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Razor Venom Professional Gaming Enhancement Solution


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lol nice...


That's about how I felt after drinking a few bottles of Bawlz...that stuff is nuts.


Side effects hidden, do to its nature :ninja: .




Side effects may include, drowsiness, fomenting, skin reactions like rashes, nose bleeding, death, zombieism.



Oh found one more.


read the spoiler

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Warning from the IV package

*illegible* *illegible* Causes Massive Histeria, Claw Fist Syndrome, Anal Leakage.

Then there's the whole "Radioactive" symbol thing, naming the fluid "Green Bloodcells" and being marketed by a company who's key customer base seems to be power gamers.


The page also seems to have been posted on March 31st, so it's an April Fools day thing that you noticed too late.


That said, more than 72 hours without sleep can actually kill you, and no amount of stimulants or supplements can change that. At about 50 or so, most people will actually lapse into brief moments of blacking out unless the are being kept awake due to adrenaline or other more potent chemicals. Even still, after about 52 hours, you tend to lose most of your fine motor control and short term memory, chemicals or no.

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Is this real?


The name contains both razer and venom. Neither of these things should be in my bloodstream.


Edit: After reading farther into the article, it's quite obvious it isn't real.


If it is real, it's a good way to kill yourself. You can get away with 24, and college students get away with up to 36 all the time, but that's not healthy for you.

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