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College of Winterhold will recognize you as a member of House Telvanni


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Because the "glorious" House Telvanni (to lore), was destoryed by a comet hit morrowind, then what survived was destoryed when argonian invaded morrowind.....what survived that can not be reconized "internationally" by the college, according to lore it would have to be with in Vvardenfell where they have holdings.

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Don't listen to lore warriors. It's a fine idea. There are any number of pathways that highly educated, curious, and intrepid investigators of the arcane like those at the College might learn about House Telvanni. Just because none is spelled out explicitly in the existing dialogue doesn't mean that it doesn't, can't, or shouldn't exist.


I really wish people would stop commenting on request threads just to poo-poo somebody else's ideas because they do not match your personal interpretation of what should be lore. Nobody cares. If you don't like an idea for a mod, just walk on by.

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Well, the only way you can be Telvanni is by completing Neloth's quest and since he likes to be isolated, I doubt most people if any knows that you've been made Telvanni.


Even if you tell the college, they won't be that impressed since you become a member not because of high magic proficiency or anything.

And Telvanni isn't really glorious in that period, even Neloth himself said it doesn't mean much until he returns to Vvardenfell.

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