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3rd person - 1st person Aim disparity?


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I've made a short video highlighting something that has plagued me for ages. I like to play the game in first and third person respectivly, but it appears that when in third person, my the crosshair is pointing to a different place than in first person. No big deal you say? Well, most of the time the bullets/laserbeams will not land where my cross hair is pointing (they might still be directed to the ACTUAL center of the screen, i.e. from 1st person). When I switch back to first person, this issue is non existent. Whatever I point to, is hit (depending on weapon accuracy of course).


Is this a known issue? I'd be grateful for any help on how to fix this.


I've tried a couple of camera mods, but the "centrage" has no effect on this either.


Attached is my mod-list. In case the issue lays there, however, I have had this problem for years with varying loadouts.



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I've noticed a difference too, both FNV and FO3 seem to do it. In third person if I go close to a NPC and point the gun at them so the crosshair is on their head the bullet will miss.

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