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Join Empire or Stormcloaks? My Thoughts


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The Dragon part. I dont mean it's sloppy on your part, I mean its sloppy on the part of the people of Tamriel. We''ve seen that period. We know there were Dragons there


How the people of Tamriel forgot Tiber used a Dragon to burn the Crown fleet and almost end the Hammerfell Rebellion is beyond me...

Edited by Lachdonin
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I really need to play that one, not sure how canon it is, though as far as Beth goes, they change it a lot (Relying on shifting sands is difficult. :( ). I do remember buying the box of it. I need to give it a try.

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It was really the beginning of the 'Modern' era of TES. most of the major historical, magical and political concepts were established, along with the writing if the Pocket Guide to the Empire which has served as the basis for TES since. There's nothing that really refutes any of it, but some of the artistic styles are... Not what you'd expect.
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(for the record, it actually seems like Tiber Septim couldn't shout either, despite being Dragonborn, implying that he never killed a Dragon in his lifetime). It's not something you can just pick up on your own, it's something that needs to be taught, so its not going to be something the Nords will have at their disposal.





I'll interject in here. Dragon's didn't exist in Tiber Septim's time. The rest of them were all killed in the Akaviri invasion against Reman and Co (Battle of Pale Pass). Also I remember reading somewhere that something happened to Tiber's voice that rendered him unable of speech, or at the very least anywhere near a Thu'um. I really need to find that lore book... though, but I remember reading that.


Ya it does need to be taught, though and it can be pretty hard unless you are Dragonborn. Or meditate like Jurgen. Thu'um was never a mainstay of the Nords, though, they are a very special force, only to supplement, not as something that...should be counted on. Also I don't remember any other country expand into an empire like Skyrim-Cyrodill. Only notable exception were the Akaviri, and Aylieds, and to a much lesser extent the Altmer. Oh, and I suppose the Dwemer too, in a way. But both Aylied and Dwemer are extinct.



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I disagree with the embedded philosophy of the Way of the Voice. Go to High Hrothgar and attack the Graybeards. Then sheathe your weapon. They don't relent. You die. They still kill you. They are a bunch of hypocrites anyway. Whatever doesn't impact their little cult is fine. Alduin returns and it's "Maybe the world is supposed to end" But threaten Parthurnaxx and see what happens. Why not..... "Maybe all the dragons are supposed to die"?

Edited by pgir001
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I disagree with the embedded philosophy of the Way of the Voice. Go to High Hrothgar and attack the Graybeards. Then sheathe your weapon. They don't relent. You die. They still kill you. They are a bunch of hypocrites anyway. Whatever doesn't impact their little cult is fine. Alduin returns and it's "Maybe the world is supposed to end" But threaten Parthurnaxx and see what happens. Why not..... "Maybe all the dragons are supposed to die"?


Nothing about the Way of the Voice says you can't defend yourself. It says that the Voice should only be used for the glory of the Gods, not the glory of Man.


Which brings us back to Ulfric's motivations.




I fight for the men i've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil! I fight for their wives and children, whose names i heard whispered in their last breath. I fight for we few who did come home, only to find out country full of strangers wearing familiar faces. I fight for my people impoverished to pay the debts of an Empire too weak to rule them, yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves! I fight so that all the fighting i've already done hasn't been for nothing!


The rank hypocrisy of that statement should be clear, first off... But notice something missing? There is no mention, anywhere, of Talos. Nothing about religious persecution or even the Dominion Justicars. His goals have nothing to do with the divine, they have to do with the mortal, the mundane.

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I said that Nurgen shouted pacifism into them. It's not a matter of convincing others of the virtue of his philosophy, he literally shoved it into their minds with the power of his Thu'um.

??? I think it highly unlikely that the current Greybeards (Angeir & Co) and Jurgen Windcaller were alive at the same time, which is what would be required for Jurgen to "shove it into their minds with the power of his Thu'um". And knowledge literally handed down by word (Shout) of mouth can easily be distorted over numerous generations. [A copy of a copy of a copy..... of a copy kind of distortion.] Just look at Islam as a Real World example: Was it originally meant to be a religion of peace as the majority of Muslims contend? Or was it always a religion that promoted violence as the fundamentalist Islamic terrorists seem to believe? Time + LOTS of people = distortion.

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