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'Begin Menumode' run more often?


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I've come up with a useful workaround for the maximum char limits in Result Scripts, involving passing the calculations over to a 'Begin Menumode' within a quest script. The problem is, that sometimes you have to wait up to 5 seconds or so, whilst it gets around to your particular menuode.


So I need to know if it is possible it run my script more often, or maybe a way to position duplicate scripts, so that they are running halfway through the loop of other menumodes, rather than right after the original?


Thanks, Murky.

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Declare the magic fQuestDelayTime variable, like this:


Float fQuestDelayTime
Short DoOnce

Begin GameMode

If DoOnce == 0
  Set fQuestDelayTime to 0.5
  Set DoOnce to 1



By setting fQuestDelayTime to 0.5, your quest script will run two times a second.

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Hot damn Argomirr! That was EXACTLY what I needed. Theres barely any delay at all with my mod now, Thanks!

That's good but you should reset that variable afterward, it's bad idea to let quests running twice a second all the time

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