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Tamriel Mod


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Graphics comparable or surpassing DOOM3?  Get real.  I can't run that.  Most of you can't either.

I can :P

Maybe I'm more addicted than most, but Morrowind alone has been enough to prompt me to upgrade my 'puter's hardware-profile.


Am I the only one that dreams of 80+ FPS in Balmora at max res? Oooohhh... Be still my beating heart...

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ROFL what is Tamriel! sorry but that just sounded really funny. its the entire kingdom which all the different provinces lie within. morrowind is one of the eastern provinces of tamriel.
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Let me get this straight... a modder wants to build ALL of Tamriel... thats 50x's bigger then ALL of the exterior cells in morrowind... MEMOD so far has taken over a year i think and its only 5x's bigger... Good luck to them...

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not a modder but a team of modders. <_<


and as far as I know it, memod is bigger than tamriel.


38 000 external cells announced.

not 5x morrowind but around 20x. (if I remember well morrowind is around 1800 external cells)


with a good team organization and a good planning it's possible in a few years to map such a great number of cells.

especially if you use a landscape generator program ;)


the total conversion I lead (sylgwael) will be large of 186x186 cells (around 35000)


with a good team, a lot of works, a lot of dedication, and a good organization it's absolutely not impossible

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to lethmoraa

Thanks you


to Switch


why be such a prat?

i mean just because i am not a slave to the series and know everything about it

right done to which way the wind is blowing doesn't seem funny

i am not like alot here in my early-mid 20s

but am only 14 meaning i was not old enougth to play TES when i was younger!!!!



but either way what is TES V? and expansion to MW? or a new Elder scrolls?

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