why in the name of all that is holy did you start this thread by saying "A (hopefully) serious discussion...." and then turn it into a pointed, targeted and deliberate assualt? Just because you don't use "1337 sp34k" in your post does not make it any less of a flame. A word of advice; next time you attempt to start a serious discussion leave individual mods and authors names out of the posts. You immediately divided the community into those who will back an individuals freedom of expression/those who know that author/their mods and everyone else.

You basically undermined your entire argument (if there ever was one) within the first three lines of your post. Way to go!


Now... that aside...

For the record I am a nigh on 30 year old straight male. Yes, I do use adult mods. Yes, I do use some of the author in questions work. So yes, I'm most definately on her side in this. Which means I'm not on yours, seeing as you're seemingly intent on dividing the lot of us.

If what you saw has rendered you unable to see/think rationally/function at all, take it up with a legal professional. Who will then charge you $200 an hour to tell you to go see a shrink because you turned off the adult filter. Anything you see that you do not agree with is, as a result, your own damn fault and not that of the author nor this site. Thats the equivallent to removing a manhole cover in the street then snapping your leg when you fall down the hole, and complaining to the local authorities. Seriously. And saying that is not a valid defence is just plain dumb. You want someone to hold your hand and tell you what you can and can't do? Sign up for a mental institution. The rest of us value our freedoms.

Yes, kids can lie about their age. And when they get caught they get banned. Courtesy of Dark0ne and the moderators, who do a genuinely fantastic job around here. Much, much better than you will find on any porn site, and most other games sites (Family orientated or not) to boot. The Nexus not only has rules, it enforces them. Unlike almost every other website for game content out there. Which undermines whatever was left of your argument about the adult content of the site bringing the Nexus into disrepute and damaging its reputation. Which as Dark0ne pointed out, is not your concern, but his, in its entirity, as its his site.


Take all of this as you will. I am not staff or a moderator of this site, hell, I'm not even a premium account holder. Nor am I leaping to AS's defence because I count her as a friend. To me she is simply a modder who has released some work that I happen to use. This post represents nothing other than my opinion on your initial post. I'm not posting this because I think you are wrong, though I obviously do. I'm posting it because wherever I go on the internet or in real life I'm seeing more and more people telling folks what they can and can't do, which in my personal opinion, unless what they are doing is causing others harm, is fundamentally wrong.


Freedom of speech and expression are pretty much gone in the "material" world already, thanks mainly to the Political Correctness brigade. I can't even fly my own nations flag outside my window withoutfear of legal retribution as a result. If peeps like you keep up this cr*p it won't last long on the internet, either... and that would be a damn shame.



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I agree, and I can't shake the idea that the arguments of the other posters are in part due to playing devil's advocate.


I suppose it's somewhat personal preference, but I think there is a line that people shouldn't cross when it comes to these things. Nude mods in games have been around since it was possible -Which is a really, really long time- before all of this web 2.0 business, and indeed before the internet even existed, which is why I draw the line somewhere around there. Regarding the mods in question, I don't think the point is to sexualize the game, but to appeal to whatever fetish a person has, which brings me to my point.


A person should keep their fetish, and fetish mods to themselves. Not because I feel it's degrading the site at all, or because it is or is not difficult to ignore, but because it's common decency.


Of course, while this is all very pseudo-intellectual and worthy of meta-debate, there is really no justification for complaining. So long as furries exist in the real world, the obscure mods of a video game most gamers consider to be dated and unworthy of playing are the lesser of public display of fetishes.


Anyway, in most cases being upset because of a principle is childish, this is no exception, and neither are the (overly emotional)posters to have already replied to this topic.


Also I must say there is a great deal of ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL and exaggerated drama in Oblivion modding. I was not aware modding a game could qualify me for "acting" in a soap opera. The more you know.

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