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Join Empire or Stormcloaks? My Thoughts


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True, but i'm talking about Talos himself, not the social perception of him. I mean, lets face it, people think Akatosh is a benevolent protector of the world, not a schitzo dragon-god who can't decide if he wants to obliterate it or keep it going.


Talos himself is kind of a dick.

Edited by Lachdonin
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My thing is, when you get attached to different yarls, and different holds in Skyrim you start to see the ulterior motives of everyone. From the Greymane's,Black Briar's and the Silver Blood's.

But with all these ulterior motives, I always wonder'd why there wasn't an option to unite all these causes together? I mean as far as the grey manes are concerened, It would be hard to say "hey we just let them kidnap your son but we're cool though right?" but they're should be options for someone like Jon(Don't remember that battleborn's name) to speak with the (the female greymane that he might have a crush on) and try to work something out.

I dunno it just seems with the different clans and different ideal's that dragon's don't mean much to them but in a sense what can they really do? I just think they take the dragon threat for granted but if dragon's were really not attacking cities like they were in vanilla, then maybe dragon's were never an actual threat.

I'm neutral. I honestly just wanted to stop the war by saying HEY THEY'RES DRAGON'S HERE. Everyone's there at the greybeard meeting and for the most part, they know their history. Once they fight together and realize hey maybe there's no reason for us to really fight maybe they can have peace with their races.

Though, thats fairy tale and not real life I guess.

To me, both sides are equally evil/selfish. And Skyrim at the end of the day will fall because its people as a whole are not united.

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True, but i'm talking about Talos himself, not the social perception of him. I mean, lets face it, people think Akatosh is a benevolent protector of the world, not a schitzo dragon-god who can't decide if he wants to obliterate it or keep it going.


Talos himself is kind of a dick.

True, but that's the scholarly perception. Unfortunately, scholars, in an army, are most likely hired on as strategists, only a small portion of the greater forces. The common people are the ones who make up the soldiers. So far, neither side has started mandatory drafting or impressing any troops, so it really is the people's choice, with their level of perception.

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Well good thing is that there's no "Good" or "Evil" side when it comes to Civil War. They are both kinda natural in that regard, and if you speak to lot of NPCs, you'll notice that some of them support the Stormcloaks rebellion but do not support or like Ulfric and think he's just power-hungry. Same goes for the Empire, some NPCs are don't like politics, but they support the idea because it benefits the Empire overall.

as for my character, I usually based it on what race I chose. If it's Nord, then of course I'll join the Rebelion. If I am Orc, Imperial or High Elf, I'll support the Empire. As for Dark Elf, I'll usually stay neutral (not taking any sides) and so on. Good thing is, you really don't have to do Civil War quest if you don't want to and just stay neutral. In my current (Nord) game, I am currently at level 60 and I have not yet taken any sides. I would love Hjerim tho, but oh well... :D Speakin' of that, I visited Greybeards roughly around 10-15 levels ago. Yes, lazy me.

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Empire:Ulfric is just a not-very-well intentioned extremist when it comes down to it. Even in-game, if Ulfric 'wins', hardly anyone likes the result. Everyone gripes about what jerks the stormcloaks are. And most of the Jarls that follow him are world-class jerks themselves(ie Skald), or weak,(Laila-Law giver), who has little actual control over Riften, Maven B. Briar has more influence than she does as a private citizen, and MBB is kind of tool herself, or Korir, who spends most of his time being bitter about having what is arguably, the poorest of the holds in Skyrim. Even in his own 'capital' he has managed alienate not only some of the local Nords, but pretty much all the non-human inhabitants as well. In short, he only seems to have strong appeal among the more extremist Nord-firster types. Even the folks in game that say they are not always thrilled with the empire have no reason to support Ulfric and his little rebellion, which makes one ask, if that is the way the 'neutral' folks feel about him, why would the player support him?...


If you like the Idea of the underdog,(and jerkoffs) beating the 'man', then I guess you side with Ulfric. Otherwise, there is little compelling reason to see him 'win'.

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Most of Ulfric and the Stormcloaks' bigotry is informed attribute, though. The segregation in Windhelm could be presented as something as bad as real-life segregationism is, but the game treats it in a rather perfunctory way. For the life of me I never understood why the Argonian dock worker acts somewhat resentful at the segregation, but is perfectly happy with Ulfric's pro-Imperial replacement, who is just as much a segregationist as Ulfric, but is presented as an egalitarian (which is quite disturbing a moral, when you think about it. Probably it's just laziness on part of the Bethesda writers).

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who is just as much a segregationist as Ulfric


Brunwulf isn't a segregationist. Not by a longshot. He just realises his city is full of bigoted Nords like Rolff and Angrenor who would probably treat the Argonians even worse than the Dunmer. Brunwulf also probably doesn't particularly want to rock the boat until he's addressed bigotry against the Dunmer.

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He thinks that the segregation should still be enforced, ergo he is one. If Brunwulf can't be blamed for continuing the segregation, then Ulfric shouldn't be blamed much for starting it and then continuing it (if you'd ask Ulfric, I'm sure that he'd also mention the for-their-own-good rationale, only more bluntly, and add a "I've got a war going on right now" bit of reasoning to boot). Maybe "reluctant segregationist" describes it best. Add the whole perfunctory treatment of the thingy, and they don't look that different in this aspect, although the writers likely intended otherwise.


I also always wondered why Angrenor acts like a bigot in that first Windhelm scene, and after that demonstrates no bigotry at all. There aren't many bigoted NPC's in Windhelm, overall. (I even made a mod adding more to "fix" this grevious lack of bigotry, with it these constantly complaining Dunmer feel a little less entitled).

Edited by LoneWolfEburg
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