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Riot armor coat


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so i like using Geonoxs armor mods, but i would like to wear the rangers trench coat with it. so as i know you cannot edit another modders armor without their permission. i would like to request to have a coat that is its own separate item that can be worn over Geonox armors.

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YOU can do whatever you want with whatever file you have in YOUR game. The restriction is only for using someone else's work in a mod you upload to the Nexus.


What you suggest, you can do with NifSkope and the proper tutorial. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/242546-how-to-customise-an-outfit-in-nifskope-beginners-tutorial/

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YOU can do whatever you want with whatever file you have in YOUR game. The restriction is only for using someone else's work in a mod you upload to the Nexus.


What you suggest, you can do with NifSkope and the proper tutorial. http://forums.nexusm...nners-tutorial/

i would rather not do it myself though, not because im too lazy, but because i have other projects im working on. i wont actualy be able to play the game till probably September. i was just asking for this now because i thought "you know if i ask now odds are someone will make this, it seems pretty easy."

Edited by qwertyzeldar
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so i like using Geonoxs armor mods, but i would like to wear the rangers trench coat with it. so as i know you cannot edit another modders armor without their permission. i would like to request to have a coat that is its own separate item that can be worn over Geonox armors.


Actually Geonox doesn't require permission just credit. I can whip one up for you. Standard ranger duster or one of the riot gear dusters?

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